Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

The funny thing about cycles is you don't know anything about them until they are done!!!! Unless you are so ridiculously regular you can't predict ANYTHING and even then you get some curveballs thrown in.

Lynsey--Glad you are getting a thorough work up. OH and I are great, thanks for asking. In fact he hasn't been saying much good or bad. So I asked him this morning if he still wanted to be trying and how badly. Me thinks we are on the same page and we have got the rest of the week planned for quality time starting tonight (got a high reading on my monitor).

Jess--Nice to hear about work. I agree, you are probably going to be so preoccupied that who knows--you may get a nice surprise.

Skeet-- I wonder if some of this may blow over in a couple of months with OH. I'm thinking he just can't take it all right now, with everything that's happened. I say DON'T talk about cycles or TTC or anything of that sort unless he asks. Then the pressure should subside enough to a comfortable state again.
I agree .. I'm going to try really hard not to mention anything baby related.. I usually don't mention my cycles or anything unless it goes strange.. Guess I'm going to have to keep that to myself aswell.. I'm just going to focus back on getting in shape :)

Whats going on with you these days??
Well yesterday I got a high reading on my monitor and tons of (TMI warning) EWCM. OH was home from work and was feeling under the weather but by the time I came home from work he seemed much better. He had enough energy to go to his parents and shovel 5 cm of snow (his parents are on vacation right now). By the time we went to bed he said he was not feeling well (personally I think he is a bit of a baby and doesn't seem sick half the time when he complains). So he took cough medicine (he said he had stomache problems not a cold, but I think he just wanted it to knock him out) and went to bed. Couldn't understand why I was frustrated. I told him this is the 3rd time in the past 6 months that he's been under the weather the week I'm ovulating. I also explained that he had a lot of energy to shovel. "But I have to get that done" he says. Well I told him if he's as serious as he says he is about having kids then "he has to get this done" It's as much a priority as other things since I'm 37, we don't have the luxury of putting it off. He said it's not his fault he was under the weather (which really means I didn't sleep well the night before). I asked him what would he do with a crying baby when he is feeling under the weather. Would he be too exhausted for that too. Personally I don't think he was sick, he was just tired and wanted a day off work. He sure had energy this morning when he woke up.

I understand being tired, but if we are going to do this thing there will be times that we'll have to just push ahead even if we're tired. But I bet he'll have all the energy in the world 2 days after I ovulate.

Today he's sucking up to me. I hate when he tries to suck up.
Well yesterday I got a high reading on my monitor and tons of (TMI warning) EWCM. OH was home from work and was feeling under the weather but by the time I came home from work he seemed much better. He had enough energy to go to his parents and shovel 5 cm of snow (his parents are on vacation right now). By the time we went to bed he said he was not feeling well (personally I think he is a bit of a baby and doesn't seem sick half the time when he complains). So he took cough medicine (he said he had stomache problems not a cold, but I think he just wanted it to knock him out) and went to bed. Couldn't understand why I was frustrated. I told him this is the 3rd time in the past 6 months that he's been under the weather the week I'm ovulating. I also explained that he had a lot of energy to shovel. "But I have to get that done" he says. Well I told him if he's as serious as he says he is about having kids then "he has to get this done" It's as much a priority as other things since I'm 37, we don't have the luxury of putting it off. He said it's not his fault he was under the weather (which really means I didn't sleep well the night before). I asked him what would he do with a crying baby when he is feeling under the weather. Would he be too exhausted for that too. Personally I don't think he was sick, he was just tired and wanted a day off work. He sure had energy this morning when he woke up.

I understand being tired, but if we are going to do this thing there will be times that we'll have to just push ahead even if we're tired. But I bet he'll have all the energy in the world 2 days after I ovulate.

Today he's sucking up to me. I hate when he tries to suck up.

Reading that just frusterated me for you!! My OH acts the exact same way when he is tired. He also seems to get "sick" a lot...and half the time I feel he is just acting like a big baby... Did you get any bd in before O??

Your right though, he really does need to step it up...Although 37 feels old there are a lot of women getting pregnant succesfully into their 40's so please dont feel too pressured.

In the past when OH wasnt feeling well while I was ovulating I just tried a few extra things to spice it up....or I tried to get him before he went to bed...that way he had no excuses
Hey all!!! :hi:

POASfiend I hope things get better :hugs: I certainly have been there myself, it sucks I know :hugs: I was just freaking out the other day because ill be 30 in acouple years and I want to have all my childern by the time I'm 30, that's 2 more kids in about a year and a half.....probably not going to happen lol
My freak out is that I'll be 30 in November :( I'mready having a hard time getting preg.. So I totally get it.. I always planned on kid before 30 atleast.. Guess life doesn't follow plans :( I'd have to get pregnant right now for that to happen :(
skeet - such a hard place to be in....give it couple of weeks when the stress dies down maybe just avaing fun sexytime it will help towards things. dont tell him when your ovulating just go with the when you are ovulating be cheeky and try bed then with out him knowing lol just a helpful idea lol :)cos he obviously wants kids with you just not the stress to go with it!! so trying a more relaxed approach might help?

jess - hopefully it would of happened in these 2 years hun..have faith its happened before it will happen again :)

POASFiend - men eh? always suck up when there ready but when we need it,.... ohh a whole lot of reason come up lol

OH is not doing that great but doing he's best togive me sexytime while im o'ing. no presure just when he im greatful for that :)

afm - well ive had some right positive opks but no smiley face?

heres yesterdays...the top one is from the smiley face ovulation test

which i would say is positive and should be ovulating right? but no smiley face!! hopefully today i will get a smiley face..if not i will just take my opks as positive and that im ovulating!!
Looks positive to me. Sorry OH isn't doing too good.

So tried BDing last night and then he pulls out the lube and I say no none of that tonight and he looks dumbfounded and can't figure out why. Then he tells me he didn't know I was ovulating. I reminded him that he gets stressed when I share to much with him, so if he doesn't want to know, then if I say no lube, it's no lube. And he knows why. Plus I think he knows darn well that I'm Oing this week. I gave him enough of a hint without talking to much about my cycle, as per his request. So it ruined the mood and we didn't finish the job. Didn't know I was ovulating my @$$. So today I got a peak on my monitor. If he's not up to the challenge the next 2 days. I think I'm done trying as it is heartbreaking BDing all throughout the month EXCEPT when I'm ovulating because then it sounds like a load of BS when he says he wants kids so badly. He talks about it all the time. When will he get it through his head that the stork doesn't bring them.

lynsey that is def a positive opk

Iv had positive opks with no smiley face.
Actually now that I think about it iv had positive opks and no smiley face in the am with FMU!
And then had a smiley face at night? Go figure

Just keep all your bases covered :)
Awe skeet I hope we both get a nice present for our 30th B Day
Awe skeet I hope we both get a nice present for our 30th B Day
So I'm thinking about testing tomorrow morning at 8 dpo....what do you girls think?

I really wan to but I don't want to start my weekend with a BFN :-(
My addicton is kicking in lol
Lyns- those look positive!! Hope your getting your bd on!! Sorry to hear oh isn't doing well.. What a champ though trying to bd through it!!

Poas-have you thought of getting preseed? It's a fertile friendly lube.. Then you don't have to worry about it... My oh is thE exact same way.. A lot of the time when I'm ov'ing I try to get him in the morning.. That way I can use the preseed abd he has no idea :) it's ok to rant .. That is what we are here for :)


Afm: oh got great news on Friday!! He got a new job!! He's very excited about it and will be making more money!! I'm no longer cut off!! Lol .. He also was not do concerned this weekend about not ttc :). However the only downfall with this job is that it will act as a type of bc.. I will rarely see him .. He will be working Monday to Friday from 5 pm until 4 am.. And getting home around 5:30 or 6 am depending .. I get up for work at 6 am and get home at 5.. So we really won't cross pathes.. I just have to hope I ov on the weekend.. So I guess we are officially ntnp .. The only time we have a good chance of conceiving is during the summer since I don't work during the summer
Jenn-I've thought of the preseed. But the reason for the lube is a different reason (flavoured lube) if you catch my drift (another no no if I'm ovulating).

Jess- based on the stats--if you are heartbroken about a BFN it's best to wait until 10dpo if you can.

Well--I'm officially out this month not because AF but apparently you need to bd and finish the job if you want any chance in hell--which didn't happen for us this week. Grrrrrrr. I was even having ovulation pains this time which doesn't happen often for me. The whole time I just kept thinking what a waste. It's unbelievable my level of frustration right now. I don't want to take it out on OH though because Friday he had a huge argument with his boss and we aren't sure what's going to happen work wise for him, because he can't stay in the current job. So he was clearly affected by the stress. He was just as frustrated as I was. I need the planets to align! Or the moons or something in the cosmos to happen. Or cash in some good karma credits (I believe I have a few).

Happy Monday though everyone. I'm going out tonight with OH for his birthday tonight. I'm sure the night will end nicely. Too bad I;m not Oing right now!
Hey girls :hi:

POAS I'm sorry this cycle was a no go :hugs: I wish you al the luck next time around

Well girls I tested it is
Poas- I'm so sorry this cycle was a no go :hugs: I know how frusterating it is.. Sorry to hear your oh has had so much stress at work... It's amazing how many outside factors impact ttc

Jess- I don't see any thing on that test.. Is there anything that you can see? It's still really early

Afm: officially on unofficial bc :haha: oh started his new job today.. So I will not see him until Saturday now :cry: I'm so torn!! Extremely happy for him.. As he is happy about the job and it's good money .. But I hate missing him
Jess--It IS early. Don't give up hope yet.

Jenn-It's awful when work takes them away from us. Those are always tough decisions. Imean who couldn't use a job that pays more?
poas - sorry that things are stressful this month, really hope next month will be a much better one for you both. hope hubby can sort it out with work too :hugs:

Skeet - good news that hubby has got hes job and looking forward to the money coming in. but sorry he's going to be away alot and that you guys want see each other as much. i hope when ovulation comes around you can try and squeeze a quicky in before one of you goes to work! :hugs:

jess - i dont see anything but like the girls said it is early days, so keep trying maybe tomorrow it will show darker. sending lots of :dust: your ways xx

afm - im meant to be 4dpo and just did an opk and it has come back dark again :dohh:

4dpo opk -

and yes i have tested and yes :bfn: even though my minds keeps telling me theres a faint line there but i know theres not..its just wishful thinking lol :dohh:

its only early so i know im a wolly for trying lol

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