~***July Fireflies***~testing thread

@thencomesbebe good plan- I've definitely had that before, I used to 'gear up' at about CD10/11, had most of the signs (but not very strong iykwim) and an almost positive/very dark ok, but it didn't feel QUITE there. Then boom at CD 19 or 20, clear peak..then I'd think- all that BDing the week before for nothing:shock: lol.
Hi ladies
I finally tested at 7pm on 13 DPO. It was a BFN. So I'm totally out. I will stop taking progesterone and wait for AF. Felt sad because for once, I knew without a doubt when I ovulated this cycle (which isn't typical for me). But I'll be flying 14 hours with 4 kids on our summer vacation in August so actually it's not a bad thing that I didn't get pregnant this cycle. I just didn't want to waste this cycle by not TTCing, cos it has been such a long WTT period for me.

I have to move to the September group because my husband will only join us on holiday 2 weeks later (in August) and that would most probably be my fertile period. Oooh well..... anybody wants to join me in Sept already??
Hi ladies
I finally tested at 7pm on 13 DPO. It was a BFN. So I'm totally out. I will stop taking progesterone and wait for AF. Felt sad because for once, I knew without a doubt when I ovulated this cycle (which isn't typical for me). But I'll be flying 14 hours with 4 kids on our summer vacation in August so actually it's not a bad thing that I didn't get pregnant this cycle. I just didn't want to waste this cycle by not TTCing, cos it has been such a long WTT period for me.

I have to move to the September group because my husband will only join us on holiday 2 weeks later (in August) and that would most probably be my fertile period. Oooh well..... anybody wants to join me in Sept already??

I’m so sorry this cycle was bfn. Sucks you have to wait again until September. I hope all this waiting will be worth it. In the mean time I really hope you enjoy your holiday.
Hey ladies, im sorry I've been mia, my poor 12 year old son waa assaulted at school yesterday. Some horrible kid came up behind him while he was just sat in the dinner hall eating his lunch and smashed his head against the table several times.
I had too take him to hospital because he needed stitches.
Hes been bullied for a few weeks and now this. Yesterday i was fuming and today i just want to cry.
My son is 12 and has autism and doesnt really have friends. He was just sat eating his lunch.
I hate the kid thats done this too my sweet sensitive son.
The police are coming out today. The school said they would investigate it but im not having it. He was assaulted in there grounds. Surprisingly no adults were around which im so angry about.
We are trying to move my son too a different school and he is number 2 on the waiting list.
They have 2 more weeks until they break up for the summer holidays and i do not want him going back to that school.
Im so scared for his safety. Thankfully we live far from that school so that brat doesn't know where we live. I hope he gets what he deserves i really do.

I just feel like its constant stress and upset.
So much bad luck i just wish we would start having good things happen now.

In regards of ttc, i am 2dpo today.
We bded on peak day, ovulation day and also the day after.
Zero symptoms so far. Ive used all my opks up now and wont be buying any more until September now. In August we will still try but i wont be using any opks.
I ovulated cd11 this cycle.

@cheerios i can guarantee ill be still trying come September. If i get my sticky bfp ill be very suprised. So will see you in the September testing group.
I know im only 2dpo but im very dry down there and thats always a early sign im not pregnant. Fully expecting bfn again!
Hi ladies
I finally tested at 7pm on 13 DPO. It was a BFN. So I'm totally out. I will stop taking progesterone and wait for AF. Felt sad because for once, I knew without a doubt when I ovulated this cycle (which isn't typical for me). But I'll be flying 14 hours with 4 kids on our summer vacation in August so actually it's not a bad thing that I didn't get pregnant this cycle. I just didn't want to waste this cycle by not TTCing, cos it has been such a long WTT period for me.

I have to move to the September group because my husband will only join us on holiday 2 weeks later (in August) and that would most probably be my fertile period. Oooh well..... anybody wants to join me in Sept already??
:hugs: so sorry it didn't work out for you this cycle. I have everything crossed that September will be it! I'll most likely be joining you in September, who am I kidding to think otherwise :haha:.
@Suggerhoney im so sorry about your son ,I would be livid if that happened to my girls . It’s unbelievable that there were no adults in the dining hall . Praying you and your son get some relief at the new school . As for that bully I hope he get some kind of consequence for his actions. I saw a tiktok the other day ,that if the school doesn’t do much to remove the bully ,we can file charges and a restraining order against the bully, leaving the school no other choice. Praying your luck changes soon hun[-o<
Hi ladies
I finally tested at 7pm on 13 DPO. It was a BFN. So I'm totally out. I will stop taking progesterone and wait for AF. Felt sad because for once, I knew without a doubt when I ovulated this cycle (which isn't typical for me). But I'll be flying 14 hours with 4 kids on our summer vacation in August so actually it's not a bad thing that I didn't get pregnant this cycle. I just didn't want to waste this cycle by not TTCing, cos it has been such a long WTT period for me.

I have to move to the September group because my husband will only join us on holiday 2 weeks later (in August) and that would most probably be my fertile period. Oooh well..... anybody wants to join me in Sept already??
im sorry my dear, maybe hubby will be there before you ovulate hopefully. if not i guess only positive is no morning sickness while your on holiday? big hugs for you

@Suggerhoney i would be absolutely livid too. i would threaten the school with solicitors , your son was assaulted on their watch after previous actions. what have they done to insure his safety! same happened to my son who is also autistic and limited speech, he was happy and making abit of noise and another kid came over and hit him so hard with a toy my son was concussed and was crying for the rest of the day. the school didnt tell me who it was and prob just as well as id of messaged that kids mother! 3 of my kids are autistic but my eldest is severe , the others its very subtle and the baby im like 90% sure hes not on the spectrum so far.
fingers crossed this is your cycle!!

ive not tested again, im scared and afraid im sure its just a shadow line as i dont think im that far along. im gonna wait until tomorrow or maybe even friday. and see what happens. my cm is confusing me. its gone very thick like creamy, but its still stretchy.. so im like ok what do i call that ha! cervix is high medium and semi open which i wouldnt expect if i was pregnant...
Hey ladies, im sorry I've been mia, my poor 12 year old son waa assaulted at school yesterday. Some horrible kid came up behind him while he was just sat in the dinner hall eating his lunch and smashed his head against the table several times.
I had too take him to hospital because he needed stitches.
Hes been bullied for a few weeks and now this. Yesterday i was fuming and today i just want to cry.
My son is 12 and has autism and doesnt really have friends. He was just sat eating his lunch.
I hate the kid thats done this too my sweet sensitive son.
The police are coming out today. The school said they would investigate it but im not having it. He was assaulted in there grounds. Surprisingly no adults were around which im so angry about.
We are trying to move my son too a different school and he is number 2 on the waiting list.
They have 2 more weeks until they break up for the summer holidays and i do not want him going back to that school.
Im so scared for his safety. Thankfully we live far from that school so that brat doesn't know where we live. I hope he gets what he deserves i really do.

I just feel like its constant stress and upset.
So much bad luck i just wish we would start having good things happen now.

In regards of ttc, i am 2dpo today.
We bded on peak day, ovulation day and also the day after.
Zero symptoms so far. Ive used all my opks up now and wont be buying any more until September now. In August we will still try but i wont be using any opks.
I ovulated cd11 this cycle.

@cheerios i can guarantee ill be still trying come September. If i get my sticky bfp ill be very suprised. So will see you in the September testing group.
I know im only 2dpo but im very dry down there and thats always a early sign im not pregnant. Fully expecting bfn again!
That is so horrible, I'm so sorry that happened to your poor sweet little boy. I hope the police can help and have something in mind that you can do. If that doesn't work out you can always try to get a hold of who the parents are and have a chat with them about it. I don't really know how things work where you live so I'm sorry I can't give any more advice. I just know that that's a really horrible situation for your son to be put in Say by his peers and there were no adults around. I'm so sorry and I hope your little boy is recovering, I know that's probably going to be a very traumatic experience that will live with him forever, poor baby boy and mama :hugs:
@Suggerhoney ugh thats so awful what happened to your boy! I hope the school will be following up on that with the other child and their parents. How distressing for you both.
Hope you get some symptoms soon hun. If anything I can vouch for the chilling out and not paying much attention cos I didn't last month, just dtd when I was horny and forgot about anything else! We did use opk too tho tbf x
@RedRose19 :test: omg woman lol
I am always reading along but never really comment but oh my gosh @Suggerhoney i am so so so sorry what an absolute nightmare. I wouldn’t send him back either, how could they let that happen, how could he be totally unsupervised like that. If I were the school i would be absolutely humiliated and ashamed of myself. I am so so sorry honey. <3
Hey ladies, im sorry I've been mia, my poor 12 year old son waa assaulted at school yesterday. Some horrible kid came up behind him while he was just sat in the dinner hall eating his lunch and smashed his head against the table several times.
I had too take him to hospital because he needed stitches.
Hes been bullied for a few weeks and now this. Yesterday i was fuming and today i just want to cry.
My son is 12 and has autism and doesnt really have friends. He was just sat eating his lunch.
I hate the kid thats done this too my sweet sensitive son.
The police are coming out today. The school said they would investigate it but im not having it. He was assaulted in there grounds. Surprisingly no adults were around which im so angry about.
We are trying to move my son too a different school and he is number 2 on the waiting list.
They have 2 more weeks until they break up for the summer holidays and i do not want him going back to that school.
Im so scared for his safety. Thankfully we live far from that school so that brat doesn't know where we live. I hope he gets what he deserves i really do.

I just feel like its constant stress and upset.
So much bad luck i just wish we would start having good things happen now.

In regards of ttc, i am 2dpo today.
We bded on peak day, ovulation day and also the day after.
Zero symptoms so far. Ive used all my opks up now and wont be buying any more until September now. In August we will still try but i wont be using any opks.
I ovulated cd11 this cycle.

@cheerios i can guarantee ill be still trying come September. If i get my sticky bfp ill be very suprised. So will see you in the September testing group.
I know im only 2dpo but im very dry down there and thats always a early sign im not pregnant. Fully expecting bfn again!

I'm so sorry that this has happened hun, your poor son. That is a huge supervision and safeguarding failing on the part of the school and needs to be taken seriously. I would definitely complain and if they don't take it seriously then go to the school governors. The police should be involved too. So sorry for you and your son :hugs:
The nausea has hit properly now ladies btw, feeling really sick all day and needing to eat to keep it at bay. I'm gonna be huge!!
Hey ladies, im sorry I've been mia, my poor 12 year old son waa assaulted at school yesterday. Some horrible kid came up behind him while he was just sat in the dinner hall eating his lunch and smashed his head against the table several times.
I had too take him to hospital because he needed stitches.
Hes been bullied for a few weeks and now this. Yesterday i was fuming and today i just want to cry.
My son is 12 and has autism and doesnt really have friends. He was just sat eating his lunch.
I hate the kid thats done this too my sweet sensitive son.
The police are coming out today. The school said they would investigate it but im not having it. He was assaulted in there grounds. Surprisingly no adults were around which im so angry about.
We are trying to move my son too a different school and he is number 2 on the waiting list.
They have 2 more weeks until they break up for the summer holidays and i do not want him going back to that school.
Im so scared for his safety. Thankfully we live far from that school so that brat doesn't know where we live. I hope he gets what he deserves i really do.

I just feel like its constant stress and upset.
So much bad luck i just wish we would start having good things happen now.

In regards of ttc, i am 2dpo today.
We bded on peak day, ovulation day and also the day after.
Zero symptoms so far. Ive used all my opks up now and wont be buying any more until September now. In August we will still try but i wont be using any opks.
I ovulated cd11 this cycle.

@cheerios i can guarantee ill be still trying come September. If i get my sticky bfp ill be very suprised. So will see you in the September testing group.
I know im only 2dpo but im very dry down there and thats always a early sign im not pregnant. Fully expecting bfn again!
Omg @Suggerhoney that's so awful!! I'm so sorry, your poor son! I'm sending you so much love, I really hope they take action and charge someone if they can.
I’m so sorry this cycle was bfn. Sucks you have to wait again until September. I hope all this waiting will be worth it. In the mean time I really hope you enjoy your holiday.

Thanks so much for your kind words Laura. You and Nat give me hope that it's possible to have a much better and successful pregnancy even after a late-stage miscarriage. I really really hope I can join you all. But thanks sooo much for checking up on us ladies still TTCing and waiting for our rainbows. And yes, totally gonna enjoy my holiday In August now.
@Suggerhoney that's just so horrible about your son. I echo what another lady said- make the governers aware and if the school is attached to an academy, make them aware too.
Surely this other kid is going to be expelled until end of term or something!?
Thanks so much for your kind words Laura. You and Nat give me hope that it's possible to have a much better and successful pregnancy even after a late-stage miscarriage. I really really hope I can join you all. But thanks sooo much for checking up on us ladies still TTCing and waiting for our rainbows. And yes, totally gonna enjoy my holiday In August now.

I’ve not stopped following along and silently rooting for everyone. I just worry to comment too much as I don’t want to cause any upset. Praying for you hun. I so want to see you get your rainbow and I have every faith it will happen for you when the time is right. Really hope after your lovely holiday September will be the month to bring your sticky, healthy bfp
I'm so sorry @Suggerhoney I can only echo what Bev said, huge safeguarding and supervision failure, I'm glad you are getting the police involved, the child who assaulted your boy needs to learn he can not going around behaving like that!! I do hope your son is ok and gets a place asap in the new school x
I do keep popping on every now and then, not really ttc at the moment, I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, unintentionally so currently trying to get my medication right which is taking its time, I have another blood test in 8 weeks as we have just increased my meds again.
Sending everyone lots of luck and baby dust x

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