How exciting! Congrats on the little baby girl
I can't wait to find out the gender. I have my NT scan on Wednesday which I'm so nervous for. I'll be booking a private gender scan as soon as I'm 16 weeks. I'm hoping they'll put me forward a bit at my scan on wed so I can find out sooner lol they put me back 4 days at my first scan.
I've been using my Doppler a lot and yesterday found baby straight away!
which is really making me feel relaxed. Just knowing baby is still there.
My sickness is still there, I'm still on the tablets and I haven't been sick since, but I still feel crappy some days, including today lol
Other than that and being tired I don't have many other symptoms. My boobs aren't really sore, my nipples are tender though. I'm achey and feel abdominal achey ness but I'm presuming that's just bubs growing.
I can't wait to see my little bean again, and I can't believe I'm in my second tri this week. It's gone so fast!