May wtt group now ttc - TTC SUPPORT GROUP

Yes same for me and my oh, we have come along way since getting together. we were both complete party animals, well him a bit more than me. I thought there was no way he'd ever calm down, and certainly settle down. but look at us now ttc number 3 and engaged! :haha:

Hope you get plenty of chances hun :thumbup: That would be very ironic! :haha:
My irony will be exactly the same gap between 1 and 2 as there would be between 2 and 3! :)

Hi Jessica!!! hey it just takes one time right....ask all the 16 year old pregnant girls out there! Hahahaha....(sorry was that wrong?)

Hahahaha 30mummy....that's so funny.....between us I was the party DH has always been that "old soul" looking for a wife(I blame this on him having zero love from his mom/dad so he was always looking for someone to love)...and I was the wild party animal he "tamed" hahahahhaa....actually...what tamed me in all honesty was a little bit him for sure...but the biggest thing was the day my niece was born....I was totally out of control and I swear it was one of those "made for tv" as soon as she was born I had zero interest in drinking and clubbing.....I wanted to be at my sisters and take care of her and be a role model for her...I wanted her to grow up and have an aunt she could rely on.....her and I are so close she's seriously the biological child I didn't birth....she's 10 now...the other love of my life......when I ask her what she wanted my next kid to be she said it could be a boy...she's like " you already have 2 girls...that's enough" (referring to her and my dd hahaha)

So pass the time....lets tell did you and your OH meet? or....tell me about your kids or something....hahaha...I love to know about people!!!
Hello ladies I'm back (well sort of :haha: ) I hope all of you are doing well :)
Like i said when i last posted i would come back on to let you know when i get my + opk and today i got a + :) Not got high hopes for this cycle as we haven't bd much at all but i suppose there is always a chance as we dtd just and hoping to tomorrow also. We are going to ditch the opks next cycle but on the promise that we dtd more often, hoping this will ease the stress a bit.
Well enough about my me :haha: hows you all?

welcome back hopefully this will be a good month we need to get some :bfp: on the board :happydance:. I ovulated a few days ago but now find im symptom spotting as had a lot of cramping yday and today and now got more ewcm think my body is playing tricks on me. :dohh:
Yes same for me and my oh, we have come along way since getting together. we were both complete party animals, well him a bit more than me. I thought there was no way he'd ever calm down, and certainly settle down. but look at us now ttc number 3 and engaged! :haha:

Hope you get plenty of chances hun :thumbup: That would be very ironic! :haha:
My irony will be exactly the same gap between 1 and 2 as there would be between 2 and 3! :)

Hi Jessica!!! hey it just takes one time right....ask all the 16 year old pregnant girls out there! Hahahaha....(sorry was that wrong?)

Hahahaha 30mummy....that's so funny.....between us I was the party DH has always been that "old soul" looking for a wife(I blame this on him having zero love from his mom/dad so he was always looking for someone to love)...and I was the wild party animal he "tamed" hahahahhaa....actually...what tamed me in all honesty was a little bit him for sure...but the biggest thing was the day my niece was born....I was totally out of control and I swear it was one of those "made for tv" as soon as she was born I had zero interest in drinking and clubbing.....I wanted to be at my sisters and take care of her and be a role model for her...I wanted her to grow up and have an aunt she could rely on.....her and I are so close she's seriously the biological child I didn't birth....she's 10 now...the other love of my life......when I ask her what she wanted my next kid to be she said it could be a boy...she's like " you already have 2 girls...that's enough" (referring to her and my dd hahaha)

So pass the time....lets tell did you and your OH meet? or....tell me about your kids or something....hahaha...I love to know about people!!!

well me and my oh met iat workplace, he was a complete ass to me ha but I thought he was the funniest man id ever met and fell in love with him. We dated in the social way but he didn't want to commit so after over a year of banging my head against a wall I gave up, stopped seeing him etc. We then met 3 month after he said he missed me and loved me and we have been together ever since that was 6 and half year ago now. and even though he can still be an ass hes my ass lol ( not normally the soppy type) but hes an amazing dad.
ahh that's sweet of your niece :) I don't have any yet, but my brother is due to get married in Sept so probably sometime soon I'd guess.

We were crazy party animals yes, so guess where we a nightclub! :haha: but we had loads of mutual friends and I remember thinking how have I not met this man before!! we started out just as friends as I was with something but we both liked horror films, so we'd watch films at his house or go to the cinema then it progressed from there!
We've been together just over 6 years and then he FINALLY asked me to marry him on the 2nd May :happydance:

Kids wise, I have Thomas who's nearly 4 and at pre-school. Loves computer games and can be a right little monkey but also very sweet. Harry is nearly 18mths and loves Peppa pig and sleeping! He is such an easy the moment and I am enjoying every minute as I know how quickly they can change! I remember Thomas was about 18mths when it got so much harder, so I might not have much longer!
@georgesbaby....hahaha..that's hilarious......gotta love that "so far from love at first sight" hahaha. Clearly he knew not to pass up on a good thing... after two boys....are you hoping #3 will be a girl? or you just want another one???

I met my DH through my best friend. I was meeting some guy at a bar for a quasi-date...but didn't want to go alone so I dragged my girlfriend....SHE didn't want to be a 3rd wheel so she invited her buddy from school who she'd known for a zillion years....he had a girlfriend.....anyways...all night I basically ended up talking to her friend instead...I pursued the hell out of him and he shut me down cold saying...Sorry I have a girlfriend...even though the stories I'd heard she was an AWFUL human being and treated him like crap....anyways...I give him credit for being so strong...few weeks later they magically "broke up" hehehee.....we dated for a bit but then he got sorta " I just wanna be friends"......and I don't tolerate that crap so I walked (sound familiar Georgesbaby???) anyways....a few days later he realized what an idiot he was so he came running back....10 years later we're still together.....we got married almost 5 years ago.

We have our 2 year old daughter whose basically the most hysterical, pain in the butt there is. She is SO independant and SO stubborn but....she's so sweet and a total character. My favorites sayings from her are things like ......when I say "Oh Sophie you are such a monkey"...she'll say " No, not monkey....Princess Mummy"...Hahahahhaa.....or if we get coffee once in a while my hubby gets her these tiny bite sized when we go through the drive through and she sees the brown bag...before I say anything she'll say "Whatcha got there Mummy?".....................

Oh secret about me....I'm an egg donor! Just after I had dd....after like 6 miscarriages my SIL was told she'd have no more kids (she had 2 from a previous marriage but her and her DH wanted one because he has NO kids in his whole family...he never did and his sister couldnt) so I offered them my they have a beautiful little girl Mia....but sometimes it creeps in my mind and I worry...what if I did something to screw up my body when I donated my eggs ( I was on like clomid and all that)...I had an amazing functioning system before......I really hope my kind gesture doesn't screw up my future family.....that'll be a REALLY tough pill to's something I've worried about ever since I did it.......but never said out loud......especially to dh....I was ASSURED donating has zero effect on future babies..and even researched on my own....but there's no such thing as a sure thing right?????.................
I had be a very happy mummy if no'3 was a girl yes, but also do want a large family 4 or 5 :) Think i'd probably only get 5 if we had 4 boys or the 4th pregnancy was twins but I will try! :haha: just love the idea of a busy, crazy house!!

wow, that is a lovely thing to do. Can't blame you for worrying, I think about the op I had to have after ds2 (I had retained placenta) and although they say it shouldn't effect getting pregnant again, it's something I hadn't had done prior to ds2 and does go through my mind. I'm sure everything will be fine though hun. :hugs:
So cute 30mummy......well I hope you get your pink bundle!!! felt good to get that worry out...I've been carrying it around in my head for a while...saying it somewhere felt good......

Sooo..the other upside going forward is that I have been SO intune with my body this least I now know some more "af" symptoms to watch out for....and not to confuse with pregnancy....I was a tad concerned this month because I find some months my ewcm around o time is a lot and so obvious and sometimes not so much.....this month is was sorta I'm hoping that means this month will be a GOOD month and i'll have lots to get those swimmers where they need to go! hahahaha......
Totally know what you mean on that front, the previous month I had more than I have ever known before but my oh was out of action so couldn't do anything about it!
Those are lovely stories on how you met your significant others! I love hearing about how people meet their other half :)

@30mummy- that sounds like a great time of year to plan a wedding for! My DH and I were married 3 days before Christmas and it was COLD! But that time would be perfect weather! Do you want a church wedding or an outdoor?

@chulie- what a wonderful and loving gesture to give a gift of life to those you love. I hope that it does not interfere with adding to your own family! Hopefully this month is your month!

My DH and I met in 2003 at 16 in high school biology class. He was the cute basketball player boy who sat behind me, and I was the nerdy girl who played video games that sat in front of him. We started dating but he broke up with me after a couple weeks. He started going out with another girl, but spent more time with me than her. We became best friends. He would wash my car and I would bake him cookies and as I started to know him better, i realized that he was one of the most interesting, kind, funny, compassionate people I had met.

I found out his girlfriend was cheating on him and after much thought (read :about 20 seconds) told him. They broke up and not long after he told me he wanted to give it another go. Not to seem too easy, I made him wait a whole 3 hours before telling him one of many "yeses" to come. We were standing by my car outside of his house. When I told him I was ready, he took my head between his hands and kissed me for the first time. As he did, it started to snow, and remains one of the sweetest memories I have.

A year and a half later, we followed each other to college across state. He proposed in Feb 2007 at 19 in our home that he had just bought. We were married later that year (to some protesting from my mom since we were only 20). And now here we are! This year will be 10 years together, 6 married. We are finally where we want to be to grow our family!
Thanks, might be outdoor if we go for sept otherwise inside. No not a church, just somewhere nice :)
Ahh what a sweet story, you have definitely proved them wrong! Now for the icing on the cake :) x
Awww kksy....what a SWEET and adorable story!!!!! Love it!!!

I have one of DH once we were dating had a very hard time telling me he loved me....he had been hurt and like I said....he'd had a rough childhood with some cold I understood ( actually when we first met he told me he was never getting married ;) ) day we had gone away to this hotel/casino/spa a few hours from us....we were in the hot tub of spa and that's where he told me he loved me...because he didn't throw that around willy nilly it was the most special moment...years later we were back there as a mini getaway and that was where he proposed! He said he wanted to do it back in the place he told me he loved was so sweet.........Remember those days eh...when our biggest worry was how they felt about us or what we should wear for our date..hahaahhaa...
Chulie, I am 1 day behind you...witch arrived on time. fx for March babba's!
Chulie, I am 1 day behind you...witch arrived on time. fx for March babba's!

Girl I'm so sorry....but it is seriously freaky that we are on the identical schedual!!!!!

On to next month....
Ok so....I've always heard you should dtd every other day when ttc. (I don't remember what I did to get dd! Lmao). So that's what we did...and then we did it on the Friday but didn't have sex again until the Tuesday because I was so sick. So...because I'm bored I was looking at that post of "successful charts to compare" and they all had the same thing in common (or 95% did)....they had sex every day!?!? Sooo...for this month well have sex as we please up until right before I o (suppose to be Friday the 21st) but then come the 20th. I think we're gonna dtd every day for a few days after and hopefully catch things that way??? That's my plan for this month!! Hahahahaha
hi ladies, Just checking in! Hope everyone is doing well

Chulie, the week I got pregnant with my son, we DTD pretty much every day!

My TTC plans are still on hold, I have had my IUD removed, but we are now facing the possibility of a medical issue with our son and without knowing what testing/specialists/ possibly surgery he will need, we are not going to be TTCing until we know.
Oh no bumpin...what is the concern with your son????(he is ridiculously adorable by the way!!)

Thanks for that info!! I've always thought it would maybe deplete his reserves but clearly not!!! Good to know!!
He's showing signs of developmental delays, and has failed his hearing assessment. We're still doing tests, but they tell me at this point, its 75% that he will be totally deaf, and a hearing aid will not benefit him. Best case (if he is deaf) is the possibility of bilateral cochlear implants (major $$$) and many years of speech and developmental therapy. We're waiting to hear from the specialist at the children's hospital here to see what our next steps in term of testing are.

Its not 'MAJOR' on the medical issue scale, but I just feel that it wouldn't be fair to have him undergoing tests and a possible surgery and have such a disruption at home. We also don't know how much all this is going to cost, so the timing is just poor. Im so sad for my little guy, its been one thing after another for him and I just wish he could have an easy, normal life...but it seems that's just not in his cards :cry:

But thank you for the compliment. I also think he is ridiculously cute :haha:
He's showing signs of developmental delays, and has failed his hearing assessment. We're still doing tests, but they tell me at this point, its 75% that he will be totally deaf, and a hearing aid will not benefit him. Best case (if he is deaf) is the possibility of bilateral cochlear implants (major $$$) and many years of speech and developmental therapy. We're waiting to hear from the specialist at the children's hospital here to see what our next steps in term of testing are.

Its not 'MAJOR' on the medical issue scale, but I just feel that it wouldn't be fair to have him undergoing tests and a possible surgery and have such a disruption at home. We also don't know how much all this is going to cost, so the timing is just poor. Im so sad for my little guy, its been one thing after another for him and I just wish he could have an easy, normal life...but it seems that's just not in his cards :cry:

But thank you for the compliment. I also think he is ridiculously cute :haha:

Oh hunny I totally understand what you mean!! You know he's still gonna have an awesome life and be spectacular but no mom wants to know her kid is ever gonna have sister recently found out our nephew has something called mixed receptive expressive language disorder. He's 5...basically he sees but doesn't understand what he's seeing. They best described it like...if the world were pictures and signs he's be a genius....but words are hard. Honestly though they say the earlier you find these things out the easier all this is to adjust to and kids grow up knowing no different. In my nephews case usually it gets lumped in with ADHD or something and kids never get proper treatment and end up being the "bad kids" they are so lucky for this early diagnosis. My nephew "looks" normal so it's so hard to explain why he doesn't listen to a word your saying....but it gets easier and we already see improvements. I think kids who face adversity grow up even more amazing because they become determined......
it's so true. I keep telling myself that this is not the worst thing, it is something that can make him a better Ann's more empathetic human being later in life. Honestly, the waiting game is what's bothering me the most.

I'm so glad to hear that your nephew has a diagnosis so young and can get the assistance he needs to learn how to cope in life.

I love this saying " we are all geniuses, but if you judged a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it would spend it's life believing it's an idiot"

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