July 2014 rainbows :)

thanks for all the replies ladies...ultrasound diffs across places is unusual. Ferozi- It seems like that's the reason for NHS not saying the gender in some places - because of gender preference etc. It never even occurred to me when i was first thinking about getting one done! My next official scan is 20 weeks too! They put me a week ahead of my ticker though so it's fortunately just in 4 weeks....I'm with you! Can't go fast enough! :) x
My hubby said our scan was so cheap we could go again! Also i hope to confirm to gender with the 20 week scan to be sure.

I had a nasty fall in the night but i think i will be ok as i landed on my knees which hurt the most today our cupboard & bed have a pathetic gap between and i was in bed earky, hubby came home and changed his socks and left the bottom drawer open, so when dd cryed in the night i got up in the dark and tripped and fell hard. I was so scared called the mw but she said should be ok. I will hope to start feeling something soon...16 weeks tomorrow.
Ohh my celine i bet that was scary glad mw said all should be ok hope your knees recover soon though.

Cant wait for all these gender scans im sure we all feel the same though just want healthy babies but still be excited to hear the sex then we can start sharing some names we got picked!!
I just had my nuchal scan. I made a post in the second tri section if you want more details but I'm so tired I can't be bothered typing it up again lol

Here's little bubs! We even saw baby drinking the amniotic fluid lol we saw its little tongue!

She didn't tell me the measurements but on the thing they print out and put on my notes it said ' NT : 2.0mm'

Does anyone know if this is normal or high?


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Sedgeez 2.0 is good. Had mine yesterday and the threshold for high risk is 3.5

So 12 wk scan yesterday went well. Nuchal folds were 1.2 and 1.3. Both measuring at 12+3 which matches the ov date so edd is 26th july. Saw the consultant and they don't let you go past 36wks so that puts me on the cusp of june and july. Do you guys mind if I stay here? Am now starting to believe this will happen. Told lots of people yesterday and today which makes it seem more real.x
Yay nessaw!

I've just looked up my nt and it was 1.7. Haven't had the results of the blood test yet. Why won't they let you go beyond 36 weeks? I've got a consultant appointment in a few weeks because of 3rd degree tear and low birth weight last time. No idea what to expect!
Munchkin its because of the type of twins they are. They're at risk of twin to twin transfer so one may get bigger than the other. So I will have scans every other wk to monitor it. Seems the twin protocol is early and prob more than likely a c section.
Sorry I've been slacking with the front page :dohh:

If you need your due date updating reply to this and I'll do it :thumbup:

I have my NT scan tomorrow and I'm so scared! I'm convinced there will be something wrong.

On a positive note I'm finding baby so easy with Doppler even my OH is finding it :thumbup:

Can you add me please, 10 July :thumbup: xx
So today we told my mom and mom in law, it didnt go as well as i thought and im really in a bad mood about it. My own mom is happy but wont come to help as she finds it too busy, however she wont mind if i want to FLY my just turned 5 & 3 year olds to her! Erm...no!
And my mil who is bitchy (sorry) asked these questions in this order
Was it a mistake
How far along
Does her mom know before me?

Honestly? Wtf :(
Im so sorry celine :( dont know why family acts that way my dad and step mom hav edone me the same. They havent even called to check on me since we told them. Relly hope by the end of this they came aroumd and give you the support you need.
Oy vey...The things our parents and in-laws say...My mom took the news so *ahem* well that she told me I should think about getting a hysterectomy or my tubes tied after this. Granted she said this after our last conversation had been about how hard it's been for me to go thru loss after loss and I was now calling to tell her that we weren't going to be visiting over Thanksgiving weekend due to me bleeding in early pregnancy, but it was like seriously Mom? You say that NOW? Even now, as I've gotten further and further and things are getting easier and easier, she still tells me things like "Just take it one day at a time." and "Try not to worry so much." This, even if I'm calling with an update after a stupendous dr's appt with GOOD news...Yeah, that's my mom for you. My m-i-l gave a slightly horrified but tiny shriek and asked, "If you are so early (I had found out the day before), why are you telling ME now?" She understood once I explained that my job duties would be slightly changed due to the meds I was taking and the lifting restrictions I had but it was still a little shocking for me to hear her say that.

Oh and I'm now 'officially' a lemon! Yay! :happydance: The dentist office called today to cancel DS appt tomorrow due to blizzard weather advisories but I checked the forecast and it looks like only 1-3 inches of snow with some wind (20mph mostly but some gusts up to 50mph). I told DH I'd cancel my appt if he figured I shouldn't go but he didn't say anything. I reset my drop-off time with the babysitter so I can hopefully get to town and do my errands before my appt since the weather isn't supposed to get icky til lunchtime-ish. I don't think I can hack another nail-biting weekend so the Dr had better be in tomorrow...
With family like our eh?
Im feeling a bit more upbeat today, maybe i am better off. Im due the last week of school then its school hols, so at least i wont have the school run.
:hi: again ladies. Wow I haven't been on for about three weeks and so much seems to have been happening. Sorry I haven't got the time to read back pages and pages so please forgive me. The scans look amazing and I hope everyone's have little sticky rainbows and morning sickness has eased.

AFM - Not doing to good. Went way for a holiday to be told to get to dr ASAP because they thought I had Bacterial Vaginosis which can cause 'late miscarriage' and then was told the tablets could cause 'birth defects' so imagine the stress. Turns out it was a bad case of thrush. Had hideous glute muscles and bum muscles not too good. Been at chiropractor in agony. Can't sit for long periods of time (not even to get my hair done!)... Morning sickness is still here - still on drugs. Then ended up at dr's in tears because I'm not coping with this pregnancy. I keep thinking I'm gong to lose the baby. I can feel it and everything I'm just over it all. It upsets me, it makes me grumpy and not motivated with my family so I'm getting a referral to a councillor.
Could I please be added to the front page as well :) I'm due the 6th of July
Sedgeez can u update my due date to 17th July? Thank you xxx

I am officially a lemon too today! So exciting. I remember when I was about 7 weeks someone who was a lemon replied to a thread and I almost cured because I couldn't imagine the joy of being a lemon, it seemed so far away!!
Ooh and I just got my downs screening result - 1 in 89,000! I'll take those odds!!
Sorry to hear some family members aren't being very supportive of things, I guess they worry on our behalf. Unfortunately for them they aren't going through the happiness of having a rainbow! x

Muma - I'm sorry to hear things have been crappy. Glad to hear you don't have BV, it's rather unpleasant. I'm waiting on results to see if I have BV atm. I looked up the issues and apparently it only increases the 2nd tri risk slightly - about a quarter of pregnant women have it anyway and generally it comes and goes on its own. So, not too awful. But, thrush is far easier to treat....also annoying though! Sorry to hear you're not feeling optimistic about things - i'm glad you're going to see someone. I found it very helpful to see someone at about 9 weeks. x

Sedgeez - Oh, i've now been given the 1st of July as my due date! Could you update me please? Thanks muchly!

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