***Lucky Testers: 32 Testers, 21 BFPs, 9 Angels***

Very excited for you Arturia!! I've been trying to get fit/lose weight ready too, it's really hard so I'm just going to accept myself now lol.

Hi kksy9b, yes it is suddenly feeling very real! How are you feeling today? Better I hope. It must be going around, my sister and baby nephew have both been ill as have my sister-in-law and one of my other little nephews :nope: well AF is starting tonight so I'll put it down as starting tomorrow... It isn't going to give us long to hear about the house so panicking a bit that we'll have to wait til next month! I thought it might be early as I o'd early this month, let's hope O hangs on a bit this cycle. So I guess I can now put that I'm TTC!!

Sorry to hear the witch got you love xxx She's a cruel, B! Congrats on officially TTC though xx Also another congrats on the body positivity! Wish I could do that. Good luck with the house! Best of luck to you for next cycle xxx
Tinymumma and Curiosity - Yay on the body positivity! My doctor says I'm healthy, my blood work is all good, which is all far more important than the number on the scale. Hope it's the same for you guys! Though... I've been losing fairly steadily for a couple weeks now, since I cut milk out of my diet. I still get milk products through yogurt with breakfast, but this weight thing and my suddenly clearer skin tells me I might not have tolerated drinking the milk as well as I thought. Might be the lactose as much of it is metabolized in yogurt by the bacteria.
Tinymumma and Curiosity - Yay on the body positivity! My doctor says I'm healthy, my blood work is all good, which is all far more important than the number on the scale. Hope it's the same for you guys! Though... I've been losing fairly steadily for a couple weeks now, since I cut milk out of my diet. I still get milk products through yogurt with breakfast, but this weight thing and my suddenly clearer skin tells me I might not have tolerated drinking the milk as well as I thought. Might be the lactose as much of it is metabolized in yogurt by the bacteria.

That's amazing! You're right though, your health is much more important than a number on the scale. I wish society stopped telling woman one body type is ugly and the other is beautiful and instead just focused on healthy women! Sounds like you've got it covered xxx Unfortunately I'm on the other end of the scale, underweight and hating it. It doesn't make it easier the fact that complete strangers seem to think it's ok to point it out :/ Wishing you all the best on your TTC journey x
Thank you tinymumma! Good luck to you too, when will you be testing? I was looking forward to cd1 to say I'm TTC but was hoping agnus castus I've started taking would've lengthened my cycle a bit, I know it takes a few weeks though!

Arturia I think as long as doc is happy that's all that matters :) sounds really good that cutting out milk has made a difference to you! I've cut down on carbs which I think has helped my digestion. We're all good and ready to be mummas I say :winkwink:
Thank you tinymumma! Good luck to you too, when will you be testing? I was looking forward to cd1 to say I'm TTC but was hoping agnus castus I've started taking would've lengthened my cycle a bit, I know it takes a few weeks though!

Arturia I think as long as doc is happy that's all that matters :) sounds really good that cutting out milk has made a difference to you! I've cut down on carbs which I think has helped my digestion. We're all good and ready to be mummas I say :winkwink:

Well, I'm going to wait and see if AF arrives. I only have 2 FRER left and since they're so dear here, I would hate to waste them. Plus I hate seeing a bfn since my eyes always see a squinter :nope: Vitex helped me conceive my son. I'm thinking of picking some more up. My lp looks like it's only 8 days :( Not good for pregnancy! Last time I got my BFP after three cycles of Vitex, hopefully it's that long or less for you!!
Best of luck ladies, sounds like your bodies are more than ready for a little bean xoxo
Just in case anyone was interested, I posted a journal in order to document my experiences. Actually, mostly the experiences of my first couple cycles, and just because I thought it'd make an interesting read to new TTCers and friends. :)
Just in case anyone was interested, I posted a journal in order to document my experiences. Actually, mostly the experiences of my first couple cycles, and just because I thought it'd make an interesting read to new TTCers and friends. :)

I have one too! I'll go and find yours now xx I find it quite therapeutic writing down all my thoughts :)
Thank you for the well wishes ladies. Super grateful for my husband who worked from home today and took care of DS so that I could basically sleep all day. He left to go out of town for a day for work so I'm hoping that all the rest today means I'm back at 100% tomorrow.

Wanting- I hope you get your boy, but more than anything that you have a healthy forever baby soon. :hugs: best of luck with your hysteroscopy

tiny- hopefully like liles said it is just being sick throwing your temps off. do you usually get any pre AF signs? i completely agree with you about society saying one body is beautiful and another is ugly. healthy is best and women come in all shapes and sizes. sorry that people have made rude comments to you....I always say that you would never walk up to someone and call them fat and therefore shouldn't say someone is "too skinny." Sounds like vitex might be a good idea with an 8 day LP. Mine started at 9 and have gotten it to 12 days but it took 3 full cycles to see any improvement.

liles- i can imagine that having losses would make you want to have more. I hope that it happens for you soon :hugs:

ProudArmyWife- hello :hi: I've added you to our list. FX that your first go is successful! how long did it take to fall preggo with your other kiddos?

Arturia- my Saturday was great with a fun family day at the train station (DS is loving trains right now). Was hit with food poisoning last night so that has sucked...so it was good and bad :) How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? That is great that you may have discovered an intolerance and and can correct it! And that is great that you got the all clear from your doctor on being healthy :thumbup: I'll go find your journal so I can follow you there!

curiosity- you all should definitely still go for it this cycle ;) it took 3 cycles for the AC to work for me...my doc said 6-8 weeks so hopefully this cycle you start to see some improvement
I have one too in the ttc journal section anyone welcome to come see mine :thumbup:
Okay Im totally confused maybe this month is going to be a dud anyway :wacko:

I got a peak in the afternoon of wednesday and then on friday morning the hospital did a pregnancy test that was negative. My question is could it have showed as a peak with lots of highs and a low and the peak be a dud and actually residue hormones with all that info. I missed 3 days temps near ovulation and cd1-5 and been getting up real early with olivia and sometimes forgetting and taking it when got back into bed. But my chart was marking me down at 2dpo today which if I am Im buggered I did get ewcm on saturday but i do get that a few days after ovulation, my cm did go creamy the day after my ovulation peak so I have no idea where I am. i cant remember if I even had as much pain this cycle. I used the bbt adjuster for a temp which then changed it to 4dpo but pretty sure I'm 5dpo but I really have no idea what a waste :cry: maybe i should treat this cycle as a dud one. if i am 2dpo last time we dtd was fri night so buggered

I also got a sharp twinge in bed last night but know wayyyyyy too early! xxx
Thank you for the well wishes ladies. Super grateful for my husband who worked from home today and took care of DS so that I could basically sleep all day. He left to go out of town for a day for work so I'm hoping that all the rest today means I'm back at 100% tomorrow.

Wanting- I hope you get your boy, but more than anything that you have a healthy forever baby soon. :hugs: best of luck with your hysteroscopy

tiny- hopefully like liles said it is just being sick throwing your temps off. do you usually get any pre AF signs? i completely agree with you about society saying one body is beautiful and another is ugly. healthy is best and women come in all shapes and sizes. sorry that people have made rude comments to you....I always say that you would never walk up to someone and call them fat and therefore shouldn't say someone is "too skinny." Sounds like vitex might be a good idea with an 8 day LP. Mine started at 9 and have gotten it to 12 days but it took 3 full cycles to see any improvement.

liles- i can imagine that having losses would make you want to have more. I hope that it happens for you soon :hugs:

ProudArmyWife- hello :hi: I've added you to our list. FX that your first go is successful! how long did it take to fall preggo with your other kiddos?

Arturia- my Saturday was great with a fun family day at the train station (DS is loving trains right now). Was hit with food poisoning last night so that has sucked...so it was good and bad :) How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? That is great that you may have discovered an intolerance and and can correct it! And that is great that you got the all clear from your doctor on being healthy :thumbup: I'll go find your journal so I can follow you there!

curiosity- you all should definitely still go for it this cycle ;) it took 3 cycles for the AC to work for me...my doc said 6-8 weeks so hopefully this cycle you start to see some improvement

thanks hun - i have no idea when it is but seems a bit quick :wacko: have my pre-op appointment tomorrow!

Ive been reading up since erin every single month and dont know if that was a one off after her or if its linked to my d&c I have spotting every single cycle like a week after my ovulation and sometimes earlier. Its usually one spot then nothing until af but some months more sporadic. I read progesterone cream may help? But no one is willing to help me or even look into it until I've had 3 losses in a row xxx
Okay Im totally confused maybe this month is going to be a dud anyway :wacko:

I got a peak in the afternoon of wednesday and then on friday morning the hospital did a pregnancy test that was negative. My question is could it have showed as a peak with lots of highs and a low and the peak be a dud and actually residue hormones with all that info. I missed 3 days temps near ovulation and cd1-5 and been getting up real early with olivia and sometimes forgetting and taking it when got back into bed. But my chart was marking me down at 2dpo today which if I am Im buggered I did get ewcm on saturday but i do get that a few days after ovulation, my cm did go creamy the day after my ovulation peak so I have no idea where I am. i cant remember if I even had as much pain this cycle. I used the bbt adjuster for a temp which then changed it to 4dpo but pretty sure I'm 5dpo but I really have no idea what a waste :cry: maybe i should treat this cycle as a dud one. if i am 2dpo last time we dtd was fri night so buggered

I also got a sharp twinge in bed last night but know wayyyyyy too early! xxx

I'm so sorry you're feeling like this xx I really, truly hope that next cycle is your time xxx Lots and lots of big hugs and remember, you're not out until the :witch: gets you xxx
Thank you for the well wishes ladies. Super grateful for my husband who worked from home today and took care of DS so that I could basically sleep all day. He left to go out of town for a day for work so I'm hoping that all the rest today means I'm back at 100% tomorrow.

Wanting- I hope you get your boy, but more than anything that you have a healthy forever baby soon. :hugs: best of luck with your hysteroscopy

tiny- hopefully like liles said it is just being sick throwing your temps off. do you usually get any pre AF signs? i completely agree with you about society saying one body is beautiful and another is ugly. healthy is best and women come in all shapes and sizes. sorry that people have made rude comments to you....I always say that you would never walk up to someone and call them fat and therefore shouldn't say someone is "too skinny." Sounds like vitex might be a good idea with an 8 day LP. Mine started at 9 and have gotten it to 12 days but it took 3 full cycles to see any improvement.

liles- i can imagine that having losses would make you want to have more. I hope that it happens for you soon :hugs:

ProudArmyWife- hello :hi: I've added you to our list. FX that your first go is successful! how long did it take to fall preggo with your other kiddos?

Arturia- my Saturday was great with a fun family day at the train station (DS is loving trains right now). Was hit with food poisoning last night so that has sucked...so it was good and bad :) How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? That is great that you may have discovered an intolerance and and can correct it! And that is great that you got the all clear from your doctor on being healthy :thumbup: I'll go find your journal so I can follow you there!

curiosity- you all should definitely still go for it this cycle ;) it took 3 cycles for the AC to work for me...my doc said 6-8 weeks so hopefully this cycle you start to see some improvement

How wonderful of your hubby! Where can I get one of those? Haha, kidding. I was a lot better yesterday and so far today, headache is still there but at least I can stand up and walk around without feeling like my head is literally exploding. I'm starting to think it might have been the antibiotics I was taking... I've never had a reaction to the before though, so I'm really stumped. This morning when I took my temp (which jumped back up, yay!) I again was busting for a piddle. So strange. Also was so hungry it could almost be called nausea which is extremely odd for me since I'm never hungry until at least 10 am?... Serious leg aches yesterday and what I'm guessing was my sciatic nerve playing up, not fun but has me hoping, lol. Had some more sharp O type pains after hubby and I BD last night. 6 DPO, due in 3 days. This waiting is killing me! Lol. Silly to hope that I'm still in with a chance, as deep down I know AF will show up right on schedule (as per usual). Fx'd my next cycle goes better in the way of temps and I can pin down what I need to do. Might grab some OPK's as well...
Good luck tinymumma and wantingagirl, I'll keep an eye out and hope you get that lucky :bfp:

Thanks Kaity, glad hubby has looked after you so well :) still looks hopeful for this cycle, solicitor's checks are complete on the house so now only waiting for final mortgage offer from the mortgage company which should be next week :happydance: I'm really pleased we can be cycle buddies!

I'm looking forward to reading people's journals when I get time :)
Good luck tinymumma and wantingagirl, I'll keep an eye out and hope you get that lucky :bfp:

Thanks Kaity, glad hubby has looked after you so well :) still looks hopeful for this cycle, solicitor's checks are complete on the house so now only waiting for final mortgage offer from the mortgage company which should be next week :happydance: I'm really pleased we can be cycle buddies!

I'm looking forward to reading people's journals when I get time :)

How exciting about your house!! Such an exciting time xx Fx'd you get a BFP to make the deal even sweeter!! Thank you for your well wishes xx Deep down I know I'm out but I can't help but keep hope alive. I'm expecting my temp to drop very soon but as of right now, it's up so I am too, lol
Hi Kk can I join? This is my first cycle after MMC. If AF doesn't show by 3/31, I'll test either then or on 4/1. It's hard to say when exactly AF will show, but likely some time between 3/29-3/31. It's been longer than that only once in my life. We're trying, but taking it easy this cycle. I'm not too hopeful since it took 6 cycles the first time, so looking forward to April and probably beyond. I am hopeful that with time it will happen again, and hopefully that happiness won't end too soon the next time. My April test date is tbd depending on how long this first cycle is.
Thank you for the well wishes ladies. Super grateful for my husband who worked from home today and took care of DS so that I could basically sleep all day. He left to go out of town for a day for work so I'm hoping that all the rest today means I'm back at 100% tomorrow.

Wanting- I hope you get your boy, but more than anything that you have a healthy forever baby soon. :hugs: best of luck with your hysteroscopy

tiny- hopefully like liles said it is just being sick throwing your temps off. do you usually get any pre AF signs? i completely agree with you about society saying one body is beautiful and another is ugly. healthy is best and women come in all shapes and sizes. sorry that people have made rude comments to you....I always say that you would never walk up to someone and call them fat and therefore shouldn't say someone is "too skinny." Sounds like vitex might be a good idea with an 8 day LP. Mine started at 9 and have gotten it to 12 days but it took 3 full cycles to see any improvement.

liles- i can imagine that having losses would make you want to have more. I hope that it happens for you soon :hugs:

ProudArmyWife- hello :hi: I've added you to our list. FX that your first go is successful! how long did it take to fall preggo with your other kiddos?

Arturia- my Saturday was great with a fun family day at the train station (DS is loving trains right now). Was hit with food poisoning last night so that has sucked...so it was good and bad :) How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? That is great that you may have discovered an intolerance and and can correct it! And that is great that you got the all clear from your doctor on being healthy :thumbup: I'll go find your journal so I can follow you there!

curiosity- you all should definitely still go for it this cycle ;) it took 3 cycles for the AC to work for me...my doc said 6-8 weeks so hopefully this cycle you start to see some improvement

Kksy9b- it took 13 months for our first and 2 months for our second so big difference 😂
Les- got you added hun. So sorry about your loss :hugs: I hope it doesn't take long to get your rainbow

Yesterday pretty much sucked. Was still recovering from being sick with a headache in the morning, went to the dentist and found out I have a filling leaking so have to get that fixed, AF started after only a 9 day LP. Then DH told me he changed his mind and wants to push until at least May. He is too stressed at work (which, this won't change BTW)....I ranted about this in my journal if you're interested in reading but to say I'm disappointed is an understatement. This is exactly the same thing that happened with DS and when may hit with him, he asked for another year. I stood my ground and he agreed but he still brings it up to try and guilt me with things ("you always get your way" kind of stuff). There is still a chance he will go for this month but its so hard to wrap my head around. And then to top the day off, my little guy caught my stomach bug (that I thought was food poisoning...). He threw up about 15 times in 3 hours. Finally got him in bed asleep at 2 and then I started the clean up and got in bed a little before 3. I just wanted to cry along with him

I still want to root you gals on in your journies so I'm not going to abandon this thread but I am going to take a couple days off from active posting to care for DS and process. I'll update the list as needed and see you all in a couple days
Kk- So sorry you and DH are not on the same page, and also that he tries to guilt you. That's the worst! Guilt trips should be off limits. They're so manipulative. I'm also sorry to hear about DS and catching a stomach bug. It must hurt so much to see home in pain. I hope it's one of those quick bugs and he's better soon! As for the 9 day LP, I had an 8 day LP and I freaked out thinking it meant I could never get pg. Next cycle it was back up at 10 and 2 cycles after that I was pg! Hope things return to normal for you quickly like they did for me <3

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