I'm forgetting how far along I am too. But then it's like oh yeah, I'm almost 14 weeks now...
Feeling terrible. Pukey sick, headachey, crabbier than all get out, and not sleeping very well so SUPER tired all.the.dang.time. My neck and shoulders are SO stiff and tight with tension. I know my appt on Thursday is wearing on me but I'm also convinced something is out of place in my neck. The only time I get migraine-grade headaches that don't go away with a good night's sleep is when I'm out of alignment. Thankfully, I got in an appt with my chiropractor this evening so FX he can fix me. I'm running on fumes right now and it's only making my anxiety worse. I'm feeling baby 2-3 times a day now (or at least what I'm hoping is baby) but I'm desperate for the days to fly by. I just need to SEE bubs and know things are okay. It's so easy to let fear take over when your sanity has gone on strike until you can grab some quality ZZzzzs, right?