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July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

Glad she's started moving star. Mine has days like that sometimes.
Yuck for the gtt Lucy! Bet you're glad that's done.
Oh no babymoma89, that's how I've been feeling. Hope tomorrow is a better day.
I've had midwife appointment today and she thinks baby is breech :dohh: have to go for a scan tomorrow to check. Hoping they don't accidentally reveal gender after going so long not knowing, and so close to delivery. If it is breech they will offer ECV and if successful offer induction. Other than that I could opt for a breech vaginal birth or elective c section:wacko: I'm not convinced it's breech though, given where I'm feeling movements, but we'll see tomorrow x
Glad she's started moving star. Mine has days like that sometimes.
Yuck for the gtt Lucy! Bet you're glad that's done.
Oh no babymoma89, that's how I've been feeling. Hope tomorrow is a better day.
I've had midwife appointment today and she thinks baby is breech :dohh: have to go for a scan tomorrow to check. Hoping they don't accidentally reveal gender after going so long not knowing, and so close to delivery. If it is breech they will offer ECV and if successful offer induction. Other than that I could opt for a breech vaginal birth or elective c section:wacko: I'm not convinced it's breech though, given where I'm feeling movements, but we'll see tomorrow x
Fingers crossed baby turns the correct way. Lots of things you can do to help them turn.
Oh love I’m wondering if ure sugger levels may of dropped? Mine did once or twice when I was pregnant and it made me feel so faint and sick.
I found having a chocolate bar helped. Or your BP may of dropped.
Hope you feel better soon love.

thanks ladies.
I am 10 dpo today and have absolutely not 1 symptom.
But I got some vvvv faint lines today.
The photo doesn’t really give them justice but definitely lines on several different brands. Darkest line was on a babyplan IC
But also had lines on another IC and Frer but so faint.
Just praying this one is here to stay. I’m on pins and so scared it will just be another chemical.
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Thank you babymoma for the movement advice
I'm feeling the same exhaustion wise the last couple of days, it's suddenly hit me after feeling OK for a while and I really can't be bothered to do anything but sleep, which I can't lol
Hope you can get some rest and that the pressure feeling means he has headed down!
Sugger that sounds like really promising news for you! I hope they get darker and you can share some pics with us, praying this is it for you!
Mrs T hope baby isn’t breech, are you feeling kicks up high? They might be wrong! Fx. And hope they don’t don’t accidentally reveal the gender, so impressed you’ve waiting this long!

sugger I’m stalking for your test updates. I can def see a line on your frer!
Thanks ladies

I did another frer and it’s darker than the one I did earlier. Also did a Answer test and even tho there not as sensitive as frer, I got a line on that too.
I’m getting lines on all tests so looks like I am pregnant but oh my I’m so nervous.
I’ve had so many chemicals and the lack of symptoms is making me worry.
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Sugger, I see lines on those, I hope all Continues to go well, keep us updated!

MrsT sorry didn't see your post yesterday, I hope today's scan goes well and baby isn't breech, hoping the best for you!
@Lucy3 thank you. I am feeling majority of movement up high so I'm really not convinced it's breech. Yes, I'll be saying as I go in I don't want to find out gender so tell me when to look away haha.

@star25 thanks, I will update later, scan isn't until 3pm.

@Suggerhoney I see those lines!! Fingers crossed this is it for you!!
Thinking of you with your scan Mrs T, update us when you can.
Sugger I see them!
I feel like my belly has grown so much today, is there a growth spurt around 29 weeks? We’re going up to the snow this weekend and nothing fits, it’s going to be tricky waddling around on slippery snow!
Baby is head down as I thought. And weighing just over 7lb apparently, so not as big as I thought. Which is fab all round :)
Hi ladies
I have posted a lot of tests today but will show you the latest ones I did tonight.

Fx so hard right now for a sticky beanie. I’m terrified. It’s so hard when you have had loses.
Like I feel like I can’t get excited.
Baby is head down as I thought. And weighing just over 7lb apparently, so not as big as I thought. Which is fab all round :)

Sounds perfect love and not big at all.
And yay for head down too
Thinking of you with your scan Mrs T, update us when you can.
Sugger I see them!
I feel like my belly has grown so much today, is there a growth spurt around 29 weeks? We’re going up to the snow this weekend and nothing fits, it’s going to be tricky waddling around on slippery snow!

Awwww I can’t wait to have a bump.
I normally show very early. Tiny bit bloated at the moment but can’t wait for the real bump.
Just hope this one sticks
Oh congrats Sugger!! Looks great!

Mrs T great news baby is head down and just the right size, you’re so close now!
Oh congrats Sugger!! Looks great!

Mrs T great news baby is head down and just the right size, you’re so close now!

Thanks Lucy. Can’t wait to be further along. I don’t want to wish it away but I hate the first trimester.
Yay sugger! Congratulations, lines looking lovely!

MrsT, great new baby is head down, can't believe you're almost there

Had my doppler scan today to check blood flow and all is well
Head down, facing down lol, didn't need to tell me though I can feel her all the time haha
Next growth scan is next Friday
Great news all round then ladies. Good luck with next growth scan star. It's getting closer for all of us now, can't believe it :)

@Suggerhoney I know the feeling of losses when ttc. We had 5 losses between dd2 and this baby over 2.5 years. It was heartbreaking and I felt like it was never going to happen, to the point where I gave all my baby stuff away. Then I got a surprise bfp back in October, was started immediately on baby aspirin- whether or not that was the thing that made the difference this time I'll never know.
Your lines look great, fingers crossed this is it for you!! It will be an anxious time for you the 1st tri but stay positive hun xxx
heya ladies, congratulations suggarhoney im sure this will be your sticky bfp!

i hope everyone is well, and yay for getting to 37 weeks MrsT that is always a nice milestone.

i had a routine 30 week check up with my own gp and my blood pressure was very high 160/98 and i had protein in my urine. so i was sent to emegency and told likely id be kept in. but they didnt. my blood pressure settled and bloods/urine was clear so they did a quick scan and said little man is very much breech, little bottom down, but his weight seems to of not changed in 2 weeks, so they are now monitoring me weekly, scan next week
heya ladies, congratulations suggarhoney im sure this will be your sticky bfp!

i hope everyone is well, and yay for getting to 37 weeks MrsT that is always a nice milestone.

i had a routine 30 week check up with my own gp and my blood pressure was very high 160/98 and i had protein in my urine. so i was sent to emegency and told likely id be kept in. but they didnt. my blood pressure settled and bloods/urine was clear so they did a quick scan and said little man is very much breech, little bottom down, but his weight seems to of not changed in 2 weeks, so they are now monitoring me weekly, scan next week

Oh no red rose, that must have been scary. Good that they are keeping a close eye on you and baby to make sure all is well. Hope you are ok x

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