Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

Hi Girls,

6dpo here as well icca, nothing much going on just the usual post O pre AF sore bbs and reflux.

hey girls how is everyone feeling??

im 6DPO and going testing tomorrow lol i have to, i NEED to

Hello! i'm feeling absolutely fed up with waiting! This feels like the longest 2 weeks ever!!

I'm due to test on the 10th when Af is due and am trying to hold out till then.....
well my boobs hurt more than the usual AF hurting, i really hope this is a good sign!!

i haven't posted here in a while but i have been reading everything you girls are going through/experiencing. i must say you guys are giving me the power to not go out and buy a test cause i dont want to be dissapointed!! ;o) i am now 5dpo and bbs are sore(not nipples) like a sharp pin pricky feeling on and of and mildly tender all day, headache yesterday(so far not today) im hoping that is a good sign cause i usually never get headaches until the four days leading up to :af: , i had very vivid dreams last night( i am a at home daycare provider and i dreampt that the father of one of the children tried to kiss me!) and i am sooo not attracted to him at all! the last time i was pregnant(and before i found out) i dreampt that i cut my daughters leg with a knife!! so at least this dream wasn't that bad :o) and ive been having just a constant dull achy crampy pain in uterus and lower back since 3dpo! oh and a stuufy/dry nose since yesterday? good luck ladies in trying not to test and i hope we all get our :bfp: soon!!
My only symptom seems to be the hormone rush. I normally one week before AF comes have a day or two of extreme irritability.... which was yesterday! Everything and everyone just set me off. But out of nowhere last night I just started crying!!! I just felt blah/blue and couldn't stop. FX its a good sign either that or AF is messing with bad and she is just around the corner!! Today I am 9 DPO and AF should be come 8/9th.
your good to test now!!
FRER says 5 days before your expected period!!
I'm 7dpo and am having cramping and bad gas.
This is our first time (3rd month trying) pre-seed. Anyone have luck with this? The wait is torture!!!
I used preseed this month.. Hopefully it works. I had weird vivid dreams last night to!! I had a dream that I got my bfp .. But then I got really mad at my oh and left him.., but it wasn't my oh at all .. It was my ex!! Soo bizzare!! I would never leave my oh .. So it freaked me out!! Kind of glad when I was so mad I was picturing my ex in my dream :haha:
LADIES!!!! I Missed you!! I managed to stay off the forum for like 10 WHOLE HOURS!!! :hugs:

Oh there is nothing like being busy to make the time fly. I had a training day for some summer work I'm going to be doing, then I got lost in London one way systems for an hour and a half, then I went to see a friend (who is not in on my TTC secret so no baby talk there!). I am 6DPO and it is the end of the day so nearly 7DPO so I really feel like I'm finally getting somewhere!!! :haha:

Hmmmm symptoms, well I am feeling a bit gassy (but then who doesn't sometimes? :blush:) and a bit bloated. I have actually been feeling a bit sick today too, not majorly so. I had yogurt and oats for breakfast then felt a bit sick (I like healthy food so thats not why lol) then I didn't get to eat all day because of being so busy and I felt like I was being stabbed in the stomach which doesn't normally happen when I'm too busy to eat. When I (finally) go to my friends house she took pity on me and fed me and I started feeling sick again (she is a very good cook I assure you so it's not her fault!). Reading too much into it?? My OH has come over all poorly this morning but he has coldy symptoms not sicky ones so I don't think it's anything to do with his lurgies.
Oh and I have 3 big fat spots on my face. I mean BIG FAT SPOTS. However I couldn't really say that is due to anything cos as I mentioned in an earlier post, that's one of the reasons I went on bcp in the 1st place so naturally now I'm off it they are probably just coming back with a vengeance :growlmad:

I am going to be really busy over the next three days working so it is going to be hard for me to symptom spot all day and make up stuff in my head which is a GOOD thing! By the time I've got time to start obsessing again on Monday morning I will be 10DPO... how exciting!!! I will obviously be checking in here every evening though. And of course as soon as anyone gets even a WHIFF of a BFP then I wanna know about it :happydance:
Do any of you ladies use opks?

The last three were taken last night about 8pm (I got a bit pee happy and was just happy to see some pink on there, so kept dipping opks :dohh:)

I did another one with FMU out of curiosity and it is about the same darkness. Going to take one at 11am-12pm today and another around 4pm.

Do you think it's looking positive though? :thumbup:

Last month I got only the faint lines (becuase there is always a bit in the system).

Will post another picture of my latest ones tonight.


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They're not positive but getting there! Keep testing today! :)
They are looking good Wilsey, hope you been BD'in!! I know they say positive is when the test line is the same or darker than the control line but I've read loads of posts where people said that by them rules, they NEVER had a positive OPK even tho they tested every day and they still got pregnant (so they obviously did ovulate at some point!).

As you said there is always a small level of LH in the system which is why faint lines aren't positive, but maybe some women are more sensitive to certain hormones than others, so that what might not be a strong enough surge for one woman to be able to ovulate may be strong enough for another?? In which case an OPK might show not positive when in fact a woman is about to ovulate? Not saying that's the case, just wondering out loud.

Anywhooooo, some of yours are quite dark, especially the last three. I bet they get darker in a few hours.
Based on previous months (purely on CM) I have estimated that I should O on CD14 and I am CD13 today. So I think the opks are gearing up for a positive but I don't know if I have enough LH to make that happen. I'm also temping so that should show me when I actually did.

Either way we are bding from CD12-CD15 - hopefully that should cover it :D

Thanks for your help! xx
Keep up the good work Wilsey!!!! Sounds like you're nearly ready to O!!! Hope you catch it just in time! x

Hey - I'm 6 dpo today, is that too early for like, major nausea?!?!?
Hey - I'm 6 dpo today, is that too early for like, major nausea?!?!?

I don't know but I'm 7DPO, I just woke up, and I feel sick to my stomach.
I'm so happy I'm sick! How weird is that lol Wish I didn't have to go to work tho.....
Morning Ladies,

7 dpo for me as well.

I am going to opposite to you guys though I was feeling a bit yucky the last couple of days but today I have woken up the 3 major spots I got during O are gone and I feel fine and dandy! Bizarrely my temp went down yesterday and stayed down (still above cover line but down at 36.37, cover is 36.29) so who knows what is going on with me.

Although as I type I am getting crampy feelings in my tummy, I really am beginning to feel like a crazy person with all this symptoms spotting.
im 8dpo today. Got a bfn. With first response and fmu. I know its still early and should not have tested but could not resist. But no symptoms other than on and off af cramps so prob not this month. Due on wed. So might test again sunday at ten dpo.
Well im still in as far as i know .. will have to see if AF shows
tomorrow or if shes late i guess :shrug:
Had very faint pink when wiping yesterday barely anything.. and
then again tiny blood streaks in clear fluid.. but that was it and nothing
today just normal no pains or anything
Wilsey - I thought I'd mention too - I used OPKs and got 'faint positives' for about 2 days before getting my 'proper' positive.

Then the proper positive stayed around for three days...!!! So hopefully you're bodies gearing up and you'll start seeing some dark lines soon!!!

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