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July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

Red rose I’m so sorry you’ve been in hospital, sounds like classic preeclampsia? Please keep us updated on the plan they give you.

lovely to hear from you baby brain! Can’t believe how close you are to the finish line!

love reading all of your updates, makes me excited for what’s to come (always feeling so far behind lol)
Redrose, sorry to hear you've been in hospital, I hope the meds help your BP and little one starts gaining the weight again, it's even harder when you have other children at home, glad your son had a good birthday though, fingers crossed the plan will be weekly check ups and all stays OK for you
Nothing much happening here apart dd2 now has the sick bug, she's 2 so it's harder than it was the 6 year old, can't just grab the bucket herself! Think I was up every hour with her last night, even though after the first 2 lots it was small amounts, it was constant
Shes asleep on my bed now, other 2 are in school and I'm sat here not daring to move waiting for the next bout, really hoping I don't get it so I can still go to growth scan on Friday

Tomorrow meant to be my last day of work but don't think I'll be making it
Oh no ladies, sounds like a rough time for a lot of you!

@RedRose I'm sorry your BP issues aren't improving and it's affecting baby's weight, must be very worrying for you. Hopefully they come up with a robust plan to monitor and care for both of you :hugs:

@hayleight87 how are you feeling about your induction?

@star25 oh bless you, sick bugs are the worst. Hopefully your toddler will pick up quickly and you manage to avoid it yourself!
I know what you mean about inducing early. My 1st was induced 39+6 & she finally arrived the next night. I don't think my body was ready and it took longer (although she was my first so may have been slow anyway) and number 2 induced at 41+ 2, really fast birth after just one pessary. Again, may have gone that way anyway, or maybe my body was more ready. Either way though I'm sure you'll be fine, your maternity team will be used to inducing ladies of all different gestations I'm sure.

@babymoma89 good luck with the appointment, hope all goes well and you get a plan in place that you're happy with.

Hope everyone else is good. I'm actually considering going in for monitoring today ad baby hasn't been as active as usual. I have felt some movement but not as much. I'm going to try the usual cold drinks/sugary snacks and lie down shortly to see if that wakes baby up a bit!
Red rose I’m so sorry you’ve been in hospital, sounds like classic preeclampsia? Please keep us updated on the plan they give you.

lovely to hear from you baby brain! Can’t believe how close you are to the finish line!

love reading all of your updates, makes me excited for what’s to come (always feeling so far behind lol)

I'm in the may and June group too and a lot of them have already had their babies, so I know how you feel x
@MrsT116 I'm ok about it, I've had an elective c section before so hoping it will go as smoothly. Altho I am having my tubes tied at the same time.

Hope baby wakes up for you x
Thank you MrsT, did baby start moving more or did you go in? Hope all is well
Sorry I have been quiet. I got admitted into hospital Monday. All weekend I had a bad bad headache and pressure in my head so bad. I went back to my Dr and she said BP was still high so I rang er and they said come in. And again bp was High. They put me on meds and it didn't go down so they admitted me. They have upped them twice and only now going down slightly. Still getting headaches often sadly . I also had a growth scan and little man has not even grown 1lb in the 3 weeks since my last appt. They said he should be 4.5 ish lbs but he's only just above 3lbs. So they reckon bp is affecting baby's weight. The team are meeting tonight to discuss what to do. Likely it will be stabilise my bp send me home and weekly scans and check ups. I already had an appt for June 22nd. So if they let me go tomorrow it means back a week later. It is my eldest birthday today and I felt so bad to have missed it but he had his school trip sailing and pizza plus cake with daddy and grandparents so I think he's had a nice day. Makes me feel better. I dunno what they will do if baby keeps dropping in weight. He's dropped from 35 % to just 10 in 3 weeks
I am so sorry you are going through all of this. Try to remain positive and make sure you are getting plenty of rest. I hope they get your blood pressure stabilized and get you feeling better soon. ❤️
\\:D/Just an update here appointment went well and estimating him to be about 7.5-8lbs and 34.5 weeks at this point. After talking to the doctor she's pushing my growth scan in sooner so just waiting for them to call. She said as long as the scan confirms then they plan on inducing me by 37 weeks if I don't go into labor on my own before then.

I've been having increased Braxton contractions and baby boy has definitely dropped. I've also been having a lot of lightening crotch and started the evening primrose oil so hoping this is my cervix getting ready. They are checking me at my next appt and will strip my membrane if I've started to dilate so looking like little man will be here within 2-3 weeks \\:D/ My boobs have been leaking so I have a good feeling little man is making sure he comes here soon.

I hope you are all doing well and can't believe how close we are getting ❤️
Great news babymoma, glad they're pushing your scan and inducing earlier, wonder if he will arrive before then! I don't think my little one will arrive before being I diced, just because I've never had an early baby lol
Great news babymoma, glad they're pushing your scan and inducing earlier, wonder if he will arrive before then! I don't think my little one will arrive before being I diced, just because I've never had an early baby lol
I'm so excited at this point because I'm so uncomfortable I feel like I have a watermelon between my legs that's ready to fall out :lol: I'm much more relieved after speaking with my doctor considering my last appointment was a complete mess. A lot of weight /stress has been lifted . So ready to hold
My rainbow baby ❤️
@MrsT116 I'm ok about it, I've had an elective c section before so hoping it will go as smoothly. Altho I am having my tubes tied at the same time.

Hope baby wakes up for you x

Sorry I don't know why I thought you were being induced :dohh: Good luck with the section hun x
Thank you MrsT, did baby start moving more or did you go in? Hope all is well

Yes it started moving this afternoon, slow morning though. I don't know what it's been doing in there for the past half an hour but the fanny daggers (lightening crotch :haha:) have been awful. Think it's trying to punch it's way out or something
\\:D/Just an update here appointment went well and estimating him to be about 7.5-8lbs and 34.5 weeks at this point. After talking to the doctor she's pushing my growth scan in sooner so just waiting for them to call. She said as long as the scan confirms then they plan on inducing me by 37 weeks if I don't go into labor on my own before then.

I've been having increased Braxton contractions and baby boy has definitely dropped. I've also been having a lot of lightening crotch and started the evening primrose oil so hoping this is my cervix getting ready. They are checking me at my next appt and will strip my membrane if I've started to dilate so looking like little man will be here within 2-3 weeks \\:D/ My boobs have been leaking so I have a good feeling little man is making sure he comes here soon.

I hope you are all doing well and can't believe how close we are getting ❤️

Wow you make big babies babymoma89! Glad you had a positive appointment, sounds like baby might end up making an early appearance of his own accord, certainly sounds like he's getting ready!
Hi ladies just wanted to say I’m thinking about u all right now esp if ure in the Uk and south England. It’s so hot and Friday is gonna be over 33c. So mega.
I just remember being so heavily pregnant last year in the summer and the heat was horrible.

so I’m thinking of you.

@RedRose19 i hope if babe has to go to Nicu it won’t be a long stay.

I had pre eclampsia with my 9 year old dd was induced at 35+4 weeks.
It makes u feel so unwell. I’m thinking of you
Lush bump pics. Can’t wait to have a bump with this one.

Full term yay any time now love.
Hope to see baby pics soon.
@BabyBrain80 just asked about you in another thread. So good to see you posting.
How are u feeling? Ure so close now so exciting. Where about are u in the Uk love is it hot.
Im down the south and it’s gonna be mega hot on Friday. I hate the heat so feel for you guys being heavy pregnant.
It’s horrible.
I hate the heat so so much
Hey sugger, how is testing going?

I'm on the isle of wight so can't get any further south and I'm dreading it!
The walk home from school was awful yesterday, mostly up a big hill but I go a different shady way for the hill part
We've got the isle of wight festival starting today until Monday, Dh has a taxi company so he is crazy busy so I won't be getting lifts anywhere, not that I plan on going anywhere apart from school runs

He's dropping me off for growth scan tomorrow and taking me home, the festival is in the same town as the hospital so I'm really hoping not to be late although they're obviously aware it could happen this weekend, buses would be rammed so I'm avoiding them!
The festival is the reason why I didn't want to be induced earlier than 37 weeks so hopefully all is good with tomorrows scan, I feel like I've been waiting weeks for it!

Hope everyone is well today
Hey sugger, how is testing going?

I'm on the isle of wight so can't get any further south and I'm dreading it!
The walk home from school was awful yesterday, mostly up a big hill but I go a different shady way for the hill part
We've got the isle of wight festival starting today until Monday, Dh has a taxi company so he is crazy busy so I won't be getting lifts anywhere, not that I plan on going anywhere apart from school runs

He's dropping me off for growth scan tomorrow and taking me home, the festival is in the same town as the hospital so I'm really hoping not to be late although they're obviously aware it could happen this weekend, buses would be rammed so I'm avoiding them!
The festival is the reason why I didn't want to be induced earlier than 37 weeks so hopefully all is good with tomorrows scan, I feel like I've been waiting weeks for it!

Hope everyone is well today

Sounds like it's going to be a busy weekend star!

I'm in North Derbyshire, it's warm today and I'm dreading tomorrow.
I ended up going in last night for monitoring because I wasn't happy with movements. Well wouldn't you know as soon as I got on the bed the baby started jigging about! Felt so bad for wasting time. They've booked me in for a scan today to check fluid volume and dopplers.
It was so strange being in a room on the birth centre, it's actually made me feel really anxious about the birth! It's been 8 years since I was pg with DD2, I hope I can manage it again x
Sounds like it's going to be a busy weekend star!

I'm in North Derbyshire, it's warm today and I'm dreading tomorrow.
I ended up going in last night for monitoring because I wasn't happy with movements. Well wouldn't you know as soon as I got on the bed the baby started jigging about! Felt so bad for wasting time. They've booked me in for a scan today to check fluid volume and dopplers.
It was so strange being in a room on the birth centre, it's actually made me feel really anxious about the birth! It's been 8 years since I was pg with DD2, I hope I can manage it again x
i know what you mean about being nervous about labour.. if i stop and think about it, it freaks me out because i know my labours are quick.. but intense too quick for pain meds the last two! mainly because they didnt believe i was in labour!! they barely caught dd in time lol

but i think its best to concentrate on your little bundle at the end , it will help us through the next few weeks and labour! im glad movements were ok once you went in, they love doing that i think.

im home now, on blood pressure meds and weekly visits now until they make the calls. baby is on the lowest percentile before they will take action. they said if he continues on this path then they will leave it, but if he drops again then they will have to keep me for more monitoring. i go back wednesday so fingers crossed he continues to grow and my bp is ok or they will keep me again. i want to get to as close to 37 weeks as i can

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