July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

Thank you ladies
I am glad we're further along, even if it is only 5 days haha
Means I was 4 weeks exactly when we got the first positive test, must have olvulated earlier than I thought for a change!

Welcome tdog, We don't mind stalkers!
How are you?
Thank you ladies
I am glad we're further along, even if it is only 5 days haha
Means I was 4 weeks exactly when we got the first positive test, must have olvulated earlier than I thought for a change!

Welcome tdog, We don't mind stalkers!
How are you?

:hi: love yea im good how are you feeling? Xx

Happy new year ladies :hugs:xx
I'm feeling lazy haha, I've been unmotivated for 2 weeks but I thinks I've jsut been wanting Xmas done so I can get to my scan date lol
Just headachy the lasts couple of days, other than that symptoms are mild at the moment, this time I won't complain as last time I did I felt like I'd been hit by a bus
I'm feeling lazy haha, I've been unmotivated for 2 weeks but I thinks I've jsut been wanting Xmas done so I can get to my scan date lol
Just headachy the lasts couple of days, other than that symptoms are mild at the moment, this time I won't complain as last time I did I felt like I'd been hit by a bus

Fingers crossed they stay mild for you, are you finding out what your having? Xx
Love any stalkers @tdog!

I think I’m 6 weeks today and still waiting for nausea to kick in, I really hope so soon as with my mc it never did. I have other symptoms like sore bbs and my resting heart rate is up to 81! It’s usually around 70 so that’s a good sign. How’s everyone else feeling?
Fingers crossed they stay mild for you, are you finding out what your having? Xx
We will find out, just trying to decide whether we do it at 16 weeks with a private scan or wait til the 20 week nhs scan, although it isn't gauranteed then if they can't see it! I'm too impatient so will probably be 16 weeks lol
Thanks for commenting back Ladies that has put my mind at rest.
That's true @BabyBrain80 I mite get the shock of my life and fall quickly. I have the macca on stand by lol. I won't be taking it tho. I'm gonna take vit D and folic acid to start with. But if I do end up having a chemical then will start the macca. When we got pregnant with our 2 year old it happened so fast. All my pregnancies I have fallen fast. The longest in the past was 3 months and that was after a 5 week MC. That's when I first joined baby and bump funnily enough. Way back in February 2010. I was under a difference name then tho. Tried to log into that old account when u came back on here in 2018 but cudnt remember my password so just set up a new account. I used to be called future hopes.
It was just Harley that took ages and I don't know if that was becuase I was 40 when we strated ttc. I had the 4 chemicals so I guess that means I must be quiet fertile still.
Hopefully still am.
The mini pill is driving me crazy I bleed all the time on it. Can't wait to be off it but I know now is not ideal and i need to wait.
My nanna keeps saying I will have twins next. I told her to be quiet hahaha.
wow hon what a story. Thank you so much for sharing that with me.
Love stories like that. I bet u was so shocked. I think if i end up falling quickly I will probably pass out haha. Keep thinking at 42 it will probably take ages or just won't happen. That's the negative nelly coming out.
But deep down something is telling me there will be one more.
And something is telling me it will be sooner than i think but I cud be wrong. Will just try and keep trying

I originally did wanna hold off until early next year but being 42 was told best to try sooner rather than later. So May it is.

Oh gosh hon there is so so much fear our there and so many things going around. Its so hard to know what to believe.
I'm literally scared to put on the news these days.
It's bloody terrifying :shock:
Happy new year lovelies.
It's baby year for you guys now yay. I always find the summer comes around fast too. Its my least favourite time of year I'm not a fan of the heat.
How I've done 2 September babies and way in the past when I was young a August and June baby I do not know. All I know is it was so hot.
I'm hoping for a winter due date if we fall again but I know I can't be choosy at my age and almost bet on it I will be due in the summer lol.
Watch this space. Haha
Hehe @tdog fancy seeing u here haha. I'm stalking too. Baby and bump is so quite now so I just have to stalk the due date group.
Ahh thank you sugger, it's been the biggest shock of my life, to get pregnant at nearly 39 after 20 years of no contraception with my husband
Wishing you all the luck, although it does sound like you fall quick so hopefully come may it won't take you long!
It's very exciting, keep us updated with it!

Lucy, that's soo good! I never got that far with my frers, I think I done 6 frers, 6 cheapies and 2 digital weeks lol, I got a dye stealer on my last frer but not that dark!
\\:D/Hope you ladies had a great New year ! Still over here in the waiting game for my testing results to come in so I'm pacing holes in the floor. Looking to do my gender reveal on the 15th of this month as long as everything goes as planned ❤️
Thank you hayleigh!

Babymoma wow not long now till gender reveal! Hope results aren't too long

Feeling rubbish here again, had a good couple of weeks 10-12 now had a week of headaches and so tired all the time again!
Thanks love. Just hoping we don't have any miscarriages and I have a healthy baby even if it does take a while to fall.
It seemed when were ttc in 2020 that I cud fall but I cudnt stay pregnant.
After my 4th chemical a lovely lady on here advised me to take macca and folate and literally within just slightly over 2 months of taking them and the baby aspirin I was pregnant with my rainbow.
I have High dose folic acid which I was prescribed in my last pregnancy so I'm gonna start that and vitamin D just b4 we start trying. I do have some Macca Root on standby but will start using that I'd I end up having any chemicals.
Hoping I won't need it this time tho.
I wish there wasn't such a stigma about older womon ttc and having babies. Googled just makes me feel sad with terrible statistics and it makes me think it won't ever happened again but I know I need to stay positive. I've already been blessed with 2 healthy babies at 39 and 41 so hopefully there will be another blessing.
My DH really feels we will have another and he is normoly right so I need to stay positive and stop looking at the statistics on Google.

I do feel a bit bad for wanting another considering I've already been so blessed. I keep thinking of all the really long term ttc womon and womon having IVF etc.
But I can't help the way I feel.
I love being pregnant and having a bump and feeling baby move. It's just such a exciting time. But also worrying.
I keep thinking am I being selfish for wanting one at my age. But I do not feel 42 I still feel young. I have a baby face too lol. No one ever believes my age. Everyone thinks I'm in my early 30s. Wish I was.
So exciting following these due date groups. Hopefully I will get to be in anther one again soon.

Sorry about the tiredness. Have u had ure iron tested? I always get anemic in pregnancy and it wud wipe me out.
Thank you hayleigh!

Babymoma wow not long now till gender reveal! Hope results aren't too long

Feeling rubbish here again, had a good couple of weeks 10-12 now had a week of headaches and so tired all the time again!
Thank you Star the suspense is killing me:wohoo:

I'm sorry you are feeling so crappy fingers crossed it passes quickly and you get some energy back. The only thing bothering me currently is I feel so short tempered lately . I yelled at my hubby over him putting a chair in a certain spot and I had no idea why I was even so mad.
Star sorry you’re feeling rubbish, the second trimester glow must be just round the corner for you.
Babymoma are you still waiting for your results?
Hope everyone is doing well!
Babymoma I’m the same! My mood is shocking some days! I know I’m being ridiculous but I just can’t help it lol

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