November Sparklers 2012

Dh couldn't wait til I hit the 6 week mark so we had the all-clear from my doctor to dtd. But I have no drive!! It's all been unprotected for us. The only reason that worries me at all, is that my doctor really stressed that I shouldn't get pregnant again for a year due to the c-section. My ovaries were so huge at delivery and since it took 10 years and loads of drugs to get #2 (4 years and loads of drugs for #1) there's only a very, very small part of me that is worried about getting pregnant. That small part comes from certain signals that my body gives me when my hormones are working better than usual, and they actually seem to be doing pretty well lately. If I hadn't had the c-section, I wouldn't worry at all if I were to get pregnant right away or not - bring it on. That being said, I don't know how you do it daddies!!

The last couple of nights little ninja has decided to get up every 2 hours. Booo! I don't remember him ever getting up to feed that often. He's always been so good to go at *least* 2.5, but more like 3-4. It's killing me. And it doesn't help that I go to bed so late. Argh. I'm such a night person that I can't force myself to get to bed earlier!
I can't remember if I'm thinking right :) but someone (Gaia?) posted about baby having eczema and thinking about stopping dairy. As well as sensitivity to disposable diapers... Well my friends son had these same problems and its not dairy it's corn! He was also breaking out in disposables and go figure they are made with corn particles!! So that's a thought if cutting out dairy doesn't help. Corn is in EVERYTHING its used as a filler so even if you aren't eating corn directly it could cause an issue.

If I'm mixing posts up sorry lol but when I heard that it reminded me of what I read on here
Hey ladies.
How is everyone doing?
Its been quiet in here lately, gueas were all busy with lo's and the rest of our family's! Haha

My lo is now officially on formula. :( still mixed emotions. It is what it is tho. Hes doing well on the soy formula we found so im happy about that! And now i dont have to pump i have more time to just enjoy him and dont have to worry about getting home to my machine every 4hrs. So there r sum positives!
Hes been eating like a machine tho! Avg 6oz every 3.5hrs during the day and 7-10hrs at night! Is that normal? Seems like a lot but i have no idea. We see doc today so im going to ask. He deff has learned to tell us when hes hungry tho! If u stop feeding him before hes full he screams! Lol amuses me becase when he was born he just didnt know how to tell us those things so its a good development for us :)
So far hes right on track with his developmental milestones despite being a premie so were happy about that!

Hope everyone is doing well!
That's great lilbean! And 7-10 hours, wow. We are still at pretty regular 3 hours. A few times he has gone 5 but it's a rarity! Doesn't bother me because we bed share, so last night I am pretty sure he woke around 1 but I honestly only remember the 4 waking. When we do put him in his own bed its going to be so much more work! Getting OUT of bed, ugh! Lol

Daddies - His skin has really cleared up with no dairy but it could be that I'm using coconut oil multiple times a day too. No change in poop but a friend told me her twins have kinda stringy poop too so maybe it's within the normal range...? I don't think I'll cut anything else since he really is a healthy, happy kid and I don't think it's quite warranted...
Yea were lucky lil man loves his sleep! He sleeps in a bassinet right next to my bed so i just roll over to get him :)
And hes deff figured out his days/nights so thats awesome. And after he eats he goes right back to sleep.

Thats good about your lo's skin! Darn dairy! Problem for majority it seems like.
That is our one improvement since birth, he knows his nights! He gets hungry often but sometimes doesn't even fully wake, just eats and quickly slips back to sleep! Except if he poops, which often happens between 4-6am...then he needs a change and is up about an hour :(
mine mostly poops only at 9am or so good for me :D.
tomorrow shes got the 6fold vaccinations +pneunokokken vaccination. Hope she takes them well.
Lilbean- Every child is different but 6 ozs at 3 months old sounds about right. They'll stop eating if they aren't hungry or cry if they are hungry :). Anthony takes 3-4 ozs but much more often than your ło so it may be 6 ozs if he'd not be a piggy every few hours! ;) I can't imagine what it was like having to pump so often but you tried your best and as long as you and ło are happy there is no reason to feel bad. I feel the pressure of breast feeding is so intense that we feel bad when we decide to stop. My mother was here when I decided to stop and she made me feel better by saying.. Along the lines of.. "Did you know how long I breast fed you for? Did you feel I didn't love you when you found out I stopped after 6 months? Did you blame me stopping on every illness or bad day you had?" And thinking like that no I felt no different at all she did what was best for us.

Gaia- well that's good! Glad ło is better!

Morri- my Anthony has his (very first )shots tomorrow too. Boo hoo I know he'll be fine and a few seconds of crying is better than what could happen if we skipped them.
Daddies-thanx thats a good way to look at it.
Im deff feeling better about it now then i did even a week ago. I did what i could and im ok with that.

Morrri-gl with the shots. I made oh take lo lol. He screamed when they did it but was totally fine after and no reaction. Theyre tough lil ppl!
My lo has her first jabs tomorrow too, I'm taking her on my own, I'm not looking forward to it at all.
I'm debating whether to give up bfing, at the moment i bf and then top her up with 4ozs (at night 5oz). When I do bf she feeds for about 5 minutes then starts crying and head butting me where there is no more milk. She is now 8 weeks old.
Hello ladies, been busy here with the 12 week growth spurt, so cluster feeding, fussy and then the occasional marathon sleep session (i like that bit, especially the one 8 hour one!) it's been hard as she has decided that only mum will do! I'm hoping she's back to her old self this week and that would make her Dad happy too, he's a bit upset about it :(

Lilbean, good to hear that you're feeling better about FF. you did really try everything and like Daddies says your LO will never think you loved him less because of it.

Good luck with all the jabs tomorrow, S had a little winge with hers and we have the next ones this Friday :(
I'm trying to convince my oh to take him to get shots but I think I may be dreaming!

I CAN NOT wait till Anthony sleeps overnight!!! He's even napping shorter than usual. This momma needs some zzzz

I'm still not feeling so well, I started the pill over a week ago so idk if its that or maybe a combination of that and other medicine I take since I really feel sick at night after I take everything. Hope its not the bc since I like that its a low hormone one.

I'm really excited about not having kids for awhile :haha: I've been working out most days and trying hard to get into shape! I lost almost 3 pounds last week! 22 more to go :/
Awesome on the weight loss, Daddies. We have started getting out and hiking/walking more. I cannot WAIT until the weather improves, we will probably get out every day :)

His shots are on Thurs and I'm dreading it! His very first ones and he will be 12 weeks, plus we are only doing 1. So I guess I have to just suck it up! Ugh I have a feeling I'll cry. I am making DH take the afternoon off, lol.
Well done with the weight loss Daddies! I'm going to start swimming at the weekend again. At the moment I try to take Darcy out for at least an hours walk every day.
We are leaving to get Haydens jabs done in a few minutes and to have his 8 week check up.
He has had a very gungy eye since he was nb and i thought we had combated it with cleaning and drops but it flared up again a few days back :(
Hope all goes well.

Darcy had her 8 week jabs and check up. She did scream but was totally fine straight after and fell asleep.
All done now, he cried when they were done but was fine after. He liked the doctor we saw before having them done, keep chatting and smiling at him.
Cute avatar boofs :)
Lo also went well two jabs at once and i nearly cried when she started crying, luckily she seems fine and calmed down quickly.
Her next one is at U4 in march- her 3 month check up.
Glad to hear they all went well! I wish it was over with for us already!

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