KEEPING IT REAL *TEAM - IT WILL HAPPEN* Join me in the journey ladies! :)

Hi Sandy
Yes I'm doing well thanks.
Really looking forward to tomorrow afternoon as I'm going for the HSG scan.
Really hoping for a painfree scan so I can go car shopping afterwards! I desperately need a newer car!
Hope team coochie are doing well!
Hi Sandy
Yes I'm doing well thanks.
Really looking forward to tomorrow afternoon as I'm going for the HSG scan.
Really hoping for a painfree scan so I can go car shopping afterwards! I desperately need a newer car!
Hope team coochie are doing well!

hope everything goes well with the HSG scan and have fun car shopping

can't wait for this weekend Df doesn't work so I finally get to sleep in with no alarm I know its only weds but I'm supper tired. AF is due friday pretty sure she is going to arrive that day I did't ttc last month its was to crazy of a month and I wanted to take dec off so I could relax and do a little celebrating so once she shows up I can start ttc again
Hi Sandy,
HSg scan went well, but now need to wait for the official results. The doc said that my tubes are clear and now is the time to really try!! HOOWHOO!!!! No need to tell me to start BDing!! hehe
bit of a bugger though - my mom saw me on my way home this afternon (before the scan) so phoned to find out why I was not at work. I told her I had an ultrasound booked for 2pm just to check my ovaries. She offered to get the results early for me!! I think NOT!!! She doesnt know we are TTCing!!
I did speak to the nurse and ask her to make sure that my mother cant get access to these results (she is a TB nurse at the same hospital)!!! I hope I have done enough to prevent her from finding out.
fx you can keep your secret hon! I don't know how they are in england but in the states a nurse/doc can go to jail for releasing information without consent, but i know how it is when they work at the same hospital! My mom is a nurse practioner at like 3 hospitals (thankfully not the closest one to me!) and i already told them NO ONE but me and DH gets any info at all about my preg. She can be very difficult to deal with and cannot keep a secret to save her life so i understand the worry! So very glad to hear it all went well though so start:sex::sex::sex: already!:haha:
It sounds like your mom is just like mine!!!
When DF and I got engaged she just wanted to tell everyone!!!! She even said to me one night that she was so close to telling people I specifically told her not to tell then!! I will have to come up with a good reason why I cant go to weight watchers when I do fall preggers!
Talk to your doc hon cuz alot of them say it's fine to stay on weight watcher because it's healthy eating habits not popping pills. He may just tell you to suppliment xxx amount of calories into a day extra, then you'll be completely off the hook!:thumbup: My DH did the "proper" thing and asked my mom & dad for my hand in marriage before he proposed (they're divorced) My mom dropped SOOOO many hints about it to me (something we NEVER discussed before) that i knew he was going to propose.:growlmad: She was upset that i didn't tell her about the pregn before 2nd trimester too. (even though my step sister told her about her BFP at 6wks with a promise not to say anything, then my mom had to tell 8ppl when she miscarried at 9wks!) There is no way she could keep a secret! I'm watching her now because we've decided to stay team yellow and it's killing her not knowing!
Oh there is no way I want to find out too! team yellow all the way!!!
With my mom being a qualified midwife she looks at scan picks and tells the people exactly what they are having!!! EVERY TIME!!!
So no way I want her to see my scan pics!! that is going to be a difficult one!!
Hi Sandy,
HSg scan went well, but now need to wait for the official results. The doc said that my tubes are clear and now is the time to really try!! HOOWHOO!!!! No need to tell me to start BDing!! hehe
bit of a bugger though - my mom saw me on my way home this afternon (before the scan) so phoned to find out why I was not at work. I told her I had an ultrasound booked for 2pm just to check my ovaries. She offered to get the results early for me!! I think NOT!!! She doesnt know we are TTCing!!
I did speak to the nurse and ask her to make sure that my mother cant get access to these results (she is a TB nurse at the same hospital)!!! I hope I have done enough to prevent her from finding out.

well medical staff of any kind have privacy laws they have to follow if you said you didn't want your mom to get your results then they have to listen so hopefully with your mom working in the same hospital she wont sneak around to find your result without you knowing. have fun bd'ing
Glad to hear your hsg went well! I hope you get a B F P very soon! Same for the rest of you ladies still waiting. I have my FX for you!

AFM, hit my second trimester today. :)
Congrats Carla! start Bding already. :happydance::happydance:

And Congrats to you too, Andrea. :thumbup::happydance::happydance:

For me, I just can't seem to conceive. I do not have any kids, hitting my 26 birthday this July. Very upset!
Congrats Carla! start Bding already. :happydance::happydance:

And Congrats to you too, Andrea. :thumbup::happydance::happydance:

For me, I just can't seem to conceive. I do not have any kids, hitting my 26th birthday this July. Very upset!
Morning ladies,
I'm at work and really shouldnt be on here but have a few minutes so thought I would post quickly.

Andrea - cant wait to hear if you are pink or blue!!! And well done for getting to your 2nd tri!!!

Ana - I am going to be 36 in Feb and still no kids!!! so dont worry hun, you have loads of time still!! Get BDing and get that BFP with me so we can be bump buddies!!

AFM - we officially started BDing last night again and will be at it every other night till either the witch arrives or I get my BFP!!!
Really hoping for BFP this month.
Oh I also ordered a Cheri22 reading - rather interesting. Will post it on here in a bit - Basically she said concieve or give birth in Feb to a girl.
I so hope its concieve!!!
Here it is ladies

GIRL - FEB so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in

The first thing that they show is an early morning delivery, which would tell me that shes born after 7am but no later than 11am. Shes always going to be insightful, hardworking and a bit of a perfectionist. Shes always going to know exactly what she wants and has a hard time with being a bit more laid back with things. Shes just this get up and go type personality and really feisty.

When it comes to your daughter, shes always going to be pleasant. She wants. I am seeing her as someone who si always going to be good with her friends. Always the one that seems to be getting along with everyone and anyone. people enjoy her company. Shes smart, shes funny, and she always a bit competitive. In a fun way, and s always the one that makes things interesting.

As far as your daughter, shes always going to be someone who seems to have just as many male friends as she has female. Shes always this down to earth entertaining person. Shes always going to love to sing. I am seeing her being an "okay" singer, but its more about having a good time. Shes an amazing dancer.

When it comes to your daughter, they show her working as a writer. I am seeing this linked to working for a magazine type company.

When it comes to marriage I am seeing her closer to 28. They will have two girls and one boy of their own.

GIRL - JUNE so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in
When ti comes to your daughter, shes someone who is a bit more on the emotional side. Shes always looking out for other people, at times getting taken advantage of because of how giving she is. I think that you will find that more than anything this is frustrating for your daughter because she gives so much of herself and that she can't understand why people would want to do that to her.

Shes always going to love animals. You will find that it really does not matter what kind of animal it is, shes just got a soft sport for them and they seem to be drawn to her. Shes always going to love bunnies. They show a bunny that is white with a bit of grey and seems to have a grey patch over its eye.

They show her as being someone who si always happy, tries to focus on the good things in life and really does not want to let anyone down. Shes always going to study and ensure that what she is learning sinks in. You will find her to always do well on tests. Usually a low A to a high B average.

When ti comes to your daughter, shes someone who is always accountable for what she does. Shes not going to be pushy and seems to be accepting of things that she can't change. She hates to loose any friendships even when the person was not that good of a friend to begin with. It sometimes bothers her that her older sister is so protective of her, but understands the reasons behind her motives.

When ti comes to career paths, they show her working as a pediatric nurse.

When it comes to marriage I am seeing her closer to 23. They will have two boys and one girl of their own.
interesting reading hoping you get a bfp soon
af got me last night but feb looking good for me and if I don't get a bfp in feb then march would be great its both me and df birthdays in march and I would be so happy if I got a bfp that month
Hi ladies

Sandy - Oh yes!! that would be such a lovely birthday pressie for both of you!!

Where is everyone else??
Its sooo quiet in here again
Hey Ladies,
How are you ladies? I am sorry I havent been on much. Been so busy with school and I got a bad cold right now which is making me uncomfy. My 23rd birthday was January 11th so hubby took me out to dinner and bought me a cake. It was a great birthday and I wish the night didnt have to end. The 17th is blood work for progesterone level and then I am done with all my infertility things and can call my doctor to see why I haven't gotten pregnant
Hope you had a great birthday!

Sorry I've been MIA.... Just tired a lot lately and busy with school!

Let's round up some Valentine babies ladies! If you're not using OPK's yet I highly recommend them and I got mine dirt cheap on amazon and they've worked for me every cycle!

13 more days until the big gender scan. Hope we can find out!

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