Congrats to all those who have had their babies! So jealous!
I'm still yet to have mine. Still having pains, slow early labour is horrible! She is also back to back so I'm really feeling it in my back.
We are currently moving house too which is really adding the stress.
Add ontop of that my spd, sciatica, and nausea and I'm ready for her to get here!
I thought things were progressing yesterday as I started getting regular contractions 7-8 mins apart, so painful I couldn't move. I put the TENS machine on, expecting to end up at the hospital at the night, but after using it for a few hours they seemed to go away!
When I saw the midwife in Wednesday morning she told me she was as engaged as she was at the last appointment (4/5). Then that night I felt her drop lower. It was slightly painful. Very uncomfortable, and walking was weird. It's true what they say about it feeling like walking with a bowling ball between your legs. My bump was visibly even lower too. The next day I woke up to a lot of new big stretchmarks on my very lower tummy that seem to have come out of nowhere. So she's definitely more engaged, but it have no idea how much. Although with it being enough to feel it that way and give me these stretchmarks I'm thinking nearly fully!
So to out it simply, I'm still waiting, I'm super uncomfortable and I just want her here!