July 2014 rainbows :)

Sedgeez-Sounds like growing pains and round ligament stretching. I'm having it nightly now and while it's a tad freaky (because to me cramping=miscarriage), it is totally normal. I've been taking warm showers and sometimes sleeping with a pillow between my knees helps too.

As for jinxing it, I'm there with you. I used to frequent the Miscarriage Support forum but it got too scary to be there so I just kept updating the girls on the recurrent miscarriage thread. I ventured back a few times on some of the other threads but it scared me so much, I'm back to staying away. I've been buying a few things but mostly, I just try to forget I'm pregnant for the moment. I am one of the unlucky ones who has had a later loss so I'm not breathing easy until I hit viability. I'm hopeful and happy that everything is going well but you can't shake that last bit of fear off.
I'll try that with the pillow.

It isn't so bad right now, but it's so annoying and sore when it's there!

How are we dong ladies?
Munchkn excited for your scan, its on Monday right?
Not much going on here thankfully. Ive been tird, nauseas, vomiting spells...its the last week of christmas vacation for my son and hubby and ill be happy to see my daughter start kindergarden two mornings a week next week too!
I'm not so bad. MS isn't super bad anymore but I've had to cut out almost all sweets. I can handle hot cocoa but not much else. Makes it terrible when my cravings have been for malted milk balls and butterfingers. I'm mostly just tired and getting ALOT of round ligament pain in the evenings. Like constant pain and cramping. Also alot of sciatic nerve pain in my lower back but that's usually only if I'm on my feet alot. DH surprised me this morning and my work schedule has dropped back to less than part-time from the nearly full-time hours I was working. It's nice. We'll see what happens in the next few weeks as my m-i-l hurt her leg and things might change yet again once she's back at work too but I'm content right now. Too bad my good mood about work was demolished by stress when I realized that we are missing two packets of papers we absolutely need for tax season. And we can't just look these things up online like a bank statement or credit card bill. I'm so frustrated right now because I've torn the house apart looking for them and cannot find anything. Bah...
Dairymomma i hate losing stuff like that! My dh gets so cross and flips out..we have to find some papers today too..urgh...
I booked my 20 week scan Feb 10th, i am tempted to have a gender scan so when i announce on feb 4th i know the gender.
Also ive lost our third set of house keys this pregnancy...
Happy new ladies..... Hope 2014 is filled with love, laughter, joy and happiness (and a big bundle of cute-ness, smelly-ness and crying-ness!)xxxx
Hi ladies. Sorry firstly for being a bit absent recently and secondly for being a Debbie downer on New Year's Eve!

I've been trying to forget I'm even pregnant the last few days because I'm so terrified of the scan next Monday :( it's not worked and I'm getting more and more worried : ( I think after the scan last Saturday at 9+5 I was so happy and feeling more relaxed and one night I was so excited about the new baby I couldn't sleep!

Then a few days ago I suddenly Realised everything might NOT be ok and now I can't shake it :( by my 12 week scan last time I'd had no spotting or cramps and no indication things weren't ok other than baby measuring small at 8 wks, which my midwife assured me was normal.

We went in there nervous but hoping for the best and all they could see on the us was a big blob and this whole nightmare began :(
I just don't think I'd cope if the same thing happens again, I'm a strong person but the thought of it after this long again and now I've got attached is unbearable.

Sorry to be down but I'm struggling a bit xx
And as that was my first post I've just spotted I'm meant to be a lime! I really want to be excited but I'm so scared it could be a massive lie!! X
Munchkin I'm also worried. I've not got a date for my scan yet but I have to go to the hospital for my booking appt on Sunday. they seem to want to rush me in so I'm hoping I get my scan the end of next week at the latest.

But I'm so scared I'll go and there's something wrong or no hb. I've worried myself silly. I was fine after my private scan, but as times gone on I'm just so worried.

I hope things are fine for you!

And I'm also a lime, 11 weeks today :thumbup:
Munchkin I think thats completely understandable to feel that way but the chance of it all happening again are so small, your scan went fine last week as you said so try your best to enjoy the next few days, you'll look back and wonder why you were so worried :)
and you Sedgeez, I honestly didn't relax or enjoy any of this pregnancy until my 12 week scan and then I almost wished I'd never had the early scans to worry me that the baby was small in the first place.

Quick question...had sex for the first time in maybe 3 weeks today and after I had some really bad shooting pains down below, they hurt even more when I moved so I lay in bed for 10 mins or so and they went away but is this normal? It's put me off doing it again now.
I haven't had sex since I found out I was pregnant lol I've been so worried and I didn't want to start spotting and worry myself. So I'm waiting until the 2nd tri until it happens :haha:

So I haven't got any advice but I'm sure it's normal.
My private scan was 10 days ago and have been v positive up til yesterday and now the doubts and worries are creeping back in. 12 week scan is 14th jan. Next week will be busy at work so hoping that will help.
<3 munchkin (btw im a lemon..and youre a lime hehe) i think what you are feeling is understandable, this is a huge milestone for you, this is your milestone where you had the news od the loss..the big turnaround.
I dont remember how but i busied myseld so much before my scan and the scan was booked at 8:45am so we had to leave the house at 8:15, so i didnt have tme to panick, but i remember my head hitting the pillow the night before and suddenly i couldnt sleep and the thoughts consumed me, it took a long time to fall asleep.

What time is your scan? I have a good feeling in my heart for you, i know you dont want false hope xxxx
Munchkin-I know exactly how you feel. I'm not sure what it'll do to me if I go in for my next appt on the 16th and get bad news. It's going to be a good thing I'll have DS with me because I won't be able to break down until I get home if that's the case. FX we both get good news at our next scans though and all this worry is for nothing.

So I found out I can get copies of nearly everything that's missing after all. It'll be a nightmare for them to get copies of all the receipts so I said just send me the statement. I can work with that for now. Hoping I find the missing papers but at least I'll have a copy of the statement to use and it should be good enough. It's not quite as precise as the actual receipt because we have codes for certain things so we know if it's a household expense or a business expense, but I think I can puzzle most of it out (or at least fudge it well enough to get by. :haha:). So breathing a big sigh of relief over that.
Oh and for New Year's Plans? We're going to eat supper at home with the kids, put our kids to bed early (esp since DD has snot coming out of her nose like a leaky spigot, gooped up eyes, a slight cough, and is complaining her ears hurt), and climb into bed early ourselves. New Year's Eve is just another day for us.

Oh and that climbing into bed early won't mean hanky-panky either. I've got a monster of a migraine from dealing with DD and her stuffed up sinuses (thanks to 2 year molars coming in and a very dry house) all day. I'm ready to crash right now.
I am so frustrated! I went to a friends house today with my family for lunch. She has a newborn and I didn't want to hold it. (not like me at all) I kept avoiding it and almost felt bored. :cry: my husband said I was very quiet and stand offish as he was holding the baby. I said I knew and didn't know why and went and sat in the lounge. On the way home he asked me what was wrong... I said if I knew the answer I wouldn't be feeling like this. I can't get excited about this baby. I think I'm afraid of getting attached to it incase it gets taken away from me, I have had a scan and know everything is okay but the last two days I have felt 'empty'. How do I overcome this?
I wish we could all get together for tea and chats and hugs, it seems like we're all having these feelings of things being wrong striking at the moment. I was chatting to my sister in law over Christmas as she had a rainbow baby, she said she'd be continually struck with 'mothers intuition' that it had all gone wrong . But each time, it hadn't. I felt really reassured by that, my intuition has been so wrong so often during this pregnancy.

Loup - I haven't had any 'how's yer father' for a week but am also getting lightening strikes up the vagina ... I've had it mildly for weeks on and off, I think it's quite normal x
Hi everyone

New here and due on 10 July with my third child after 2 consecutive MCs xx
Hi Rainbow and welcome, this too is my third after two consecutive losses xx
Sometmes i feel selfish, to be so greedy and maybe this is a mistake, but then i look at my dd and cannot wait for her to be a big sister <3
Im also wondering when to tell the kids...this is the first time my son at least will understand whats going on, we have said nothing to him.
We will do a gender scan in about two weeks so thinking of bringing him along...i do feel i need to tell my kids before i tell my parent or facebook.

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