November Sparklers 2012

Another 9 hour sleep!! Maybe this will become a regular thing, oh I hope so.

So maybe the bassinet in the crib would be a bit risky!! It can be difficult qith the LO's sleeping arrangements. Sophia is in the bed with me but I put her to bed here and when I come in she doesn't wake up. We are in a flat tho so easy to pop in regularly. My OH sleeps in S room with the cat, maonly to keep the cat happy as she'd be scratching to door and keeping us all awake! My plan was to move both $e and sophoia into her nursery into the bed there at 5 monts then try her in her crib at 6 months with me sleeping in the bed in her room. I don't know tho I'll see how things are and how attatched I am then, I love having her in with me!

Daddies what you say about Dominic being upset at 6 monthe fits with what I have read about separation anxiety at 6 to 7 months, which is the typicAl time that babies are moved to their own room so no wonder is so traumatic! I think I'll stay open to several options and go woth the flow, I don't think I could so CIO either!
Wow Charlie - so jealous of your 9 hour stretches!!!

Well, tonight isn't going well at all! :cry: Ninja's been in his crib since 8 and he's been restless ever since (it's now almost midnight). I'm feeling so discouraged and I'm not sure what to do. I feel like if I give in and bring him back to his bassinet I'll never get him to sleep in his crib. My plan is to feed him when he gets up to feed, try putting him back in his crib, and if he doesn't go right down as usual, I'll bring him back to his bassinet in my room. My heart is breaking for him - it's like he's looking at me just begging to be in his bed. I just fear that if he doesn't transition now, it'll get worse later on. He only has a few more weeks of fitting in his bassinet anyhow, so I'm feeling like he needs to make the transition now. He's finally mostly settled in just the last 15 minutes, so I'm going to try to get to sleep myself and hope that he goes at least until 1, which will be 3 hours from his last feed. It's going to be a long night, I can feel it!!
9 hours!! What is your secret :)

We tried the CIO very last but that didn't last long since I couldn't stand it either. We mostly did the sitting outside his crib, patting his back, laying him back down ect all without picking him up to hold him. Ugh having flashbacks of that time now, must stop talking about it :winkwink:

The 6 month anxiety is what we figured. The week before turning 6 months he started crawling and seemed more aware of his surroundings and crying more about little things. So maybe he didn't know he was sleeping alone till then! Eh who knows!

Cridge maybe use same blaket you use in bassinet so its a familiar smell? Also it may just feel bigger and more "vulnerable" than the bassinet and take sometime getting use to. Don't be discourages yet. I think starting naps in crib would help. Also maybe if you slept with his crib sheet or something in crib they say our smell is comforting to them?
I would have thought all the LO's here are a little young for CIO, but then personally I would never do it.
I don't think anyone was going to do CIO now I was talking about my toddler lol
ergh , yesterday, lo has actually slept better than me as I got a cold and I even had a bit of a temperayure too, so I was up a couple of times bu lo slept peacefully lol. My boobs have been terribly leaky and now my nose is too. goodness me
Look at all u ladies planning ahead on getting them in cribs and their own rooms, :) i just cant yet lol oh keeps saying any day now lo can move to his own room to which i reply ha!u rnt even home during the night (he works graveyard shift) so dont think it affects u much other than 2days a week and even then hedoesnt get up with lo.
Lo is in a bassinet beside our bed tho not in the bed. He spent 2weeks in our bed and i just did not enjoy it. Short periods of time i was happy but not all night.

Lo has had a few nights in a row now of fallin asleep on me at 830, in bassinet at 9 and sleepin thru to 6-7am. 10hrs! ...yesterday i woke up at 6 cause i couldnt sleep so annoying lol.
He always falls asleep on me first. Ppl keep tellin me to stop but i dont care it works for us and he sttn so im goin with it!
Oh lilbean - 10 hours!!! I'm so jealous!

Last night pretty much sucked, but I guess it wasn't as bad as it could have been. After being super restless and me going back into the nursery every minute and a half (or sitting there with him), he finally fell asleep around midnight. But then he was up at 1:00 for a feed (which was a 3 hour stretch). Amazingly, he went right back down in his crib... but then up at 3:45 for a feed. And then he never really went back down, so I pulled him in bed with me around 5:15, and he was restless again, fed some more, and was awake for the morning by 7:00. :saywhat: He's usually down for the night for 12 hours. Poor guy. Poor mommy. So I'm hoping he'll nap with me today.

daddies - I had the same thought as you - I have a little "silkie" that I've slept with so it has my smell on it, and I use the same blankets. Not sure it's made any difference. :shrug: And yes, he's been napping in his crib for about a month, so he's very used to it, although he never sleeps as well in there as he does in his bassinet.

He's just nodded off now, so I'm going to take advantage and go try to get a nap in!!
Go with your instinct,if it feels right for you then it is. There only babies for such a short amount of time so enjoy all the cuddles and closeness while you can.
Morri maybe your body temperature being high is making you leak? I haven't completely dried up yet but only times I leak are during a shower, workout or bedtime so I was thinking cause my body warms up. Hope you feel better!

I also feel like I'm getting sick. Felt this way for a week but its getting worse BLAH!!

Last night sucked over here as well. I really need to buy a humidifier today. Living in southern Arizona is dry enough but having the heat on ugh!! Anthony's nose was so stopped up he slept like crap cause he couldn't breath. I used saline drops but couldn't find the booger sucker of course!
It's dry in our house too, I usually sit LO in the bathroom in the morning while I shower for some steam!

Cridge I really would NOT stress about transitioning now. Before 6 months it's really difficult to have a baby 'used to' any situation. Especially before 4 months! I don't think you need to worry at all! Our gov health agency recommends having them in your room until 6 months so I doubt all those parents are fighting massive battles at 6 months.

I put LO in the cosleeper for the first bit and he slept exactly as he does with me, waking at 1 as always. So good to know he sleeps fine in there but also that he's not waking at 1 because he's beside me! Took him into bed, got him latched on and then looked at the clock and it said 5am. Lol. So guess we went right back to sleep. That's the beauty of bedsharing!

Anyways hopefully he is back to his usually cheery self today!
Thanks gaia! The problem is that he's growing too big for his bassinet - he's been hitting his head at the top already. So I either need to move him to his crib or find a different way of having him in my room, and I just feel like doing something other than his crib will just make things worse. And I can't have him in bed with me with dh - I get zero sleep! I'm hopeful that tonight will go better. Last night wasn't so horrible - just worse than what we're used to.

AND - my nipples STILL hurt!! :saywhat: The soreness has never gone completely, but the last few days they seem to be hurting worse and worse. I have a feeling it's because of how dry it is here, but even applying this or that doesn't seem to help. In fact, it seems the more stuff I apply, the more they hurt. :shrug:

I'm feeling a bit down today and I'm sure it's because I didn't get much sleep last night. Tomorrow will be better. :)
Cridge- don't be too jealous, keep in mind my lil guy is older than all of yours due to showing up early!
I will say though I am very thankful that he seems to so far be on track developmentally and especially thankful he's on track with his sleeping patterns getting better and better as he's getting older.
So your lo will get there too :)
Thank lilbean! I can only hope that ninja will be sleeping that long in another few weeks!
Yah I hope the same but I really don't see more than a five hour stretch in our near future, he's just been SO consistent with 3/4 and the very rare 5. It would be a huge leap to 8-10!

I'm really ok with it while he's in with us, to be honest I feel pretty rested most days probably because we don't get up until 8/9.

But ahhhh, the day he starts doing like 7-3-7 will be lovely, I really can't lie that would be amazing! Adult time in the evening and a decent chunk of sleep :)

Cridge, that's true about the bassinet luckily our cosleeper is up to 30lbs! I'm more worried about when he is mobile it not being safe..

Oh also, sore nipples sometimes tell me we are in a growth spurt! I feed on demand so sometimes don't notice him eating more often except that I get sore!
Thanks gaia! I do believe I've been nursing more often the last week. I'm a little discouraged about it today and have been pumping more often because I'm starting that toe kick again with the pain. I'm not sure why it's so bad all of a sudden. It makes me want to give up bf'ing, but I decided to just pump until my mind is back where it should be. Soooo tired today!
I dread going to sleep at night because I know ill get comfy and warm, fall into a deep sleep just to get up a tad later. :nope: he's only slept five hours once its mostly every 2-3 hours! I've been thinking of moving his crib to end of our bed to see if it helps him sleep longer but his pacifier falls out before he falls back asleep and I'd have to stand there to put it back in. Oh what to do what to do! I guess just up my coffee intake in the morning!!

Anthony doesn't cry too much but when he does its from quite to purple crying in 3 secs!
daddies - that's one thing I hate - is putting the pacifier back in multiple times! I've been trying to train him the last couple of weeks though that once it falls out, it's out. He's done pretty well, but I gave in WAY too many times last night because I just didn't want him to cry and get upset about being in a different place. I've continued with my "it's out, too bad" during nap times today though, so hopefully he'll be back to that for nights soon.

I just put the little stinker down for the night about 30 minutes ago. So far, so good, but the true test will be in another 30 minutes to see if he stays asleep. Fingers crossed!!!
think thats why those side cots are perfect. Can stay covered in bed just need to lift lo to get her on my chest. oh temp had gone done now it's just a normal cold. I hope the very full breasts are full of antibodies for lo :haha: .

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