Hi everyone. Thank you for your kind words, also its nice to know that I am not that only one who feels like this (not that I want you too) but you know what I mean

I wish that we just fell pregnant 'by accident' I hate it when people say that. Jumpingo your husband is right, everyones story is different and I do think that at times as you never know what people have gone through. Its just the 'ones who say 'oh I got pregnant first month trying, blah, blah, blah' as I don't think they have a clue about how difficult this can be. It definitely opened my eyes.
Today I am organising a good friends baby shower and I snapped at DH and became teary. I said I'm sorry and I'm just finding it hard etc (even though I am enjoying it and putting so much effort in because she deserves a nice time). He told me to stop thinking about myself and that its her turn and we need to be patient. I am so so upset by his reaction

I just don't think he understands that some things will be difficult and i will have bad days. Maybe he is upset too and this is the way he is dealing with the loss?
Anyway I hope everyone else is doing ok. Just one of those days for me I think