November Sparklers 2012

Haha daddies! You'll do just fine with D in his own room! The first few nights will probably be hard, but then I think you'll find you love it. Kids do grow up way too fast, but it seriously just gets better. I absolutely love ages 7-9 (10 is okay too), and it sounds like you'll retain a close relationship with your boys. I'm very close with my first and it's just fun to watch him figure life out. He still likes to hold my hand (give him another year or two though...???) and snuggle with me. I think we'll still be close when he does go off to college. Get him through the teenage years and he might even still hold my hand when I want him to when he's 20. :haha:

And seriously - get your kids that formula memo! Maybe because they have to be on such specialized formula, it's still really easy to digest..??
Cridge-yes he's on formula now...but even when I was able to feed ebm he was sleeping 8hrs..he's my son what can I say;) I love sleep! Lol
He consistently sleep about 11.5-12hrs now. And he's totally made his own schedule, bed at 730pm up at 730am then nap at 9am for 2hrs on avg then he's awake until 230-3ish when he has a nap till 430-5ish....between 11-3 were usually out for the day doing different things so he's mostly awake with quick dozes off in the car, but doesn't sleep soundly because he'll only sleep on his tummy....I had no part in his schedule, I still don't I just go with it.

Daddies-hope You feel better soon! I'm sick now too it sux. I was sick sun, yesterday felt better, today back to feelin like crap again.

Going to skip my fitness class today (too many babies, I don't want to spread my germs) and lounge on the couch!
haha! I'm the same - love my sleep!! When I was pregnant I took FULL advantage of getting "enough" (too much, I'm sure) sleep! Luckily, little ninja will take great naps with me, but that got me into trouble yesterday. We napped from 5-8pm.... bedtime for him is 8, so I messed that up nice and good. :dohh:

I actually noticed a couple weeks ago that he slept better when he had ebm all day, as opposed to bf'ing. eh? I'm going to try that again today and see how tonight goes. I just feel like he takes more from the bottle than he does from the breast. He's too busy messing around on the breast, and occasionally, I have to just pull him off because I'm in too much pain to deal with it.

I've thought about trying to get him to stomach sleep - I've heard that some babies sleep so much better that way, but I think he might not go for it.

I've decided to "force" him to go at least 4 hours at night, after his initial wake-up, which is always 3 hours or less. Last night he woke up after exactly 4 hours and I decided to binkify him, which lasted only 15 more minutes. Trying to get that guy to stretch things out!! Momma wants some sleep man!

We are SO close to rolling over! I've been filming him every time he's on his tummy today just in case, so I can show dh. Dh rolled him to his stomach this morning and he immediately rolled back over, but he had a little pillow/thing under his legs that I think helped him, so I'm not counting it.
I was so worried about lo sleeping on his I previously posted haha...but I'm soooo glad we just went with it! I think that's why he sleeps sp long. Now he won't even sleep 2min on his back even if he's completely passed out in a deep sleep when u put him down! It's funny really. Then u just have to help him rollover onto his tummy and he's out again!
Well, my little ninja is living up to his name! I had him on his stomach in his crib and I turned around for literally one second to throw something in the trash and he rolled over!!! So not only did dh miss his first roll, so did I!!! I can't believe it!! Of course, he wouldn't do it again. The little stinker!!!
Where did everyone go?! How have things been going?

I'm interested to know from those of you that formula feed (or pump).... how much formula is your LO taking in, and how often, during the day? I've been pumping a lot more lately and I can't seem to get my stink pot to take in more than 15ish oz. during the day. I know he needs at least 24 oz. in 24 hours, so every day I just know I'm up for at least 2 night feedings.

I've tried feeding more often, less often - and I always offer 5 oz., which he used to take every once in awhile. Now he only takes 3-4 oz. (usually closer to 3). Is it usual for babies to start taking in less during the day at some points? Kinda like the opposite of a growth spurt?? I know he's been taking in more at night too because he used to just take half a breast, and now he's taking in 2 full ones. Argh!!! I'm all for feeding on demand, but my little guy doesn't really tell me he's hungry very often.... unless I let him go too long - like over 4 hours during the day. :dohh:
Darcy has up to 25 ounces a day. I bf her first but my supply is so low she only lasts not even 5 minutes now. Then she will have 4 ounces, the last feed at night she has 5 ounces which knocks her out! She slept 8 hours straight last night!! :0)
The times I did pump he would get 5 ozs and drink all of it and that was at like a week old! When we started formula it was 3 ozs at a time. Now we do around 5 ozs each time. Not sure how much all day I'd say 25-30 ozs. I'd think if he wasn't crying or sleeping through feeds and losing weight he's probably just not that hungry lol
I've read that breastfed babies drink 25oz a day on average, not sure if it's the same for formula.

Cridge around 4 months babies start to get distracted during the day and eat less, that's what causes some of the 4 month sleep regression I believe! F is DEFINITELY distractable lately and unless he's very hungry he is constantly popping on and off during a feed. Making NIP fun, lol.

I think you can try to manipulate ounces during the day all you want but I really just think babies will drop night feeds when they're ready...I'm pretty pro on demand though!
Cridge I have no idea how many ounces S has as is ebf, but she loves to look around as we'll as pull on my nipple and ping with a big smile for mum!!!!! I feed on demand which can be anything from 3-4 hours now, when she is hungry and asking for food she eats and is only interested in the boob, if I feed her sooner then she's distracted. Have you seen a breast feeding consultant? I know breastfed babies take more than you can express anyway so you may have a better night if you didn't pump?? I'm sure you've thought of everything though. S is still going quite well at night, with the occasional bad night but I think this is because she doesn't nap in the day which can be quite exhausting as she's an alert little one who loves interaction.

Daddies, is D in his own room yet? How is it going?

Anymore milestones met? None really with S except she is trying to sit herself up. Cannot believe that she is almost 4 months old. I cannot a wait to start introducing foods to her, I will be giving baby led weaning a go, have any of you with older ones done BLW?
My baby is sick :( I am so thankful for my angel care monitor! At 4am it went off and it was not a false alarm! Lo couldn't breathe! Just had him in the docs office luckily it's not in his lungs, although they I'd with his history to keep a close eye on him. He's still super smiley and happy! Even though every lil bit he starts coughing bad and choking. I think he wasn't breathing because he was choking and inhaled a bit of his spit. I ended up spending the rest of the morn with him sleeping on my chest propped up. He seems to be better when propped up. Scared the crap outa me! That thing is worth it's weight in gold to me!

As for feeding now that my lo is strictly on soy formula he eats every 3-4hrs 6oz, very rarely hell have 4.5oz. His last feed it usually 7pm and doesn't eat again until 730am.
We were going to start Dominic march 1st in his own room. My husband will be off work Monday and he gets paid so we are taking Dominic to build a bear to get him a "night time buddy" build a bear is a store that you pick out a stuffed animal and they will make it in front of you, you get to pick out clothes for it ect. Not sure if they are only in America or not? They say children who co sleep find an attachment to the parent and not objects for security like blankets, stuffed animals ect which is true in his case he does sleep with or carry around anything. So maybe this stuffed animal will help :( my heart is TOTALLY breaking over this!! Hes still my baby and I don't want him to be scared in the other room or think we are living it up in our room with little brother while he's made to sleep alone.

Last night just to see I layed in his bed and told him to pick a book off shelf and gets his milk and come to bed. He excitedly did as told and we layed in bed and read wizard of oz, then I tell him "all done, its time for bed." He says "night night" and crawls off his bed to hallway then comes back to his door way "mama! Night night!" Doing his come here grab.. So I say "no night night in big boy bed" he shakes head no.. Walks to our room, I follow he crawls up lays down says "night night" and snoring within a minute! :( this will take work.

Anthony giggles a lot now so much he'll give himself the hiccups.
Thanks girls! It sounds like my little ninja is NOT taking in what he should! I don't know why.

I'm pro feed on demand as well, but lately the little stink pot doesn't ever seem hungry. I don't want him to go much longer than 4 hours during the day, which he *easily* does. And yet, last night we went 1 hour, 2.75, then 2 (all good feeds, but I don't produce much with such short stretches), then I gave him a bottle of formula and he drank more than 5 oz and slept for the next 5 hours. :saywhat:

I know I make plenty of milk - I've been pumping 4-7 oz. lately (used to be up to 12 at a time). But when put to breast, he doesn't take much and is yanking me all over the place. The only reason I pump so often is because I'm still in so much pain - I've never healed completely. :cry: I always offer 5 ounces of pumped milk and lately I'm lucky if he takes more than 2.5.

I've decided that tomorrow I'm going to breast feed exclusively, no matter how much it kills me, and see if he'll do better. I still don't know what to do about the time between - he seriously doesn't act hungry or cry for anything unless I let him go like 4.5 hours... and I never let him go longer than that during the day, so who knows how long he'd go. He needs to be taking his long stretches at night!!! I really am okay with getting up with him for a couple of feeds - I think that's normal at this age and some of my most precious times with him are in the middle of the night. BUT, I do have a problem getting up with him every hour or two in the middle of the night when he can easily go 4 or more during the day. He didn't used to be like this. I don't know how to fix it!!! Maybe it is the 4 month regression. :shrug: It doesn't seem to me like he's overly distracted while eating though, just never hungry...??

lilbean - I'm sorry your LO is so sick! I'm so glad the monitor worked for you - scary!

daddies - I'm sure it'll take some getting used to for the both of you, but I think eventually Dominic will really enjoy having his own bed - a big boy!

Charlie - W2 has rolled from front to back twice and is super close to rolling back to front. That's our newest trick that we're enjoying!

I plan to do a combination of BLW and purees. With all the feeding issues we're having lately, I'm very anxious to get started, although I do plan to wait until closer to 6 months. I can tell that ninja is anxious to get started as well. The last few days he really eyes us while we eat and today he actually tried to grab my food - got sauce all over his and my hand! :haha: I don't think he knew it was food though - he would have tried to grab it if it were a toy too, I'm sure.
Thanks.. I sure hope he does well!!

I'm beyond ready for solids!! Him spitting up is ridiculous I'm tired of changing him and me and I have to wash bibs and burp rags constantly! Ready to thicken up that milk so its not as easy to free flow out of his mouth
Sorry your LO's not well lillbean, very scary but thank god for your monitor.

I can imagine how hard it will be Daddies, I love having S in with me, I hope it' s not as bad or hard as you think.

I don't know what to suggest Cridge it does sound as if he likes his midnight feasts rather than day time nibbles! It totally takes it's toll on you with all those wake ups. One thing I read about trying to reduce night feeds which does men a little work was each time they wake for a feed try to prolong it slowly, say by 10-15 min at a time by giving a pacifier or cuddle until the wake ups are a lot further apart and he gets the message that night time is for sleep! Maybe this is his way of getting more mummy time at night, did you move him to his own room a while back? Has it being happening since then?

Last night S woke at 2 am and wanted part time until 4 so for 2 hours minus the feed at 3am I was pretending to sleep with the little monkey chatting away and when she got no response was wacking my arm over and over, she knew what she was doing, she stopped The moment my eyes opened! But to make up for it we woke up at 9 am :)
Sorry your LO's not well lillbean, very scary but thank god for your monitor.

I can imagine how hard it will be Daddies, I love having S in with me, I hope it' s not as bad or hard as you think.

I don't know what to suggest Cridge it does sound as if he likes his midnight feasts rather than day time nibbles! It totally takes it's toll on you with all those wake ups. One thing I read about trying to reduce night feeds which does men a little work was each time they wake for a feed try to prolong it slowly, say by 10-15 min at a time by giving a pacifier or cuddle until the wake ups are a lot further apart and he gets the message that night time is for sleep! Maybe this is his way of getting more mummy time at night, did you move him to his own room a while back? Has it being happening since then?

Last night S woke at 2 am and wanted party time until 4 so for 2 hours minus the feed at 3am I was pretending to sleep with the little monkey chatting away and when she got no response was wacking my arm over and over, she knew what she was doing, she stopped The moment my eyes opened! But to make up for it we woke up at 9 am :)
Cridge I think you are dealing with 4 month regression! That's exactly the issue, babies want to eat less during the day because there's so much more fun stuff to do! 4.5 hours is a long time, what if you bring him into a dim quiet room every 2-3 hours and feed?! Will he eat? F still wants to eat every 1.5-2.5 hours so that's not an issue for us, but he still only ever goes 4 hours max at night!

Lilbean that's SO scary OMG. I'm so glad you had the monitor, and were able to check on him! I definitely would go nuts without the monitor when F is alone in his room (one day, hahah).

Daddies that will probably be a long slow process, but to be able to transition gently without many tears would be worth it! I hope March 1 goes well ;)

We went away this weekend and F was a rockstar, it took him the first evening to get comfy enough to nap alone in the guest room, but he napped like a champ yesterday and slept well with me both nights! My cousins 10 month old girl is such a bruiser she's hilarious but must be watched carefully around little F! They also have a fairly different parenting style, so it was a bit uncomfortable for me when the baby was 'put down' for naps and left to cry until she fell asleep. I know some people advocate for that method, and she DOES sleep 7-6 generally but man, I am not cut out for that!!!!

Developmentally not toooo much new. We have had a few giggles and are close to rolling but he HATES tummy time so it might be awhile.

We are doing BLW exclusively, I have read the book and am SO excited! Only 10 more weeks until 26 weeks :):) I won't be feeding him before that, but he will start sitting at the table with us around 5 months! So exciting!
Thanks ladies. We will see how he does! He's almost a year and half old! That's crazy.. He seems like a grown man though lol

I don't like the crying it out thing but I don't disagree with it either. Guess just depending on the age I suppose. No point letting Anthony CIO he does that on his own! He will scream and cry till he's done, regardless if you're holding him which I always am. Ill try and rock him, pat him, give him bottle, paci, shush him, tickle him and he will just scream till he's purple then stop :( I have no idea why guess he's just pissed off and trying to let us know! Its at least once a day he freaks out and it drives me MAD!!

I can see letting a kid Dominic's age CIO half the time they are faking it anyways lol he's been throwing little tantrums lately but it could be worse. I just can't listen to my kids cry so I don't do CIO but I can see why others do!

Anthony slept all night last night! Then my husband let me sleep in till 9! Whoo hoo
That's amazing Daddies! I can only dream of that day, lol.

I could also see allowing some crying after 12 months and really I think it depends on the kid. F so rarely cries that when he does I take it seriously! If his behaviour changed then obviously my reactions would too :)

But at such a young age, I just can't imagine!

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