July 2014 rainbows :)

ohhhh I think it's a lovely way to announce as well Celine. I didn't get the chance to d the whole announcement thing everyone knew because I was in hospital sick, so everyone was n board to help with the kids which was nice all the same.

Had a few sore bum muscles last few days and today I have some terrible cramps on and off. No bleeding. And scan showed everything was good two days ago, just panicking I guess. Is it normal having a few cramps or sharp pains at 12 weeks almost 13 weeks (maybe stretching?) :shrug:

I'm 12+3 today and I've noticed a few more crampy, stretchy & sharp pains over the past few days - I've decided that it's just everything moving around and stretching. I remember this last pregnancy too and ended up asking my midwife about it last time as I was worried, she said it was completely normal & told me to expect pains on the side of my stomach next as the stretching moves - and she was right!
I actually paid more attention last night and I have to say I did feel it more in my pubic bone :)
I've been getting pangs like the Braxton Hicks contractions I would get with my kids. It feels like my lower belly is getting super hard and tense but it doesn't hurt. I'm not worried though because I think it's just things stretching and growing.

My DH bought me a dishwasher for Christmas simply because he's seen how frazzled I've been trying to work part-time/nearly full-time AND be a full-time house wife/stay at home mom while having all my spotting issues and pregnancy scares. He figured it would save me some time and effort (and we'd have clean dishes more regularly...:haha:). I could smooch him to pieces right now and I would, if only he'd come home from ice-fishing, get to bed so he can get to work in the morning on time, and then come home in a good mood so he can install my present.
Dairymomma i got a dishwasher on feb and i still get a thrill loading it, dont know how i coped before!
When we bought our new house were in now it came with a dishwasher first house i ecer had with one its amazing how great it is having one dont know if i could ever go back to not having it
I'm glad everyones scans went so well. I can't stop looking at my scan pictures he/she is just perfect. I've had some pain since my scan, quite sharp but guessing it's all normal.
We couldn't wait and announced xmas eve to most and xmas day to remaining family, had few issues with MIL but wouldn't be christmas without any arguments right?!

I can't believe how far we've all come already, hope you all had a great christmas.
Finally I thought I would post my scan pic.
This is babys progress in 20 days between scans


  • bub3.JPG
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The dishwasher isn't installed yet but my mom and bro stopped by yesterday and cleaned my house for me so I don't have any dirty dishes piled up anyway. :haha: DH has to do some re-plumbing before we can install the dishwasher but at least we HAVE one now. We had planned on holding off a few more years yet until our house renovations are done but I'm SO glad he got it now. I can't wait to use it!

And dr's appt went really good today. Dr is encouraged because baby was seen on the ultrasound right away. No hunting needed. He didn't have the hb monitor on the wand so he couldn't give me a number but he said the hb sounds strong, steady, and fast-exactly what we like to hear. I'm not seeing him for 3 weeks but I feel it's for the best. I just can't bear seeing baby before 14 weeks. I think the stress would be too much for me. Bubs was just sitting there but had changed positions. Last week, the head was on my right side, this week baby decided to flip things up and switched sides. Would have been nice to see some wriggling but the hb was good so I'm happy. Can't wait to start feeling movement though...
Ugh...Very mild aching and cramping in my lower back and around my hip bones in the front. I'm thinking growing pains and stretching along with some pretty painful gas but it's nerve-wracking nonetheless. *Sigh* I just want the next 3 weeks to fly by so I can see bubs at 14 weeks and know everything is okay.

It had better be okay at my next appt because I have to bring DS for his first dental appt right after my appt and I don't want to be a basket case in the dentist's office.
Cute scans Loup!

Tell me does anyone else feel like this?

I have just moved to second trimester YAY! but... I have brought baby stuff and I'm too scared to look at it or make myself believe it's for my baby because I am so afraid of losing the baby. I would be even more heartbroken after buying all this stuff to lose it with the constant reminders of baby stuff. Is it just me after a miscarriage that feels this way? I know I should feel better through the first trimester but I keep reading horror stories of how people have lost their babies so much further through.
I haven't bought a thing except some maternity jeans because none of my normal ones do up anymore and it was getting rather annoying. Someone I used to work with is a week ahead of me and rushed out to buy baby things the second she had 12 week scan but I just can't. I know my miscarriage was at 7 weeks but it just makes you realise no matter what the chances are you can always still be in the small chance. It upsets me that I still can't relax and enjoy this pregnancy but I think as time goes on I'll feel better about things, hopefully you do too.
Muma and loup - I know exactly how you feel. Because of spotting this pregnancy, despite great scans, it is difficult to relax. However, I think once we get through these next few weeks and get to the point where we can feel movement it'll all change. Just a few more weeks to go! I think the fact that were now further on also makes it frightening because of much greater bonding, connection and so on. But as every week goes by the chance of an mc drops. X
Am with you. Told my brother yesterday who has twins and he offered me lots of stuff but I wouldn't take it just in case. Maybe after the 12wk I'll begin to feel more secure. I do a bit already having seen them but don't want to jinx it.
I feel the same.
I've bought maternity clothes but I couldn't fit in my other clothes due to serious bloat.

I'm probably going to wait until the gender scan until I actually buy anything properly.

Pregnancy after a loss is much harder than I thought it would be. I'll have a few hours of not feeling so sick and I'll worry myself silly that something's wrong.

I just can't relax. The scans have helped me but after being on forums and support pages, you hear stories of things happening at different times.

I don't think ill ever relax until the baby is here! It's so frustrating! :dohh:
For self preservation now I am avoiding looking at threads outside of this one and those I was in when ttc. Late losses are so traumatic, it's hard to keep it in perspective that they are also rarer the further along you get.
I've noticed this week my hips and pelvic area are in reply achey and sore.

If I lay on my sides my hips get real sore. And they ache all the time.

It hurts when I move my legs most of the time.

Is this normal? It's quite sore and annoying more than anything.
Im with yall on buying baby stuff my mom bought me a few maternity clothes for christmas but i havent even tried them on. Last time i had bought 2 pairs of pants and when i lost the baby i couldnt even look at them made df throw them in trash. We decided to shop after gender scan at 16 weeks.
Aww loup im sorry :( hopefully its just a short time of it and you feel better soon

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