anyone got the third trimester blues? i feel like my mood has taken a nosedive since i was about 27 weeks and its getting worse. im tired and sad all the time and don't understand why, this pregnancy has been physically very easy, i was happy and excited till just a while ago-now nothing seems to cheer me up. i feel guilty for feeling this way because this is our rainbow baby and i have so much support from family, but i still feel really alone all the time. dh and i were the youngest in our group of friends to be married (we've been together since middle school, so same friends) and now we're the first to be having a child and it's just...lonely. not a single one of my female friends has really been around this whole pregnancy and i don't feel like i can talk to any of them about stuff on my mind anymore. we don't go out on weekends anymore since all our friends smoke and every place they hang out is smoky. nobody has made an effort to include us or take any real interest in the pregnancy and a few of our closest friends moved abroad this year. maybe im feeling it more cause im hormonal? i don't know.
also, we're really not that young, we're both 26 and i never thought i would feel like such an anomaly.