Hey ladies, im sorry I've been mia, my poor 12 year old son waa assaulted at school yesterday. Some horrible kid came up behind him while he was just sat in the dinner hall eating his lunch and smashed his head against the table several times.
I had too take him to hospital because he needed stitches.
Hes been bullied for a few weeks and now this. Yesterday i was fuming and today i just want to cry.
My son is 12 and has autism and doesnt really have friends. He was just sat eating his lunch.
I hate the kid thats done this too my sweet sensitive son.
The police are coming out today. The school said they would investigate it but im not having it. He was assaulted in there grounds. Surprisingly no adults were around which im so angry about.
We are trying to move my son too a different school and he is number 2 on the waiting list.
They have 2 more weeks until they break up for the summer holidays and i do not want him going back to that school.
Im so scared for his safety. Thankfully we live far from that school so that brat doesn't know where we live. I hope he gets what he deserves i really do.
I just feel like its constant stress and upset.
So much bad luck i just wish we would start having good things happen now.
In regards of ttc, i am 2dpo today.
We bded on peak day, ovulation day and also the day after.
Zero symptoms so far. Ive used all my opks up now and wont be buying any more until September now. In August we will still try but i wont be using any opks.
I ovulated cd11 this cycle.
@cheerios i can guarantee ill be still trying come September. If i get my sticky bfp ill be very suprised. So will see you in the September testing group.
I know im only 2dpo but im very dry down there and thats always a early sign im not pregnant. Fully expecting bfn again!