July & August 2021 Due Date Babies!

Thankyou everyone! I'll write my birth story later tonight once the bigger two are in bed :)
@Emsabub Omg he’s gorgeous!

@MadamRose gorgeous pic

@Bittersweet i have group b strep surprised they gave me antibiotics this time but it can come back with Leo they wouldn’t give me anything might do another swab and beg for antibiotics the pain I’m in the cystitis is horrendous.

sorry I haven’t been around but that’s the reason why. Can’t believe we are all getting so far! I haven’t bought one thing yet starting to think that might have been a bad idea! :haha:

I had some bad news so that’s another reason haven’t been around much oh and the other 5 kids keeping me on my toes! Xx
They never set my next appointment so now I need to call after spending 6 hours in hospital yesterday honestly so fustrating
@Kiwiberry thankyou! <3

Right girls I've jumped on my laptop, got my cuppa and some chocolate truffles (so happy i can eat them!!) and I will bless you all with my birth story.

So I think I said I was going to be induced around 37 weeks. I finally had that confirmation at a consultant appointment on the 8th June for 3 days time on the Friday. This was because of the diabetes, some reduced movements and his weight dropping off 'his' centile.
Eventually Friday rolled around and I was pooping myself. I'd never been induced before and the thought of back to back contractions and no water terrified me. I was also VERY naiive to think that I'd be induced that same day and be home by the end of the next day. Haha!

I was asked to go in at 2pm to the antenatal ward and was formally admitted to hospital at 3pm. They put me on the CTG monitor for his movements and the little monster kept moving away from the receiver on my belly, so every so often it would lose connection. You're meant to meet specific criteria, usually around the 20 min mark, where the machine is happy everything is ok. But because he kept breaking the connection I was stuck there for an hour, as long as the machine could handle before it shuts off. In the end my first CTG took an hour and 23 minutes. Not long after that was completed they did an examination which found I was 1cm dilated, stretchable to 2cm, so didn't need a pessary and could have my waters broken! :yay:

Around 6pm I was moved to the postnatal ward as I was classed as low risk and they needed the bed for ladies in an emergency. I ended up staying there from 6pm Friday evening until I was called to delivery ward at 5:30am Sunday morning.

Saturday 12th June was waiting around in a bed all day hoping I'd be called forward to have my waters broken. I was getting really annoyed at this point as I'd started losing big bits of mucus plug and his movements were so painful. My partner was able to stay 10-6pm which was wonderful but he was so bored, I felt really bad but he was happy to stay. It was this day that a consultant came to give us a glimmer of hope and said we hope to admit you to delivery tonight, the ward has been super busy full of emergencies.. it was exciting but we did feel it was just to placate us a little. There was a lady who was in front of me for being induced and Sunday morning they called for her at 3:40am. The staff woke me up when they came for her and I was wishing they'd come to my bed too but nope. I actually lay there and sulked it wasn't my time, I'd just had enough. I somehow managed to fall asleep and was awoken at 5:25am to a nurse saying 'it's your turn!'
Not going to lie, I was so excited but shocked I'd been called for so soon after the last lady, I panicked a little. I rang my partner and told him to come straight in. Typically he had stayed up late watching UFC wanting to 'tempt fate'.. he soon regretted that decision.

By 5:40am I was up on delivery suite, getting cannula'd up and giving all the necessary details. My partner arrived around 6am, just as they were finalising what was going to happen (i'd make it VERY clear to the midwife I wanted an epidural and was really hoping there was an anaesthetist on the floor and luckily there was!). Not long after I was hooked up to a syntocinon drip, my back was being sprayed with a cold spray ready for the local anaesthetic and at that point my AMAZING midwife arrived. The first thing she said to us was 'be careful with that spray it makes your buttcrack feel weird' and I loved her straight away. She was so straight to the point, funny and just plain brilliant, I honestly couldn't have asked for anyone better. In general conversation she was talking about selling her Mazda MX5 and my partner was straight onto the phone telling his friend our midwife was wanting to get rid of it and they spent a good hour talking about this car :rofl:

Over time the contractions just felt like strong braxton hicks. My midwife had to take my blood sugar every hour, my blood pressure was taken every 5 mins to start with, then every 30 mins then hourly. This was literally all that happened for 12 hours. Plus she fed me so many glucose tabs so I wouldn't need an insulin sliding scale for my diabetes, but it worked! I was also checked after 4 hours at 1pm, my cervix had thinned and shortened but was still 1cm. I was so deflated.

At 5pm I was checked and was 3cm. Which was good cos the MW told me people regularly took ages to get to 4cm then they'd suddenly deliver not long after. Well.. my next check was due at 9pm. Around 6:30pm I felt pressure on my bladder with each contraction. It was feeling uncomfortable even with an epidural. Within the next half an hour it progressed to that same feeling in your bum. At 7pm I was checked early and she told me I was 10cm.. 7cm in 2 hours!! It wasn't long after this I started pushing, the catheter I had in had to be removed for birth then we were good to go. It took about 5 or 6 pushes I think, but eventually he was born at 7:14pm.

5lb 15oz of pure beauty <3

The epidural definitely made a difference to the stretching feeling but I could still feel it (they told me I wouldn't!). The labour was so calm, it was pleasant but long. Then again maybe 12 hours for an induction isn't bad, but I also got away with no tears!

He is now 4 days old. Breastfeeding really well and tomorrow we will find out how much weight he has lost. I'm sorry if this post turns out super long but it's good to look back on!
That is such a lovely story thank you for sharing it. Glad you and baby are both well x
@Emsabub lovely birthing story sorry you had to wait so long at the hospital but glad it was pretty quick once it was your turn! Glad everything is going well with feeding etc
Awwwww @Emsabub he is absolutely gorgeous congratulations.

I'm one of those emergency ladies. So on my induction day is the day they will induce me and I felt bad because there was other ladies that was over due but I went b4 them even tho i was 37 weeks. It will be the same this time. I'm being induced at 37 to 38 weeks and I have to go to delivery suite to actually be induced because I'm too high risk to have it done on the ward.
I found with DS it took ages for things to get started after the passery and ages to get to 4cm but after that it was very quick.

I'm starting to get a bit nervous now about the birth.
I had a positive experience with my last pregnancy and the induction went so well.
I had the passery at 11am and he was born 6:30am the next morning
But I have also had 2 very traumatic births and for some reason my mind keeps taking me back there.
I'm definitely having a epidural this time too.
I have a anesthetist appointment on July 13th so we can put that all in place.
My induction should be around 4th 5th 6th 7th September. I don't have my date yet but should get it in a few weeks.

Anyway congratulations hon and thank you for sharing ure story that helped me alot and I feel much more positive about my own birth now.
Oh no cystitis is horrible u poor thing hon. I hope that buggers off ASAP.
I've always been a sufferer of cystitis and UTIs and kidney infections and I hate it when u first feel that sting and just know its cystitis.
It's a horrible nasty illness.
I hope u feel better soon.

Good luck to all u ladies
So close now and all ure babies will be here.
Can't believe I'm 26 weeks tomorrow and I have 11 more weeks untill induction. Time is flying.
Thank you girls :) And @Suggerhoney all the best for when you reach your time, I'm sure you'll smash it!

I'm 6 days postpartum now and oh my god why am I thinking of the idea of being pregnant again?! It's got to be the hormone crash I'm going through surely.
Max's pregnancy was HARD with the gestational diabetes and I even said if he was my 2nd there wouldn't have been a 3rd. But somehow my brain is thinking I'd like to be pregnant and have another baby eventually even though I know

a) we couldn't afford it/have the room
b) pregnancy doesn't agree with me

I think a part of me is sad I'll never see the inside of the antenatal department again or the excitement waiting for scans. I'm trying to think of the benefits of knowing I'm done with babies but closing that chapter of the book feels incredibly difficult.
Thank you girls :) And @Suggerhoney all the best for when you reach your time, I'm sure you'll smash it!

I'm 6 days postpartum now and oh my god why am I thinking of the idea of being pregnant again?! It's got to be the hormone crash I'm going through surely.
Max's pregnancy was HARD with the gestational diabetes and I even said if he was my 2nd there wouldn't have been a 3rd. But somehow my brain is thinking I'd like to be pregnant and have another baby eventually even though I know

a) we couldn't afford it/have the room
b) pregnancy doesn't agree with me

I think a part of me is sad I'll never see the inside of the antenatal department again or the excitement waiting for scans. I'm trying to think of the benefits of knowing I'm done with babies but closing that chapter of the book feels incredibly difficult.

And that is y I am having number 7! You literally just described everything I felt. My pregnancy was so hard with number 6 the recovery was worse but because I had assured everyone it was my last and for some reason (the Dr said no because he was too tired) the Dr didn't sterilised me during the section of 6. I just couldn't get it out of my head! My dd6 was born 30.9.2020 this one is due 7.10.2021 but will be having her earliest 1.10.2021
My partner has had the snip and I'm deffo being sterilised this time! 7 is more then enough!
@Catmumof4 oh wow so your username isn't actually so accurate now :lol: I never noticed it said no 7 before! I think there's always going to be that fear of closing the door and being sad about knowing every pregnancy experience is your 'last'.

But I do commend you for having 7, I definitely wouldn't have the patience, I struggle as it is sometimes with my two girls :rofl:
Caught up and lovely birth story @Emsabub . Am sorry you had to wait a while for your induction but am glad it went pretty smoothly when it got going! Hope all is going well <3
31 weeks today! Really don’t know where the time has gone! To think it could be as little as 6 weeks until I meet my little one is crazy!

Loving all the movement I’m feeling atm one of the few perks of being in the office at work (I find it so boring) is getting to enjoy all of the kicks from baby which is meaning I’m having time to savour my pregnancy. This will be my last pregnancy and I know I’m going to miss it once it’s over!

Definitely got a feeling baby is head down as all the kicks are near the top under my ribs!

Midwife on Tuesday, interested to see what’s happening with bump size, as midwife said she’s see what was happening this time to see if she thought I needed a growth scan after what happened a few weeks ago. Hoping she’ll book in my 34 weeks appointment, but also my 35 week home birth appointment!


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