November Sparklers 2012

Ugh last night was no fun from 2-4. When LO poops before bed we have such a great night and when he doesn't I swear he's restless all night long. Ugh. I guess otherwise he was fine but those two hours...I do not like spending that much time awake!

Luckily he has never really slept with a pacifier or if he does he spits it out as he's falling asleep so no issue there. Cridge I would probably rock or nurse him while he's getting over the pacifier just to take his mind off it, but I just can't stand to let him cry at all at this age!

Yes Daddies we are still at 2-4 hours the 5 has only happened about 4 I'm right there with ya for the morning coffee :)
Gai-have u tried acidophilus?
I now swear by it for lo! They recomended it at the health food store when i was talking to them about initially switching to formula and said its good for all type fed babies but especially with those on formula!
We just by the capsules cause i take it to then i break them open and put about 1/4 of onr into his bottle.
We were doing 1dose before bed and 1in am for weeks and he was very regular!and helped with his gas! Before he had bad gas that would wake him up and bother him.
(U can buy a kind that says for kids or babies but ingredients r the exact same! And it costs more overall)
Well over the last week i hadnt been giving him any and he was soo constipated! And again had the gas at night that bothered him. Weve bee giving to him again for 2 days and hes back to regular! Last night i could hear him farting in his sleep but it didnt bother him at all!

So for my lo its key to good digestion!
Maybe itd help yours?just an idea.
Yup he takes BioGaia drops! He doesn't usually have much gas, and it's definitely not constipation because he's EBF but I think it's just simply his bowels taking their sweet time.

Having said that, I had dairy again yesterday for first time in two weeks and he IS actually gassier since so I guess I'll still have to cut that for a bit.

He has had nights like that since I've been off it though, where he's just restless between sleep sessions. Or if he poops in the night and I change him he's SO stimulated and hard to put to sleep. I have read that circadian rhythm isn't really set until 4-5 months so it just might be that he isn't quite sure sometimes whether it's time to get up or still bedtime! Lol
I may have to try these drops!! Or find them here in the US? Although I haven't had to give him gas drops in awhile since I use to every day! But it would be nice. Usually when he has upset belly\gas I give him baby fennel tea and it solves that right up! Also helps him nap once he gets to farting :haha:

My oldest has woke up kicking us and whining the last two days! I'm so tired mid day. He was napping earlier but starting to stir so my husband sat next to him whining and "kicking" him LOL needless to say Dominic only giggled so I don't think he felt like we do when he does it!
My doctor suggested I up my probiotics and since lo is ebf, that will help him too.

Ninja *just* stopped pooping every single diaper (seriously - as soon as he had a clean diaper on, there was another poop squirt). Saturday was the first time I had seen just pee diapers! I know it's silly to be excited about that, but I'm so excited about it! He had one massive poop on Saturday and nothing yesterday. So I'm preparing myself for a blowout!

So the last 2 nights in his crib have been a success!! Saturday night he went either 3-4 hours and I only had to get back up once to put his pacifier back in. I really believe all the training I did the couple of weeks before really helped. Then yesterday, he took a 2.5 hour nap in his crib!! Unheard of!! I think he was catching up on all the sleep he lost that first night in his crib. Last night was another success. He went 4 or 4.5 hours between feedings and went right back down every time. I'm still itching for those 5-6 hour stretches that we were seeing before, but I'll take 4 hours over 2-3 any day (or night!).

I'm still really sad that I can't lean over his bassinet and look at his cute little face during the night, but I know that in the long run (and probably the short run too), having him in his crib is better for all of us. Dh is glad to have our room back to ourselves. :winkwink:
Awesome, happy for you Cridge! I'm sure you'll have ups and downs like all babies do but overall seems like he's taken to it :)

We had a much better night last night too, still 3 hour intervals of course, lol. But he stayed sleepy and they were very short wakings!

So, I'm wondering what you ladies are noticing as far as development and 'cool new stuff my baby is doing?'

F has expanded his vocal range and LOVES chatting, he is definitely a conversationalist like his mommy. He also loves pulling himself up to sitting in my lap, then tries to lean in for a kiss and gets a goofy smile when he gets one! That's probably my favourite.

He isn't grabbing for items yet, which I think should come pretty soon. I think he reaches for my face sometimes but I never know if it's an accident! Also if I put a rattle in his hand he will hold, shake and bring it to his mouth. But he won't actually reach out and grab it yet...

Anyone else have some new things to share?!
Tonight will be the first night Anthony will be in his crib at the end of bed instead of next to me in his bed/co sleeper. Pretty much to see if he will sleep longer a little further away. I want to get a video monitor before moving him to his room. Any suggestions for good ones?

My husband is wanting us to go to a dinner and movie valentines day. We baby sit a little girl and her and Dominic are great friends. So her parents offered to baby sit for us which is great! I don't worry about Domi but I do worry about Anthony! He's so little still! I know my husband really wants it to just be us two and not take Anthony so its going to take time to convince myself he'll be ok. I didn't leave Dominic with ANYONE till after he was one!

Anthony now weighs 13 pounds 8 ounces. He smiles at us ,coos, mocks the coos you do at him, follows us with his eyes, holds his head up during tummy time for more than 3 minutes at a time, grabs toys and bats at them to make noise. He doesn't suck on toys or hands but I think that's bc he has a pacifier. He also tries to hold his own bottle but he gets too excited and pulls it out then fumbles it all over his face looking for his mouth :haha:

Has anyone heard of a wubbanub? It's something that holds pacifier in?
Ninja is doing pretty much all the same as yours: very chatty, grabs for toys and bats them to make noise, puts them in his mouth, pulls himself to sitting up (wants to sit up SO bad - it's funny!), holds head up while on tummy, and pretty much grabs anything within reach (especially mommy's hair!). I *almost* got 2 giggles out of him the other night - so close! He does suck on toys and his hands... and uses a pacifier! He's a sucker, for sure! He's been sucking on his thumb a lot the last few days, so although I think it's DARLING, I'm trying to keep him from forming that habit! The one thing that he's not great at, is keeping a toy in his hand when *I* put it there. He'll grab toys on his own, but if he doesn't want to hold it, there's no way to make him. He has a favorite cow toy that he absolutely loves to talk and smile to. It's so cute!

Daddies - I haven't heard of a wubbanub, but it sounds like something I could use!

We've left Ninja three times with a sitter. Once was my sister though, so that's not as hard. But the other two times were with teenage girls that I trust. One of those times was at her house, and I'm really good friends with her mom and she babysat my oldest when he was younger, so I had no problems at all leaving him then. The other time was at our house and my oldest was also home, so that might make it easier..?? I have so many good friends that have babysitting daughters, and I've had so, so many adult friends offer to babysit, that I'm very lucky that I feel I can leave him any time I need to. I can imagine how hard it would be though to leave him with someone you don't know extremely well!
I have a wubbanub it's basically a soothie with a stuffed animal attached. I don't really find it helps it stay in, actually the weight of the stuffy I think makes it fall out. Also it's impossible to sanitize because it's permanently attached!

I wonder why my little guy isn't batting at or grabbing things? He will grab something if his hand brushes it but he won't look at something and decide to grab it...oh well I guess in his own time.

I think all his focus has gone to vocalizing! Seriously he is relentless haha. Almost burst my eardrums today trying out the very top octave!
See this is the part of the discussion I fear we will be lagging behind in :( developmental milestones...although so far I will say he is on track, maybe a tad behind but nothing that stands outs.
Lo can hold his head up really well...but since he likes to sleep on his tummy if he's at all tired hell just curl up and relax or go to sleep haha. He's pretty chatty when he wants to be making lots of noises. He likes to suck on his hand, he also uses a soother...I try not to let him do it to soothe himself because I don't want him developing the habit, but I do let him do it to "explore." he loves watching lights and the things on tv that move around, and he tracks things with his eyes and looks at us in the face. He likes faces and pictures of faces and masks

So after saying I wasn't ready for lo to be in his crib in his own room, it may happen sooner than I want :( he likes to wedge himself in the corner of his bassinet to sleep, which is fine except that his bassinet can rock and even though I can lock it of doing so it still will swing over a bit so that one side is higher than the other if he's on the one side. Which then results in him getting stuck because he can't roll over yet and in the middle of the night he's too tired to effectively wiggle his way over. Which then causes him to be restless. So im afraid soon it's going to start waking him up :( and at that point I know I'll have to put him in his crib.
I want to wait until he's at least 6months but we shall see if we can get to that point.
Guess I'll take time now to get used to the idea and plan for it to happen sooner rather than later!
I had a feeling that's what the wabanub would do! Ok I won't buy one :) though I was gonna try to make one myself :haha:

I wouldn't worry or compare one baby to another. They all develope in their own time! #1 sat up, crawled, fed himself and walked before most babies did. Now he doesn't talk as much as others do, sleep through every night and still doesn't have as many teeth as others his age :haha: so there will always be things they excell at and others will take longer.

Tonight is first night Anthony in his crib alone. Only to see if he'd sleep longer, well it took forever to put him down and here we are 2.5 hours later feeding. Ugh!
Lilbean, you lo sounds just like mine. She smiles and does these little high pitch type giggles, she isn't interested at all in toys yet but loves a mirror. She doesn't grab hold of anything yet either. But she is still so young.
My little man has dropped 2lines on the centile chart, so is just over what they say is ok for them to drop. He weighs 9lb 2 now so still a small man, we have to take him to hv clinic in 2 weeks so we can keep track on his weight.
Here lo is getting good at tummy ime to hold her head up for a couple of minutes. she also holds it well when she is vertical. like when on my arm. most sounds by her seem to come when she wantd to fart :haha: she also practising grippig(practising, she cant do it yet but shes practising. Oh and she's great at being cute :haha: last week she was 6860g( 15 lb 1oz or so) si i guess she is closer to 7 kg now
weve got a hook in the ceiling and i have medals hanging down (6) and they make a nice sound and look good , andshe likes moving them too when i hold her up to reach them :)
Well Anthony pretty much slept exactly the same! And what a pain it is to get out of bed to get him. My husband said this morning just to move crib back to being a co sleeper! Blah
Gaia - don't worry that your LO isn't doing every little thing. They all develop at different rates and will get there eventually. I had my first holding things at 3 weeks and I still can't get Ninja to hold things (when I give them), so even my 2 kids are miles apart on some things.

Lilbean - I feel your pain! Last night was craptacular and I kept telling myself that if he was still in his bassinet right next to me, I'd be getting a whole lot more sleep since I wouldn't have to get up and walk down the hall every time he started crying. I really miss him being in my room, but I know it's worth it for me to persevere.

I wish I knew exactly what Ninja weighed, but he doesn't have another appointment until 4 months (and I guess I'm too lazy to try to weigh him myself)!
Yah...I now have F swaddled about 4 inches from the cosleeper. Lol. He notices when he's actually IN it. I think the mattress is really hard and uncomfortable.

Last night he did great again, waking around 1-2 but I just used the pacifier and got him back to sleep so he didnt eat from 10-4! Woohoo! Still woke but I figure if I can get him used to not eating until 4 maybe he will just stop waking before then? One can dream...

Also this morning he grabbed at two toys! Yay!

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