July 2014 rainbows :)

Not long now munchkin xxxx i know all will be well, dont forget to post :)
Neesaw - wow fantastic news!! So exciting. I have the same problem I can't uplaods as picture too big. I end up transferring to PC.

Munckin - Hope it is all going well, looking forward to seeing all the pics.

Hi everyone. Haven't read back yet as we are down visiting Mum and Dads for Christmas so just a quick peek on. I had my scan yesterday too, all was well bubs measuring on track and nice heartbeat. So relieved as I was really stressing especially when she had to do another internal scan to get a decent picture. Little bubs was not keeping still and we even got a few arm bud waves.
Hey all! Baba was looking great, measuring 2 days ahead again and kicking it's legs about! Will upload a pic soon x

Baby measuring 9+6 heartbeat about 150. She let me hear the heartbeat and watch it on a waveform. Really exciting!!
Aww how sweet cant wait to see my lo moving around and def cant wait for that first kick!! So happy for you glad all is lookin good
My scan went great! :happydance:

She did an abdominal scan and we could barely see anything. She said I had a tilted uterus and that's probably why I couldn't hear anything on the Doppler.

She offered me an internal scan so I had that done. We could see little bean clearly with that. (I'm going to start referring to bean as a he as I just have a feeling it's a boy and I hate saying 'it')

He was upside down lol and also in a little ball, all comfy. So she couldn't get a proper measurement. She said he measured about 9 weeks 1 day but that I am probably more (I'm supposed to be 9 weeks 4 days). But he wasn't stretched out proper so she couldn't get a better measurement. But she said he looks exactly how a 9-10 week baby should.

We saw his little heart beating away.

And he even moved! He looked like he was getting comfy and wiggling his bum :haha: and then he waved!

It was a lovely moment as the scan last week was very brief and we barely got to see bean.

They gave us a little gift bag at the end with about 10 scan pictures, the notes of the scan and some little baby socks!

Loved it and I'll definitely be getting another private scan there at some point.

Of course I'll still worry, but this has eased my mind greatly :thumbup:


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Sorry the pic quality isn't great on my iPad lol

Mum said it looks like he's sucking his thumb! :haha:

If you can make it out, heads on the right hand side, upside down.

Here's a pic of the socks too.


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Wow that sounds like a wonderful experience so glad your scan went well also :)
<3 what loverly scans! So reassuring! Ive been lucky to have had my 12 week scan last week and now a mw appointment monday..then i have a four week wait til i hear a hb again...i might ask if i could squeeze a mw appointment halfway though.

My 12 week scan said my placenta is probably going to be in front so i wont feel movements as much :( i had this with my son and it sucked...i mean what better reassurance than a good kick in the rins/groin?
Great scans ladies! Happy for you munchkin! Hope you can all breathe a bit easier now!

Afm - 12 week scan on Monday. After a period of no spotting at all I had a tiny pin prick of red last night after a bm, which I think angered me more than anything. Nothing since then, not even stained cm. Could find heartbeat still, so that's good. I still feel though like I'm on a knife edge. I get about a weeks break and then it starts up again. So tired of worry x
Great scans from everyone looks like! And even a set of twins...Woohoo!

I'm happy, frustrated, and sick...Blah...Happy because bubs was fine on thursday and even moved around enough for us to see a wave. Also because family is coming and I'll get ALOT of visiting done over the next week with the holidays and everything keeping the work load to a minimum. Frustrated because it's just 3 days before Christmas and I STILL don't have ANY decorations up yet! Not even a tree! But the house is a disaster and I refuse to get a tree until there's a clean enough corner for one. Trouble is as soon as I start getting enough energy to clean, the kids go and destroy the house right along behind me. Grrr...Now they've dumped out my gift bag collection, a box of dominoes, and are refusing to pick up any of their toys. And sick because I'm sick...My morning sickness is still coming-and-going and it's longer before it comes but when it comes...blarg...I'm puking now. At 10 weeks. I'm puking. It's like seriously? I didn't puke hardly at all up to this point and NOW I start? *Sigh*
Linny sorry about the spotting but it sounds like sadly this is the 'norm' for this bit of your pregnancy. Glad all is going so well anyway x

I've just got my 12 week scan through too for the 6th jan, 2 weeks on Monday I see my little prawn again. :)

One of my NCT friends just had her second baby . She really wasn't happy with the first hospital we both went to so she's opted for a bigger hospital nearby, she says it was brilliant and would really recommend it. But actually I was really happy with the first hospital and I really want a waterbirth. The local hospital has 7 labour rooms and 1 pool , the big one has 17 labour rooms and 1 pool so the odds are far better at my local one! X
Great scan news ladies :) very pleased for you all.

Don't worry Dairy, you could always be me and working on christmas day haha!

Linny - hopefully you don't get more spotting and it's great you heard the heartbeat still.

sedgeez - we call our bubs 'he' too we're both convinced!
We are also thinking boy wonder how many of us will turn out to be right i cant wait to find out!!
Dairy I haven't done the tree yet-we're still decorating the living room! Hoping to do it today at some point!
Sedgeez and munchkin wonderful news from your scans. Love the little socks too what a nice touch. What scanning place was that?
Oops pressed post before I'd finished.

Dairy hope the nausea and v passes soon Im the same still although a week behind you. I am sure by now with last pg it was all starting to calm down. Hope you feel better soon and can manage to get the tree up.

Neesaw Is there still much decorating still to finish before you can get the tree up?

Munchkin are 12 week scan are on the same day. Not long to wait. The smaller hospital sounds like the best chance for a water birth.

Hi loup and wanna. According to the Chinese online test we are having a girl! ! With my pg with b I knew from the start he was a boy this time I'm not sure. Will every one be finding out the gender?
With my mc I thought baby was a girl and chinese test said same and now it's saying boy. we're definitely finding out if we can, I'm no good at waiting.
Might sound a stupid question but does anyone know if it makes a massive difference how many brothers/sisters your OH's have? my husband only has boys his side, one of 5 who have all had boys! Think that might be why I feel so strongly.
On my OH side his dad had 2 boys, his brother has 3 boys and we have 1 boy. From my side though my mum had 2 girls (then a boy) my sister had girl first so I think they all expected me to produce the first girl for OH family!!
Sedgeez and munchkin wonderful news from your scans. Love the little socks too what a nice touch. What scanning place was that?

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