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July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

Thanks ladies

I did another frer and it’s darker than the one I did earlier. Also did a Answer test and even tho there not as sensitive as frer, I got a line on that too.
I’m getting lines on all tests so looks like I am pregnant but oh my I’m so nervous.
I’ve had so many chemicals and the lack of symptoms is making me worry.
View attachment 1109060 View attachment 1109061
Definitely see those lines! Don't be discouraged I barely had any symptoms at first either.
Awwww I can’t wait to have a bump.
I normally show very early. Tiny bit bloated at the moment but can’t wait for the real bump.
Just hope this one sticks
Look into all natural progesterone cream it did the trick for me after several losses.
heya ladies, congratulations suggarhoney im sure this will be your sticky bfp!

i hope everyone is well, and yay for getting to 37 weeks MrsT that is always a nice milestone.

i had a routine 30 week check up with my own gp and my blood pressure was very high 160/98 and i had protein in my urine. so i was sent to emegency and told likely id be kept in. but they didnt. my blood pressure settled and bloods/urine was clear so they did a quick scan and said little man is very much breech, little bottom down, but his weight seems to of not changed in 2 weeks, so they are now monitoring me weekly, scan next week

Sending positive vibes your way ❤️
Wow so many updates !!

Nothing new here just feeling so large, anxious waiting my next Appointment on the 14th to discuss what's next with the doctor. Little man is so big at this point that I'm uncomfortable no matter what I do. I do feel like he's gotten lower so that's a plus. I'll be 34 weeks as of Saturday so we are getting so very close. He's estimated to be about 7lbs already. I'm hoping my doctor will agree to send me for a growth scan the same week and schedule and induction around 37 weeks. I really do not want to have a c section so fingers crossed we get somewhere at this next appt
Great news all round then ladies. Good luck with next growth scan star. It's getting closer for all of us now, can't believe it :)

@Suggerhoney I know the feeling of losses when ttc. We had 5 losses between dd2 and this baby over 2.5 years. It was heartbreaking and I felt like it was never going to happen, to the point where I gave all my baby stuff away. Then I got a surprise bfp back in October, was started immediately on baby aspirin- whether or not that was the thing that made the difference this time I'll never know.
Your lines look great, fingers crossed this is it for you!! It will be an anxious time for you the 1st tri but stay positive hun xxx

Oh love I am so so sorry you went through that. So happy you got your rainbow in the end.
I started taking baby aspirin at 10dpo and I did the same with my last pregnancy. After the 4 pregnancy losses in the space of 7 months I was told about baby aspirin and how many women that have recurrent pregnancy loss take them as it can help prevent miscarriage.
Seems to be working this time too.
With that last chemical in April I didn’t start the baby aspirin. But with this one even tho my lines were so faint you could hardly see them. I thought I’m just gonna start takin it and if my lines don’t progress then I will stop.
So glad I did start them.

here is todays lines 5EB6F5EA-AB98-4A65-AF05-DAE2A713FB33.jpegA1B36AC0-9744-4758-AF8D-A5AC9C79FAFE.jpeg
Feeling more hopeful now but I know I’m very very early so not out of the woods.
Hope these keep progressing. And there’s a healthy wee beanie in there[-o<
If it wasn’t for the tests I would think I was not pregnant. Still no symptoms at all. But I am bloated. Looks like I have a little bump but it’s just bloat lol.

heya ladies, congratulations suggarhoney im sure this will be your sticky bfp!

i hope everyone is well, and yay for getting to 37 weeks MrsT that is always a nice milestone.

i had a routine 30 week check up with my own gp and my blood pressure was very high 160/98 and i had protein in my urine. so i was sent to emegency and told likely id be kept in. but they didnt. my blood pressure settled and bloods/urine was clear so they did a quick scan and said little man is very much breech, little bottom down, but his weight seems to of not changed in 2 weeks, so they are now monitoring me weekly, scan next week

Oh gosh love that is high. Glad they are keeping a eye on you. I had pre eclampsia with my 9 year old dd. I had to be induced at 35+4 weeks.
Hope your feeling well in yourself hon.
It’s scary seeing your BP so high. :hugs:

Wow so many updates !!

Nothing new here just feeling so large, anxious waiting my next Appointment on the 14th to discuss what's next with the doctor. Little man is so big at this point that I'm uncomfortable no matter what I do. I do feel like he's gotten lower so that's a plus. I'll be 34 weeks as of Saturday so we are getting so very close. He's estimated to be about 7lbs already. I'm hoping my doctor will agree to send me for a growth scan the same week and schedule and induction around 37 weeks. I really do not want to have a c section so fingers crossed we get somewhere at this next appt

Hi hon they thought my 3 year old son was 7lbs at just 33 weeks. I was told to expect a 10 lb baby but he was only 7lb 6oz. Them growth scans can be quiet out.
So try and not worry.
Happy 35 weeks for tomorrow hon . So close now.

can’t wait to see more babies.
Oh love I am so so sorry you went through that. So happy you got your rainbow in the end.
I started taking baby aspirin at 10dpo and I did the same with my last pregnancy. After the 4 pregnancy losses in the space of 7 months I was told about baby aspirin and how many women that have recurrent pregnancy loss take them as it can help prevent miscarriage.
Seems to be working this time too.
With that last chemical in April I didn’t start the baby aspirin. But with this one even tho my lines were so faint you could hardly see them. I thought I’m just gonna start takin it and if my lines don’t progress then I will stop.
So glad I did start them.

here is todays lines View attachment 1109160View attachment 1109161
Feeling more hopeful now but I know I’m very very early so not out of the woods.
Hope these keep progressing. And there’s a healthy wee beanie in there[-o<
If it wasn’t for the tests I would think I was not pregnant. Still no symptoms at all. But I am bloated. Looks like I have a little bump but it’s just bloat lol.

Oh gosh love that is high. Glad they are keeping a eye on you. I had pre eclampsia with my 9 year old dd. I had to be induced at 35+4 weeks.
Hope your feeling well in yourself hon.
It’s scary seeing your BP so high. :hugs:

Hi hon they thought my 3 year old son was 7lbs at just 33 weeks. I was told to expect a 10 lb baby but he was only 7lb 6oz. Them growth scans can be quiet out.
So try and not worry.
Happy 35 weeks for tomorrow hon . So close now.

can’t wait to see more babies.

i have a feeling they will induce me around then too, did your 9 year old need much time in the nicu? hope you dont mind me asking x

congratulations again im excited for you
Thanks love still can’t believe it lol.

No it’s fine love. She was in there for 18 days. Probably would of been there a shorter time if she didn’t lose all the weight.
She was 5lb 7oz born and by a week old she had dropped to just 4lb 9oz.

My youngest son lost alot of his birth weight too so bad to feed him every 3 hours for the first few weeks. He was 7lb 3oz at birth but dropped to 6lb 5oz so he was a little dot too.
Thanks love still can’t believe it lol.

No it’s fine love. She was in there for 18 days. Probably would of been there a shorter time if she didn’t lose all the weight.
She was 5lb 7oz born and by a week old she had dropped to just 4lb 9oz.

My youngest son lost alot of his birth weight too so bad to feed him every 3 hours for the first few weeks. He was 7lb 3oz at birth but dropped to 6lb 5oz so he was a little dot too.
my babies are always so small, so being born early i imagine they would only be about 4lbs around then. my daughter at 37 weeks was only 5lbs 7ozs and she dropped to 5lbs exactly. my boys at 39 and 40 weeks were 6lbs 3oz and 6lbs 13ozs so im always monitored now for small size. im scared if im induced early they will be so tiny that baby will be in the nicu for ages
Hopefully your baby won't need an extended nicu stay red rose. Fingers crossed for you.

I'm so uncomfortable now. More than ready for this baby to appear now. I saw a video online yesterday of this woman in America giving birth in the car while her partner drove her to hospital. It was crazy to watch! I'll try and find it and post a link xx
MrsT I'll watch when kids are in bed, I keep watching one born at every minute, not sure if it's a good idea or not lol
Exciting you've started to lose your plug!
I've had 2 days of period type cramps, different to braxton hicks but nothing today

Redrose, hope little one is OK and doesn't need a stay in nicu bless
Was going through old photos today and found a picture of me 3 days before I had my daughter who was a 10 pounder... then took this one today. First photos was 41 weeks pregnant , second is 34 weeks with my little boy.

I definitely feel like he's moved lower over this last week and have a good feeling he's gonna be early.

Nothing else has happened, I got all excited for nothing :dohh:

Wow babymoma89, yes it certainly looks like you're going to have another big baby x
Well losing your mucus plug is a start just keep relaxed and positive and baby will be here before you know it❤️
I would get excited if I started losing anything MrsT!
I can't remember if I did with no3 and she's the only one that came naturally, I did the day she was born and had a bloody show in the morning, its how I knew it would finally happen thst day after 2 weeks of slow labour!

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