Hi everyone, glad to see you all seem to be doing well! I haven't been on in a while but I've been having some nerve-wracking spotting and it's driving me nuts. I am 13 weeks 1 day today (due date changed to Aug 30) and this is my 3rd day with really light spotting.. I went to the ER on Sunday when I first saw it and had cramping too, I'm just so nervous.. scan showed baby happily wiggling around in there, heartbeat 154, so yesterday when I saw the spotting again I just told myself "I won't worry because I just saw LO".. then today comes and at the same time of day I see it again! I also feel crampy, I'm so scared

Has anyone else experienced this? It is super light but there have been some red stringy pieces

feeling so lost, I see my OB on Thursday but hating this!