MrsT I know what you mean, I'm. Excited 1 minute and nervous the next! I don't think watching one born every minute is helping my nerves lol
I'm sure you will be amazing though, we just have to keep focusing on those little babies!
This is the first pregnancy I haven't had to go in for reduced movement the others was about 3 times each and they all start bouncing around as soon as you get there! It's a good thing though and at least you put your mind at rest, I'm sure the staff really don't mind, glad all is well
Well I've got diarrhoea, lovely, please jsut let it be that and not the sickness part, dd2 is still sick, asleep on the sofa now, not eating, drinking but was sick after drinking this morning, she's jsut had water and fell asleep so looks like thst is staying down, need this bug out the way ready for baby's arrival 2 weeks today! Or tomorrow/the weekend depending on how long it takes haha
Redrose, sounds like a good plan for you, hoping baby stays on the same growth line for you, must be worrying for you but not long til next appointment, sending hugs