KEEPING IT REAL *TEAM - IT WILL HAPPEN* Join me in the journey ladies! :)

Thanks Fitz! I am def ready to tell everyone especially now that i got a taste of it (MIL was in tears beside herself!) On 10/4 i get the results from my bloodwork (they finally did it at 10wks:growlmad:) then the u/s 2days later so i should be convinced all is ok after all that:blush:

JMandrews--- so sorry the :witch: got you and the ridiculously long cycle! Glad to hear your doc is sympathetic though, lots of women have success with Clomid, maybe that's the kick in the a$$ your body needs:thumbup: I hope the witch passes quickly for you in the mean time, I know staying busy def helps!

JBear-- The distancing now theory sounds really "male logical" to me!!! 4 mths is a long time especially if it's out of the norm for you 2! It sucks to have to wait that long but maybe the break from each other will strengthen your bond when he returns! (plus crazy monkey sex after a long break may just do the TTC job :haha:)

PNuts-- nice to see ya around honey!Are you waiting to O?

Anyway, I think it's just nice talking to all the ladies in here even if it's not particularly about TTC. Try not to be a stranger :hugs:
Aw thanks Lacey Greer and Christina! I'll keep u updated on how ir goes :)

Christina! That i's so exciting! 10 weeks & counting! I bet ur dying to tell people. So happy for u!
Aw thanks Lacey Greer and Christina! I'll keep u updated on how ir goes :)

Christina! That i's so exciting! 10 weeks & counting! I bet ur dying to tell people. So happy for u!

thanx sweetie, i am but also looking foward to some of you ladies to join me soon :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Thanks Fitz! I am def ready to tell everyone especially now that i got a taste of it (MIL was in tears beside herself!) On 10/4 i get the results from my bloodwork (they finally did it at 10wks:growlmad:) then the u/s 2days later so i should be convinced all is ok after all that:blush:

JMandrews--- so sorry the :witch: got you and the ridiculously long cycle! Glad to hear your doc is sympathetic though, lots of women have success with Clomid, maybe that's the kick in the a$$ your body needs:thumbup: I hope the witch passes quickly for you in the mean time, I know staying busy def helps!

JBear-- The distancing now theory sounds really "male logical" to me!!! 4 mths is a long time especially if it's out of the norm for you 2! It sucks to have to wait that long but maybe the break from each other will strengthen your bond when he returns! (plus crazy monkey sex after a long break may just do the TTC job :haha:)

PNuts-- nice to see ya around honey!Are you waiting to O?

Anyway, I think it's just nice talking to all the ladies in here even if it's not particularly about TTC. Try not to be a stranger :hugs:

Haha I SO hope you're right... we're pretty used to being apart because of his job, but not for THAT long. I really hope we can make it through!!

I want to see some more BFP's around here in the worst way, but it's looking like most of us are not even actively TTC right now?
JBear-- i think sometimes not actively trying is better, ya know what i mean? The stress of it all will make it not happen and put so much tension on your relationship! DH had just about had it with my roller coaster mood and crying meltdown every 3wks. July was really going to be a "whatever" month. All my concentration was on not going nuts when AF came and focus on our vaca that i knew would be my next "o" (hahaha just shows that you can only plan so much)
It almost seems like a bunch of you ladies won't even have SO around for awhile too:sad2: I know that's what's going on with fragiledoll right now too. Sounds kinda lonely to me but we're all here for ya even if it's just for regular jibber jabber :friends:
Hi to all! Just wanted to pop in. Busy here. Had DD's 18 month appt today ... she had to get blood drawn and I cried more than she did! It was the WORST. She was such a trooper though. Off to meet with my mom's oncologist. Yuck! Hope everyone is having a great day! Waiting on AF. Due today. But my cycles aren't too regular so expecting her some time this weekend.
:hi: Morning all, So sorry I've been a stranger this week - but had the week from hell!!!
Been really busy between work and venue hunting there has just been no time for anything else!!
Lesson observations at school are already under way - was not a good one either!!! OH did come home with a big bunch of flowers for me - he never does that!!! :cry: :hugs: :kiss:
Then came down with his snotty cold!!! So I made him make me dinner again yesterday!! After all he was at home for the day while I was out working my arse off!

On a better note - I think we have finally found a venue for our wedding!!! :happydance:

Check this out!!

They have recently finished refurbishing the honeymoon suite which we could unfortunately not see when we were there on Wednesday night as Rory McGrath was there.
So hopefully see it tomorrow when I take my mom with for their wedding show.

As for the TTC front - I really dont think anything will happen this month as I have been so stressed between work and wedding planning. But all is not lost. I have forms to get CD21 bloods done this week. I am just hoping that my cycle will be the same as the last few months so we can get this sorted!

Hope everyone is well.
Just going to read up on all I have missed out.
That didnt take me long to catch up on a weeks worth of chat - really quiet on here. Hope its just everyone is busy!!

Christina - I really dont know how you have kept quiet for so long - I am such a blabber mouth. I dont think I will be able to keep it quiet that long unless OH gags me!! :haha:

Janene - I agree - good and bad that the nasty witch finally got you. Glad to hear you are starting with clomid this month. I am going for bloods this week so hopefully get those results next week sometime and get started on something too.

Jen - I really hope the next 4 month fly by for you!!!

Greer - how you doing?

Has anyone heard from Ana recently?
morning ladies getting ready for work. sorry haven't been around but I haven't been ttc this month just going with the flow and bd'ing lots just not thinking about making a baby thats all so hoping that this works for me. i think I'm in the 2 week wait but haven't been tracking so not totally sure. I keep dreaming that I'm pg the last 2 weeks have been like that with my dreams but trying not to think to much into it. time will tell fx for me ladies i'm hoping Oct has lots of bfp
SKweek--- that place looks reaalllly nice! Glad you guys settled on a venue now all the FUN planning begins! Oh and being a complete worry wart makes it pretty easy to stay quiet. I wasn't truly convinced this was all real till i heard the heartbeat anyway:blush:

Butterworth-- I hope this stratagy works for you, at least the lack of stress must be a nice change.

Fitz-- sure hope the witch doesn't make you wait too long (or 9mths :winkwink:)
Thanks Fitz! I am def ready to tell everyone especially now that i got a taste of it (MIL was in tears beside herself!) On 10/4 i get the results from my bloodwork (they finally did it at 10wks:growlmad:) then the u/s 2days later so i should be convinced all is ok after all that:blush:

JMandrews--- so sorry the :witch: got you and the ridiculously long cycle! Glad to hear your doc is sympathetic though, lots of women have success with Clomid, maybe that's the kick in the a$$ your body needs:thumbup: I hope the witch passes quickly for you in the mean time, I know staying busy def helps!

JBear-- The distancing now theory sounds really "male logical" to me!!! 4 mths is a long time especially if it's out of the norm for you 2! It sucks to have to wait that long but maybe the break from each other will strengthen your bond when he returns! (plus crazy monkey sex after a long break may just do the TTC job :haha:)

PNuts-- nice to see ya around honey!Are you waiting to O?

Anyway, I think it's just nice talking to all the ladies in here even if it's not particularly about TTC. Try not to be a stranger :hugs:

Yes I am waiting to ovulate. I have an appointment Oct 11th and I am going to see if I can get help conceiving. Time is ticking and my husband will be 29 in march. I will be 23, so I want to have a baby soon. I was bummed yesterday because my stepmom called me to tell me my stepsister is 16 weeks pregnant and she just found out. Even my husband was sad because its not us. I am happy for her though
Thanks Fitz! I am def ready to tell everyone especially now that i got a taste of it (MIL was in tears beside herself!) On 10/4 i get the results from my bloodwork (they finally did it at 10wks:growlmad:) then the u/s 2days later so i should be convinced all is ok after all that:blush:

JMandrews--- so sorry the :witch: got you and the ridiculously long cycle! Glad to hear your doc is sympathetic though, lots of women have success with Clomid, maybe that's the kick in the a$$ your body needs:thumbup: I hope the witch passes quickly for you in the mean time, I know staying busy def helps!

JBear-- The distancing now theory sounds really "male logical" to me!!! 4 mths is a long time especially if it's out of the norm for you 2! It sucks to have to wait that long but maybe the break from each other will strengthen your bond when he returns! (plus crazy monkey sex after a long break may just do the TTC job :haha:)

PNuts-- nice to see ya around honey!Are you waiting to O?

Anyway, I think it's just nice talking to all the ladies in here even if it's not particularly about TTC. Try not to be a stranger :hugs:

Yes I am waiting to ovulate. I have an appointment Oct 11th and I am going to see if I can get help conceiving. Time is ticking and my husband will be 29 in march. I will be 23, so I want to have a baby soon. I was bummed yesterday because my stepmom called me to tell me my stepsister is 16 weeks pregnant and she just found out. Even my husband was sad because its not us. I am happy for her though

ugggghhhh... I know what you mean! Finding out about a very close friend getting preg (at the same time we started TTC) just 5mths after their wedding almost threw me over the edge! I told hubby (while bawling my eyes out of course) that i knew it was wrong to feel that way and i should be happy for her but right now i cant! They weren't even "trying" just ntnp. It's obviously easier now but she is still a reminder how it "should have been" Now i'm 6mths behind her and can't wait to tell her so we can chit chat. Maybe you'll end up with a buddy to chit chat with too (i say let them do the first run so you get the advice:haha:)
Thanks Fitz! I am def ready to tell everyone especially now that i got a taste of it (MIL was in tears beside herself!) On 10/4 i get the results from my bloodwork (they finally did it at 10wks:growlmad:) then the u/s 2days later so i should be convinced all is ok after all that:blush:

JMandrews--- so sorry the :witch: got you and the ridiculously long cycle! Glad to hear your doc is sympathetic though, lots of women have success with Clomid, maybe that's the kick in the a$$ your body needs:thumbup: I hope the witch passes quickly for you in the mean time, I know staying busy def helps!

JBear-- The distancing now theory sounds really "male logical" to me!!! 4 mths is a long time especially if it's out of the norm for you 2! It sucks to have to wait that long but maybe the break from each other will strengthen your bond when he returns! (plus crazy monkey sex after a long break may just do the TTC job :haha:)

PNuts-- nice to see ya around honey!Are you waiting to O?

Anyway, I think it's just nice talking to all the ladies in here even if it's not particularly about TTC. Try not to be a stranger :hugs:

Yes I am waiting to ovulate. I have an appointment Oct 11th and I am going to see if I can get help conceiving. Time is ticking and my husband will be 29 in march. I will be 23, so I want to have a baby soon. I was bummed yesterday because my stepmom called me to tell me my stepsister is 16 weeks pregnant and she just found out. Even my husband was sad because its not us. I am happy for her though

ugggghhhh... I know what you mean! Finding out about a very close friend getting preg (at the same time we started TTC) just 5mths after their wedding almost threw me over the edge! I told hubby (while bawling my eyes out of course) that i knew it was wrong to feel that way and i should be happy for her but right now i cant! They weren't even "trying" just ntnp. It's obviously easier now but she is still a reminder how it "should have been" Now i'm 6mths behind her and can't wait to tell her so we can chit chat. Maybe you'll end up with a buddy to chit chat with too (i say let them do the first run so you get the advice:haha:)

Yeah she is my stepsister so it is my niece or nephew in her, I am happy for her, I just dont get what is going on with me. I'll have to see what my doctor will say
Lacy: Time is ticking and my husband will be 29 in march. I will be 23,

Lacy, you are still really young and there is loads of time for docs to sort things out - if there is a problem.
Dont worry, or put pressure on yourself because he wants kids. You have about 15 - 20 years still before you need to start worrying about time.
Lacy: Time is ticking and my husband will be 29 in march. I will be 23,

Lacy, you are still really young and there is loads of time for docs to sort things out - if there is a problem.
Dont worry, or put pressure on yourself because he wants kids. You have about 15 - 20 years still before you need to start worrying about time.

He has 2 kids from a previous marriage, but we have cancer in my family my mom had precancer at 27 my moms mom had to have everything removed at 27
Lacy - doesnt mean you will get it - but I totally understand your worries about having babies now!!!
Hang in there and try to relax as much as possible!
I've got bloods on Tuesday.
Hoping to get results back within a week.
So just a waiting game now
PNuts-- I'm 32 and he's 42! You do have time. My mom (& grandma & aunt) have suffered from cysts that all had to be surgically removed. My mom had 1 ovary removed at 21 (they told her she would never get preggo again......then came ME!) and everything else removed at 35. You never know what will happen, but a family history doesn't determine your life! Although i have had stupid short cycles and HEAVY periods, I have NOO cysts. It doesn't mean it'll happen to you honey! Your doc should be able to assist you alot! especially knowing your history if you're worried. Sometimes just relaxing alittle because you're taking steps is enough. We got pg right before we had his boys tested (I even had the perscription to bring'em in!)
In a way I think I have no chances of getting a bfp this month as work and wedding have really stressed me out this month.
As a result of being so busy I have not had time to think about TTCing since we went back to work a few weeks back.
SO there is a small part of me that says this could be my month? Just dont know
I'm going to get the bloods done on Tuesday at lunch time - hopefully getting the results back within a week. If all is well, will send him to get his swimmers checked.
In a way I think I have no chances of getting a bfp this month as work and wedding have really stressed me out this month.
As a result of being so busy I have not had time to think about TTCing since we went back to work a few weeks back.
SO there is a small part of me that says this could be my month? Just dont know
I'm going to get the bloods done on Tuesday at lunch time - hopefully getting the results back within a week. If all is well, will send him to get his swimmers checked.

sounds like a good plan, but you may want to get some rest in somewhere:haha: At least busy keeps you from thinking about it all too much. (attempting to do the same here!)
Hi guys! Just checking in! In the 2ww... getting a bit itchy iykwim

Hope everyone has something fun planned for the weekend! :thumbup:


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