July 2014 rainbows :)

Thanks for the welcome. I sometimes worry if the 2 MCs after my kids was a sign in someway :shrug:

I've booked a 16 week gender scan too. Had my 12 week scan on Monday. I have a son and a daughter and think number 3 is another girl xx
Rainbow-welcome! I'm currently baking #3 too but it's after 4 consecutive losses (8 total). PARL isn't easy but having other ladies who have been there to talk to is def a good thing.

I've been having this mother's intuition thing alot lately too. It's like all of a sudden, I can't get excited about this baby. I felt like this even at my last appt when I saw baby and that hb so I think it's just my heart trying to cope with the enormous amount of strain I'd be under otherwise as I approach my final miscarriage milestone. It's the only way I think I can stay sane. Mostly I try to avoid thinking about being pregnant.

I had 3 little 'rubber band snaps' on the lower right side, right above my pubic bone. I've had gas bubbles before but my PARL self is trying to convince myself that those taps were baby moving, not air. I can't even get excited about movement because I was certain I felt baby before with my 14 week loss so I know now that movement doesn't mean things are okay.
Rainbow-welcome! I'm currently baking #3 too but it's after 4 consecutive losses (8 total). PARL isn't easy but having other ladies who have been there to talk to is def a good thing.

I've been having this mother's intuition thing alot lately too. It's like all of a sudden, I can't get excited about this baby. I felt like this even at my last appt when I saw baby and that hb so I think it's just my heart trying to cope with the enormous amount of strain I'd be under otherwise as I approach my final miscarriage milestone. It's the only way I think I can stay sane. Mostly I try to avoid thinking about being pregnant.

I had 3 little 'rubber band snaps' on the lower right side, right above my pubic bone. I've had gas bubbles before but my PARL self is trying to convince myself that those taps were baby moving, not air. I can't even get excited about movement because I was certain I felt baby before with my 14 week loss so I know now that movement doesn't mean things are okay.

Sorry you've had so many losses and a second tri loss too. I know what you mean about not getting excited. I've sort of detached myself from my pregnancy even though I've had 3 scans (one reassurance, one cos I had a HUGE bleed and most recently my 12 week). I had a MMC after previously seeing baby with heart beat which is of course rare. Ironically that was the only one of my pregnancies I didn't bleed with :shrug: xx
Dairymomma- i guess we just have to have faith that lightening doesn't normally strike twice, that the odds are usually in a babies favour despite what history seems to be pointing towards. Every pregnancy is different. But self protection is natural. Though, I spoke to my old counsellor once early in the pregnancy, it turned out she councils couples going through ART , and she said that protecting yourself emotionally doesn't make any difference to your grief in the end, it's just that you never got the nice part to begin with......I can see what she means, so trying to visualise a nicer future and get excited.
I do nderstand not wanting to be attatched, in fact i saw my ticker today and i gasped, am i really 14 weeks? I still think im 8 weeks.
Im milkng it for what its worth with the mw, usually id have had to wait a month between appointments where they just check the hb, ive asked for one inbetween so will go in a week again to hear hb <3 just to reassure me, then i have an appointment the week after that id like a gender scan, then the week after that another mw appojtment, and if i dont feel the baby (might be anterior placenta) i may ask again for fortnightly appointments.
Hi Rainbow, Welcome! You're due 1 day after me :)

I'm now just over 13 weeks and I feel horrible, still being sick too. I hope it doesn't last all the way through.
If I had it my way I wouldn't buy a single baby item until he/she is here but I know that's a little bit silly so I've agreed to go for it and start looking on Saturday :wacko:

Linny - that's some pretty good advise, why is it we all find it so hard to follow though.
Hi Rainbow, Welcome! You're due 1 day after me :)

I'm now just over 13 weeks and I feel horrible, still being sick too. I hope it doesn't last all the way through.
If I had it my way I wouldn't buy a single baby item until he/she is here but I know that's a little bit silly so I've agreed to go for it and start looking on Saturday :wacko:

Linny - that's some pretty good advise, why is it we all find it so hard to follow though.

Thanks for the welcome.

It's neat we are due around the same day but I'm hoping I don't get to due date though cos if I go over I can't have another vbac. I had DD at 39+1 and DS at 39+4 so hoping for another 39 weeker xx
Welcome Rainbow. And it's no wonder you're protecting yourself. Interesting what you counsellor said Linny. I'm sure it's true!! Also Linny thanks for the bit about your SIL. I can't help thinking i'm getting 'mothers intuition' because i'm being so paranoid but it's probably baloney. I hope.
Celine my scan isn't til 3.10 so i've got way too long to wait. DD isn't in nursery so i'll try and go somewhere nice before so i don't spend the day totally freaking out. So many congrats on 14 weeks. You're definitely second tri now. yay!!

So after feeling disconnected from this baby I decided to go and see the midwife to get the baby's heart beat checked on the Doppler. Thank god everything was okay. But even though I want this baby why do past miscarriages always make you think the worst even past the first trimester. I'm grumpy, irritable and just damn frustrated. I can't connect to anyone else's baby and really find it hard when people talk about my pregnancy. I look at myself like I'm not even pregnant, I have hardly any bump, sickness has gone except a bit of nausea and tiredness. What is wrong with me?
Nothing is wrong with you im becoming exactly the same as you lately have no.idea what is going on
Sounds like we all feel the same way.

My MS has come back but tiredness has almost gone. I have no bump just look fatter. I was showing at about 9 weeks with DS although he was close to DD xx
I'm trying to think happy thoughts but it's hard. Most days I'm not even feeling pregnant anymore other than being tired and my bbs are slightly more sensitive and sore these days. My belly isn't sprouting, my morning sickness is pretty much gone, what little movement I may or may not be feeling is most likely just gas, and even my round ligament pain is gone. I know logically at this point I should be feeling like this but it's hard not to think the worst when you are not only PARL but the last time you got to this point, the baby died 2 weeks later. But I really am trying to be at least slightly optimistic. Today I am pregnant and there isn't anything truly saying otherwise so I'll go with that.

In other news, attempting to potty train DD and while she's figured out the poo part, she's leaving hidden puddles all over the house. Talk about annoying. Then I was hoping to stay home all this week to keep up on housework and not interrupt DD potty training business but DH sent me to town 3 times including this afternoon! To top things off, the check engine light came on in our main vehicle...Bah... And now I just found out the weather is going to be SUPER DUPER cold this weekend (our HIGH on one day will be NEGATIVE TWENTY-NINE. No that is not a typo.). One word. BRRRRR
Wow dairy mama that is cold!! Hope dd starts peeing in potty very soon for you and stay warm!!
DD is being as stubborn as her daddy. (Of course it's from his side. MY side of the family isn't stubborn at all....:haha:) She's going poo on the potty with regularity that slightly backed up me is envying. However she's not getting the weeing part so I'm cleaning up puddles all.day.long. Honestly, she starts peeing and just sits there watching it dribbling out! Then gets all proud because she peed. *sigh* Although I suppose piddle puddles are easier (and frankly more sanitary) to clean up than poo piles...

On a slightly funny note though, she's telling me so sweetly and cutely whenever she poos, "Mommy, I poop-ahhed!" :haha:
I've just had my combined screening test results back and it's 1 in 789 chance of down syndrome. The letter says its below the level at which they would recommend further testing but to me it doesn't seem that low, am I just being silly?
One of my friends had a 1 in 15,000 chance which is all that's making me slightly concerned. I'm not even 25 yet so just a little surprised I guess.
Dairymama that is pretty cute lol i know cleaning the pee up isnt fun but i agree think its better than the poo im sure she will get it soon

Loup im sure no matter what the numbers would be we would be nervous im sure your baby will be perfect and healthy if they say its a normal im sure there right
Loup - hm, I didnt get a number, just 'low risk'. It sounds like pretty good odds though? age is just one factor I think, did you get combined bloods and NT scan?
Im sure it's fine loup. We've all got a 'chance' and I think that sounds low, although I think with my dd it was 1 in 10,000. If you're still concerned, try and have a chat with your gp xx

I've got my 12 wk scan tomorrow and I was really freaking out but tried my Doppler again this morning and heard a lovely strong heartbeat, easy to find too. I think lo knew I needed it today! Still worried but feeling much calmer! Xx

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