adding youI'll be starting POAS 26th May, due AF on 30th May! Showing several signs- sore nipples, mild cramping, achey back, some nausea, sooo tired!
Fingers crossed for everyone and congrats to those who got their BFPs!
I want ice cream so bad.girls how are you all just had a my roast dinner it was yumyum now were having Ben & Jerry ice cream i have got bad pain in my left side don't no if it ibs or was cant wait to test this week congrats ramie x x x
I just got my
Don't think it's quite sunk in yet. Am shaking. I tested earlier this morning and then wrapped it up as part of my OH's birthday presents!!
AF got me today. Congrats to those who got their BFP, H&H 9 months to you all!! Fingers crossed for those still testing! Off to June I go.
AF got me today. Congrats to those who got their BFP, H&H 9 months to you all!! Fingers crossed for those still testing! Off to June I go.