Watch I'll have stark white BFN's & start pulling the tests apart juuust incase!x
I know hun, it is a case of mixed feelings. Even harder when its friends and family you see regularly, I have SO many friends who have fallen pregnant and had their babies since i started TTC... TTC is sooo hard, emotionally.![]()
Watch I'll have stark white BFN's & start pulling the tests apart juuust incase!x
funny you should say this because I kept seeing the most faint line on the test last night and pulled the test apart hahahahahahaBFN still of course.... LOL I never thought I would do that EVER but we do crazy things during this stressful journey called TTC
Lisa - Yes I will be testing again...not sure if to test tomorrow or leave it until sunday. I want a much darker positive and even a digi "pregnant" before I will be 100% happy to class myself as pregnant....just now I am frightened to class myself as having a BFP in case something happens...if you know what i mean.
MrsP - how long have you been TTC hun? Its hard no matter how long you have been trying, we all want this SO badly, what i "had" before that I was really starting to loose was hope. It is sooo hard to see babies, I remember having a cuddle of my cousins baby a month ago and I spent the rest of the day sobbing my heart out.
U know just last week I said to my mum...jeeze is there a baby boom going on or what and she looked at me and was like I hadn't noticed, don't you think its just coz you want it so bad that your noticing...think she might be right, think we noticed because we want it soo badly. x
EDIT: Sorry MrsP, just noticed your ticker.![]()
Okay ladies, I'm 10dpo. For those who have been stalkin me the past few days, I just want you to know that I caved this morning and POAS with FMU! I was going to what about three more days but when I woke up this morning I just felt it was right. So I thought I saw a line and David did too but the more I looked at it the less I saw it. Posting two pictures anyways. I'm pretty positive its abut just to humor myself I'll let you all see it. I still have no sign of the witch and only a few more days till she should be here. Its okay. I have a few more days and as long as the
doesn't show up I still have faith! And yes, i tore the test apart just to see! hahaha. oh the things this thread prompts me to do.
So there you go my lovely ladies. 10dpo.