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July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

heya ladies, congratulations suggarhoney im sure this will be your sticky bfp!

i hope everyone is well, and yay for getting to 37 weeks MrsT that is always a nice milestone.

i had a routine 30 week check up with my own gp and my blood pressure was very high 160/98 and i had protein in my urine. so i was sent to emegency and told likely id be kept in. but they didnt. my blood pressure settled and bloods/urine was clear so they did a quick scan and said little man is very much breech, little bottom down, but his weight seems to of not changed in 2 weeks, so they are now monitoring me weekly, scan next week
Oh no I hope it settles over the next few weeks x
Sorry I have been in and out of hospital, blood pressure is up and start of preclampsia apprently. I'm now on blood pressure meds, and my csection is booked for next week!
Ahh hope you're OK hayleigh, eek next week! How many weeks will you be?
Thank you I'll be 37 weeks.
I feel fine now but my god when they put me on the meds 10 days ago I was so poorly, I physically couldn't function and my blood pressure kept going up and up.

I'm now on two weekly checks for BP and baby monitoring because he has slowed down alot.

Preop is next Tuesday, growth scan is Wednesday and having him Thursday. So nervous.

At the last scan they said he weighed 5lb 14oz x
Thank you I'll be 37 weeks.
I feel fine now but my god when they put me on the meds 10 days ago I was so poorly, I physically couldn't function and my blood pressure kept going up and up.

I'm now on two weekly checks for BP and baby monitoring because he has slowed down alot.

Preop is next Tuesday, growth scan is Wednesday and having him Thursday. So nervous.

At the last scan they said he weighed 5lb 14oz x
Oh gosh, bless you that sounds so scary!! Good that they're keeping a close eye on you and getting you booked in. Eeeek next week! So exciting you'll be meeting your little one so soon :cloud9:
Hayleigh, so exciting, glad you're been well monitored, when was your last growth scan?

I've got 16 days til I go in to be induced, swear it was 24 like a day ago lol, it's definitely going quick now
Hayleigh that must have been so difficult feeling so poorly with high BP. Glad you’ve got a plan in place, you’re going to meet your baby boy so soon!
@MrsT116 it just doesn't feel real that it's only next week haha.

@star25 ummm growth scan was 2 weeks ago, they have said he is doing half a pound every other week atm. But until he is born I won't believe it, just because of what size they said my 2nd born was and he come out so so much smaller.

@Lucy3 it really was but the hospital were stressing me out so much which didn't help. I was also still working up until Friday just gone, because my boss hadn't sorted my cover out. I'm a 1:1 support for a deaf child so they should of been preparing cover for along time and just hadn't bothered. It hit them when I was admitted over night x
Well I've discovered why I've been feeling so crappy. Had bloods done last week due to the horrible dizzy/light headed/faint feeling I've been getting. Ferritin levels apparently very low, so they've now prescribed some iron. So hopefully I'll start to feel a bit better once I start taking the iron x
Hope the iron tablets help MrsT good you've got an answer now as to why
Hi everyone, so sorry I need to catch up a lot!!
I'm ok, just been so tired and busy past few weeks.

My lupus tests were negative so that was good news, waiting on the group b Strep swab results now.
Bump seems to have dropped even more this morning, very heavy feeling and I've got period type pains in my tummy with a few in my back. Had a few pains in my back along with the Brixton hicks for a few days but it's only like a couple of times a day the pains happen.
Started to panic that something might be starting and I'm on my own here. Ds2 came so fast! Just keeping an eye on things and telling myself to calm down!!
I'm 38weeks tomorrow.

Hope the iron tablets help @MrsT116

@hayleight87 sorry about your BP etc but glad you're being looked after and baby will be here next week!

Talking about size of bumps...my 2nd bump was huge, much bigger than my first but his weight/size was much smaller than his big brother. Must have been fluid or just lack of muscles lol
Thank you I'll be 37 weeks.
I feel fine now but my god when they put me on the meds 10 days ago I was so poorly, I physically couldn't function and my blood pressure kept going up and up.

I'm now on two weekly checks for BP and baby monitoring because he has slowed down alot.

Preop is next Tuesday, growth scan is Wednesday and having him Thursday. So nervous.

At the last scan they said he weighed 5lb 14oz x
Sending positive thoughts that everything goes well !
Going in for my 34 week check up today and to talk about the plan if Baby continues to get too big. After last appt I'm nervous because the midwife was pushing c section which is not what I want at all. Fingers crossed all goes well.
Fingers crossed for you babymoma, when was your last growth scan again? Sorry I can't think so tired with a cold the last few days and dd1 has been off school last 2 days with a sick bug, she hasn't been sick today but still doesn't want to eat and just napped for over an hr, which she never does so looks like she won't have the energy for school tomorrow either

Had to cancel today's midwife appointment but got the growth scan and consultant phone call, well the midwives on the day assessment with phone consultant after scan whilst I wait, so I wasn't worried about missing todays appointment

Good to hear from you babybrain
I've been getting period pain on and off since the weekend, it's more of a dull ache rather than braxton hicks or round ligament pain
I don't think mine will lead to anything as I'm only 36 weeks on friday and my other 3 weren't early, hopefully just means my body is getting ready, but worried about being induced at 38 weeks as it's quite early and if my body isn't ready might take longer or be harder than when induced with my other 2 at 40 and 42 weeks, I don't know, could be getting it wrong, I just imagine it to be harder the earlier it is
Fingers crossed for you babymoma, when was your last growth scan again? Sorry I can't think so tired with a cold the last few days and dd1 has been off school last 2 days with a sick bug, she hasn't been sick today but still doesn't want to eat and just napped for over an hr, which she never does so looks like she won't have the energy for school tomorrow either

Had to cancel today's midwife appointment but got the growth scan and consultant phone call, well the midwives on the day assessment with phone consultant after scan whilst I wait, so I wasn't worried about missing todays appointment

Good to hear from you babybrain
I've been getting period pain on and off since the weekend, it's more of a dull ache rather than braxton hicks or round ligament pain
I don't think mine will lead to anything as I'm only 36 weeks on friday and my other 3 weren't early, hopefully just means my body is getting ready, but worried about being induced at 38 weeks as it's quite early and if my body isn't ready might take longer or be harder than when induced with my other 2 at 40 and 42 weeks, I don't know, could be getting it wrong, I just imagine it to be harder the earlier it is

Last growth scan was 5/18 just shy of 31 weeks and he was 5lbs then.
Well I've discovered why I've been feeling so crappy. Had bloods done last week due to the horrible dizzy/light headed/faint feeling I've been getting. Ferritin levels apparently very low, so they've now prescribed some iron. So hopefully I'll start to feel a bit better once I start taking the iron x
I hope they help asap. They can take few weeks to work so don't loose hope. I think it can take 3 to 4 weeks for iron to start to Improve
Sorry I have been quiet. I got admitted into hospital Monday. All weekend I had a bad bad headache and pressure in my head so bad. I went back to my Dr and she said BP was still high so I rang er and they said come in. And again bp was High. They put me on meds and it didn't go down so they admitted me. They have upped them twice and only now going down slightly. Still getting headaches often sadly . I also had a growth scan and little man has not even grown 1lb in the 3 weeks since my last appt. They said he should be 4.5 ish lbs but he's only just above 3lbs. So they reckon bp is affecting baby's weight. The team are meeting tonight to discuss what to do. Likely it will be stabilise my bp send me home and weekly scans and check ups. I already had an appt for June 22nd. So if they let me go tomorrow it means back a week later. It is my eldest birthday today and I felt so bad to have missed it but he had his school trip sailing and pizza plus cake with daddy and grandparents so I think he's had a nice day. Makes me feel better. I dunno what they will do if baby keeps dropping in weight. He's dropped from 35 % to just 10 in 3 weeks
Well I've discovered why I've been feeling so crappy. Had bloods done last week due to the horrible dizzy/light headed/faint feeling I've been getting. Ferritin levels apparently very low, so they've now prescribed some iron. So hopefully I'll start to feel a bit better once I start taking the iron x

I hope they kick in soon hun x
Sorry I have been quiet. I got admitted into hospital Monday. All weekend I had a bad bad headache and pressure in my head so bad. I went back to my Dr and she said BP was still high so I rang er and they said come in. And again bp was High. They put me on meds and it didn't go down so they admitted me. They have upped them twice and only now going down slightly. Still getting headaches often sadly . I also had a growth scan and little man has not even grown 1lb in the 3 weeks since my last appt. They said he should be 4.5 ish lbs but he's only just above 3lbs. So they reckon bp is affecting baby's weight. The team are meeting tonight to discuss what to do. Likely it will be stabilise my bp send me home and weekly scans and check ups. I already had an appt for June 22nd. So if they let me go tomorrow it means back a week later. It is my eldest birthday today and I felt so bad to have missed it but he had his school trip sailing and pizza plus cake with daddy and grandparents so I think he's had a nice day. Makes me feel better. I dunno what they will do if baby keeps dropping in weight. He's dropped from 35 % to just 10 in 3 weeks

Oh hun so sorry, what is your blood pressure reading?
What medication did they put you on?

I'm on 10mg 3 x a day of Nifedipine. I can't have anything else because of my asthma but the blood pressure hasn't come down much at all.

I hope your next growth scan goes well xx

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