hi everyone! sorry this is a new website for me so i apologize if i'm not doing this right!
i am 5 weeks and 3 days as of today. we tried for a long year and a half before finally getting out positive. i had some bleeding on monday but got my HCG levels tested and they were at 7961 which is high for 5 weeks. i repeated yesterday and they more than doubled! almost at 19000. i gusss i'm just wondering if anyone had experience with this? i read it could be normal, twins, molar pregnancy, or down syndrome. i'm terrified. my first child is special needs so i am just at a lost of what i would do... can anyone ease this crazy brain of mine?! i repeat hcg again tomorrow and expect it to go up at least another 10000.. my doctor wants me to go in for an early appointment at 7 weeks so the week after christmas and i know genetic testing can't be done until 10-12 weeks. anyone with high hcg levels and have a perfectly normal baby? i'm so worried
Can totally understand ure worry hon. I had a high risk result for down syndrome when I had my NT screening test at 12+6 weeks. I had a 1 I'm 33 chance which the hospital class as high risk. Unfortunately I never had bloods done to check HCG levels and never have in any of my pregnancies. I actually did ask to have them done with my last pregnancy becuase last year I had 4 chemical pregnancies so when I tested positive in Jan I did ask them to do HCG for that reason but they wudnt do it. I don't think its really a thing here in the UK.
I did get a 3+ on a digital at 5 weeks exactly when the last time I didn't get that untill i was just over 5 weeks.
I do know someone that had twins and she got a 3+ at just 13dpo it was one of the first signs it was twins. Not sure if that works for everyone.
Turned out the only reason I got a high risk result was Purley down to my age. I was 41 I've just turned 42 now. Apparently with the hospital screening they calculate it using ure age.
Anyway I had the Harmony test done twice but kept getting inconclusive results. I had a liver transplant in 2011 and they think that's why.
So I had to spend the rest of my pregnancy from 13 weeks onwards worrying.
All my scans were normol and my son was born completely healthy.
We will be ttc our last miracle in May as I'm 42 now so can't leave it too long.
If I do fall pregnant I won't be having the screening. I'm just gonna have all the scans and that's it. I really want to enjoy my last pregnancy and not worry the whole way through.
I wud only get a high risk result again because of my age again so I'm just gonna go with the scans.
The NT was always normol at all my scans so how they came up with 1 in 33 I do not know but I was told by staff it goes by age.
Did u sat u had some bleeding?
I had on off spotting from 14dpo right up untill about 8 weeks and at 6 weeks and 14+5 weeks a bleed. It was red with small clots.
I've had 8 losses in total so that freaked me out so much esp at almost 15 weeks. But it turned out to be a cervical erosion which apparently is very common esp in pregnancy.
Anyway such a long post but just had to reach out. Sorry I can't help regarding numbers but I hope someone else can.
Pregnancy is wonderful and such a blessing but its also very worrying.
I pray everything turns out OK for you. Good luck