July 2014 rainbows :)

Celine - I really liked it (https://www.amazon.com/Ina-Mays-Guide-Childbirth-Gaskin/dp/0553381156)...it's quite hippyish but it was also really positive.

After a chat with DF later this morning he thinks hospital but primarily because he's not sure i'll be ok without lots of reassurance and help on hand....he has a point. Still like the idea of home though. Nice bump by the way! x
Great bump pic :)

As for birth plan dont really have one probaly just normal hospital birth im to much of a whimp fpr home birth pr anything but power to yall who do decide to do that bet it will be a amazing experience
I want a water birth at the hospital. I don't think I could do a home birth! I'd be so worried.
I think I want just a standard hospital birth, I think I would panic with a home birth seeing as I have no real idea of what to expect and whats normal.

Linny - I've had a look about online and seems you're right, just blood pressure, weighing and maybe hear heartbeat but I'm not too worried if he misses that because we both get to hear whenever we want at home :)
Great bump celine, I'm jealous!! I sorted all my maternity clothes today, probably a bit premature but who cares!?! I'm starting to get excited about the pregnancy and I think I've got a teeny bit more energy! Told ohs parents last night. They were really happy but cautious and ohs sister had 7 miscarriages before her son so they talked about how stressful the pregnancy was for her. Not that positive!

Re midwife appointment I had one at 16 weeks last time and she listened to the heartbeat, checked pee and blood pressure. This time I'm seeing the consultant at 16 weeks instead because of my 3rd degree year and dd's low birth weight :(

Re birth plans. I'm so happy to be talking about this! I wanted to have a birth in my midwife unit last time but I was too overdue and had to go to hospital. I was glad in the end as the birth was quite bad and I nearly ended up with an emergency csection so if definitely have been blue lighted from the midwife centre. I had gas and air and pethadine and an epidural afterwards to sew everything up. It's enough to put me off an epidural next time ! This time the midwife unit isn't an option but the hospital now has a birthing pool! I'm praying for that and gas and air, pethadine if necessary. Although I'm sure the consultant will try and change my plans! Also I'm Worried the pool won't be free when I want it . Or I'll be induced because baby's too small again or I'm too overdue. But ideally it'll be a waterbirth! X
Munchkin what was ur dds birth weight? Ds was quite small but came bang on due date (i dont know the uk equivilant but he was 2,8kg which i think is 6lbs?) and dd arrived the day before edd weighing half a kilo more at 3,43kg!

Im scared of the birth but knowing i pushed out dd with no drugs, ds i had pethadine as they gave me stuff to get contractions going bcos my waters broke with meconium in them.
With dd i was shocked when the mw arrived at mine and started checking me and i remember thinking wtf is she doing in there cos her hand kept going going...she looked at me and said i was 8cm and could deliver in an hour if she broke my waters, i panicked and said i wanted to go to the hospital for drugs but of course by the time i got there it was far too late.
So i know my body can do it, but i think the security of having the baby in a hospital environment is a good idea.
Wow! It must have been a shock her being born so quickly! I was soo ready for dd when she was born and I'd been having contractions for about 28 hours on and off! She was 6lb 9 but because she was 14 days overdue she was only on the 2nd centile which is sga (small for gestational age) I've only just found out and I'm sure the next one will be fine but they expected dd to be a lot bigger and my last scan was 20 weeks. She was fine but I know the risks of smaller babies in the womb so I'll be kicking off until they let me have some later growth scans in case it was a problem with the placenta or something and it happens again. X
Wow munchkin! 28 hours of contractions? I have been so lucky really, with ds waters broke at 23:45 day before edd, he was born 6:50am! Dd ibfelt the contractions but wasnt sure...took paracetomol at 9pm and went to bed...an hour later i knew it was labour mw arrived 1:30am hispital by 2am and born at 4:43 am <3

In fact im rather scared how fast it could go?
Ok so I’m pretty sure I just heard baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler.
I thought I’d have a go, didn’t expect to hear anything because if my tilted uterus. But me and OH both heard it a few times.

We tried to record it but little bean kept moving, so it was difficult. Going off YouTube videos and what it sounds like I’d definitely say it’s baby. I heard my hb and the placenta and stuff and this was way different.
It fluctuated between 135-147.&#8232;The longest I heard it was at 147, the others were there and gone pretty quick.

It was hard to do and I don’t think my uterus has fully tilted forward yet.
I’m going to keep trying when OH comes back to see if we can get it long enough to record it, but I’m so happy just knowing I heard it!
I feel so reassured right now it’s overwhelming. :happydance:
Ok so I’m pretty sure I just heard baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler.
I thought I’d have a go, didn’t expect to hear anything because if my tilted uterus. But me and OH both heard it a few times.

We tried to record it but little bean kept moving, so it was difficult. Going off YouTube videos and what it sounds like I’d definitely say it’s baby. I heard my hb and the placenta and stuff and this was way different.
It fluctuated between 135-147.&#8232;The longest I heard it was at 147, the others were there and gone pretty quick.

It was hard to do and I don’t think my uterus has fully tilted forward yet.
I’m going to keep trying when OH comes back to see if we can get it long enough to record it, but I’m so happy just knowing I heard it!
I feel so reassured right now it’s overwhelming. :happydance:

Brilliant news that's fantastic. How reassuring!
Actusllg it was more like 37 I think . They started 2am and dd was born 3pm 2 days later . Ridiculous!

I've just found out I've got a really life bump Buddy! One of my NCT buddies who also had a little girl is 12 weeks on Friday! She's so lovely I'm dead happy, especcially after I was bump buddies with another ncter last time but it didn't work out :(
Yeay on bump buddies :) did you tell her? Have u told anyone after the scan on monday? Im finding it hard to keep itmunder wraps cos i only have on baggy black shirt
I want a water birth but highly doubt my insurance will cover it n I really don't want to be butt naked its just not comfortable I want to b comfortable .. Either way no c section unless really needed ..
RE: birth plans-I'm all for natural births but I can't bring myself to do a home birth. 2 of my sis-in-laws have had home births and 1 has done birthing center births and they rave about them. But I'm just a little too scared. We live out in the sticks with the nearest hospital 25 miles away and the nearest ambulance would be coming from almost an hour away (if not more). DH is a first responder so he knows first aid but if anything went wrong, it'd be more than he could handle. So I'm planning on going to the hospital but I'm shooting for a birth without drugs. Though that's mostly because I can't stand the thought of them jabbing a needle THAT big into my back...I *hate* needles...Several family members on my side react to narcotic and IV pain meds and it looks like I am one of them so no drugs at all if I can help it. The other big reason I'm going to the hospital is I can't turn down a 3 day hospital stay where I get to watch TV, read, eat, sleep, and get waited on with the only one demanding my attention is baby. :haha: I'm kinda sad that I'm not delivering at my old hospital this time though. They had the BEST brownies...2 1/2 inches thick of ooey gooey chewy dark chocolate brownies with caramel and fudge drizzled on top...Yum...Not sure how this new place's brownies will measure up. :haha:

RE: bump buddies-It always ends up that someone from church ends up due around the same time as me too but so far, I haven't heard any announcements. I know a s-i-l is due end of May and 2 of DH's cousins are expecting but they all live several hours/states away so it's unlikely I can call one of them bump buddy. I have an s-i-l who might be pg but has had signs of m/c too so not sure what's going on there. She's going in for a dr appt soon to see what's up. I'm hoping she's pg because she's be about 4 weeks behind me.
Yes I've told a couple of people already, I went to see my previous 'bump buddy' and her newborn son, she found out a month ago when she was asking how ttc was going so I told her. Then today I was chatting to her and she said 'have you told x yet?' And I said I'd not got round to it and she said 'I think you should' so I sort of guessed and told x later tonight and she told me too, she's got her scan on Friday. I really need to tell me sis now but I was hoping to wait til her dd was out of hospital but too many other people know now :(
Dairy luckily they do water births in hospitals now its a joke here how long abulance take I have a hospital 2 minutes away n it wud take two hours for them to come .. So easier to drive lol as for epidural I'm tellin mysef I really don't want one due to bak complications which my mom was 1 of the ones too suffer so I really am goin to try not have 1 !!
I think they have jacuzzi tubs in the delivery rooms at my new hospital but I'm not sure. I've thought about trying a water birth but I like moving around too much. I used the birthing ball, walking, and DH doing counter pressure on my back with both my kids and that seemed to work okay for the first 18 hours of my labors. But once transition hits, my cramps move from my lower belly and back into the tops/sides of my thighs. Feels like the WORST charlie horse you've ever had multiplied by ten. The thing is, once I get to that point, I progress SO fast, I'm usually pushing within the hour so it's kind of like why get an epidural for that little bit of painful time?
Moltal-I saw a birthing video with a water birth and the woman was wearing a tank top in the tub. Could you possibly wear something (a t-shirt perhaps) on top? Would that be enough covering for you to be comfortable? Personally, I wish my dr would let me wear something other than those awful hospital gowns. I'd feel so much more comfortable in one of my big oversized t-shirts than in a drafy hospital gown that flaps open with every movement.
Labour is such a scary thought! I've never experienced it but I think why I'm so worried is because of my miscarriage. The night we lost our baby I had no pain on going to bed but woke at 2am with awful pains that just got worse and worse I took whatever painkillers I had but threw them straight back up, I tried to call my husband from the other room but literally nothing came out then all I know is I collapsed on the bathroom floor. The next thing I remember is trying to get to the car to go to hospital and I couldn't see or hear anything I had no idea what was going on around me, I just screamed and cried the whole way, I remember thinking if I just threw myself out the car then all the pain would stop (sounds dramatic but I also knew I'd just lost my baby)
As soon as I'd passed my baby the pain just disappeared and I didn't have any cramping whatsoever after.

This experience makes me terrified of labour, I hear of others having miscarriages at 7 weeks and say it was just bad cramping! I have endometriosis so I think I have some idea of what pain is but I still sometimes wonder if I just didn't cope with it very well.
My loss was also at 7 weeks and i agree it was extremely painful for me i was in fetal postion with heating pads and anything i could find i thought wpuld help i was in tears it was horrible. And after i passed baby i bled for 30 days i noticed most women didnt bleed that long not sure why i did.

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