Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

well ladies still all :bfn: over here...I called my OB to find out the results of my blood work for the antibodies and apparently there is something else elevated in my blood a long with the anit bodies...I think the word she said starts with a H?? :shrug: Do you know what she is talking about POAS??Anyways it just means more blood work if and when I get preg and apparently I'll have to be on closer watch then I already am...yipee <sarcasm..... I asked the Ob while I was on the phone about my spotting last week (and the bleeding when I had sex(...she said that all signs point to pregnancy ( atleast that would be the obvious easy explanation) they did a HCG blood test today and I should get the results tomorrow...If I'm not pregnant then they will investigate into it more.

I hope everyone else is doing good!!!
Oh and I also forgot to mention when i told OH all this...he said he thinks that I should go back on BCP and just forget the whole TTC thing for a bit....he thinks its adding to much stress to the pile of stress we already have :cry:
Oh skeet I hope you get some answers soon!
sorry I'm not much help, I don't know what that could be, the whole H thing.

does your OH need a break? or are you ready for one too?

I think I am, this is the first cycle I haven't opk. I'm just trying not to think about it but I want to so bad lol. I'm just temping, and watching cm
I think oh does.. He hates worrying about me and I'm pretty sure the spotting and bleeding after sex last week had him worried about me again. As much as he doesn't say it, I know the losses bother him too.. He wouldn't even have sex with me on vday!! I think I'm getting ready for a break aswell but not too sure about going back on bc..

The whole ttc thing is so stressful!! How long have you been ttc ?? I know you said it before but my memory sucks lol
It's 12 months this cycle, I have an appointment with my dr on the 27th, idk how that's going to go, he wanted a sa done before we went any further ttc
It's 12 months for me since my first mc.. Wasn't really ttc before that..

Good luck at your appt!! I hope you get some answers soon!!
Thanks Jess.. I'm going to leave the whole no ttc in his hands.. If he doesn't want to then he can prevent it.. I'm not going back on bc to have to start all over again in a few months
Totally agree, I wouldn't start it either.

Are you still going to be on BbB ?
Yup.. I'll still hang out.. Just won't be ttc.. Unless oh decides not to take responsibility lol
Oh skeet I'm so sorry. Wow a lot has happened since I was here last. Did you find out about the H thing? There are so many different weird blood things. I can imagine OH is super stressed. Mine always talks about if we are blessed enough to have a kid but when the going gets tough he starts acting weird too. I think it's because they have no control over it and can't just FIX it. That's just my thought. It's tough on us gals. We don't need them to fix ANYTHING we just need them to be there and stay strong sometimes. That being said a break can be a good thing but I'd have to agree about the BCP why bother. THen you are just NTNP and who knows--if you get a surprise then you get a surprise. Nobody said it was easy--oh wait no I take that back--in sex ed they didn't say it but they sure made it sound easy. I wish someone would have told me how difficult it could be. I don't know if that would have changed anything but at least I wouldn't have felt alone!
No I didn't .. I didn't really ask too much more.. I'm going to go see my actual dr tonight so I'll ask if he got a copy of the report.. I agree with you about the whole " guys want to fix things" comment. I think my man has a lot on his plate right now and just doesn't want the added stress of this right now.. He really wants me to go back on the pill because he doesn't want me stressing over strange cycles.. But I absolutely refuse to.. I think he might be serious this time though.. Even when I tried to initiate sex this weekend he avoided it :( and that is not like him.. I think he's afraid he won't be able to be the responsible one :haha: it's funny how in health class they make u think if u look at a guy while not on bc you will get preg .. I should have known it would be difficult for me.. I was never regular with my pill and never even had a scare
hello girls, how is everyone doing?
Sorry I haven't been on much, it's been crazy busy at work, I just got signed on as full time with benefits and all that good stuff lol plus OH just started a new job last week, so needles to say I've been a little occupied lately. It's kind of nice, it's def taking my mind off of ttc. :)

Skeet I hope things get better and stress free for you and your OH :hugs:

POASfiend Its great to see you again :hi:
Oh Jess!! Congrats on full time!!! Hopefully it keeps your mind of stuff and you get your bfp!!

I went to the drs tonight and asked him about my strange cycle.. He said it was probably unovultory .. <-- mind my spelling lol.. He said its very normal for everything my body has been through.. And if it doesn't show by next cycle he will run some tests
When do your think your next cycle will start??
I'm glad your dr has a plan :)
When do your think your next cycle will start??
I'm glad your dr has a plan :)

Well.. Hard to tell.. I'm going to guess that if I count my spotting as af the around the 9 th of march
BOING.............boing...bouncing in!!!.... lol

ello chickadees. sorry i havent been in here i lost the thread, i must have clicked unsubscribe :dohh: i was like noone chatting on this thread in ages let me go find it lol well behind i am lol

skeet....jeaz that muct be hard on you hun....after everything you have been through for him to say stop ttc go on the pill. i hope you guys are workign throught this..must be hard for him too. hope your doing fine though hun?

Jess19 - how u doing hun? where are you in your cycle?

POASFiend - hows you and hubby doing? you guys ok?

afm - well.................lets just say my cycle is lost the plot lol im waiting on a scan date to go get a scan to see if i have cyst on my ovaries as for the last 8 days(after af finished) i have been having pains everyday. had bloods taken...for everything and have to go back to the docs on the 4th of march!! talk about my levels. said it all looks fine but need to talk about things more clearly so i can understand what the hell is going on. my cycles are getting so long im actually missing months out :( how annoying is that :wacko:

so looking forward to the scan to see if anything is there. i just want some help and some answers so i hope this is the key :thumbup:

Good morning girls

Baby D that's good that your finally getting some answers
I thought my cycles were long, idk how your deal with it
Lucky for me I've been super busy so I'm not thinking about ttc as much
:hugs: I hope everything turns out ok

Skeet have you ever just spottted in a cycle?
I'm a heavy bleeder so I'm sorry I can't give much info, my cycles are always the same
Lynsey- welcome back!! You need to make sure you subscribe to the thread again!! We are missing you here!! It has been hard for me.. I was actually pretty furious and heart broken.. But I know its all because he worries about me.

Happy to hear you are finally getting some answers .. Your cycles have been very strange lately.

Jess- other then ov spotting.. I've never spotted.. Even after being on the pill my cycles were pretty normal and the ov spotting only happened once.. My two strangely long cycles I had before I ended up pregnant at the end of them. ( probably due to ovulating late and not worrying about ttc when I had no idea what was going on) . My dr wasn't surprised that I had a cycle like this.. He actually was more surprised that I had 2 normal cycles after my ectopic .

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