Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

Hey ladies...I have had some lower stomach cramps today ...sort of af ish.... I will do another OPK tonight to see what it says...going to bd tonight just incase... Ugh these cramps are painful though :( maybe ovulation...I hate being so confused

Stacey- maybe no symptoms is a good symptom!!
I'm testing on Sept 16th...I'm currently 9/10 DPO and hoping for a BFP this month!! ;) eek!!! I've been having AF like cramping (not super painful), tired, moody, cm, low back aches! FINGERS AND TOES CROSSED ;)
I posted the same message on another thread but no1 talked to me :nope:

This is my 1st month TTC for #1 so this is my 1st 2WW! :D

I don't know how I feel about my chances this month... I have just come off bcp on the 11th so was worried it might take a while for my body to get back in rhythm but I got a really strong OPK on thurs. I'm not temping so I can't be sure that I def did Ov but I had the worst ovary pain that lasted from Thurs afternoon until Fri morning so I'm hoping that was my egg being released! I couldn't DTD on thursday tho but BD'd on Fri morning TWICE!! and Saturday morning once. I hope that's not too late.

We had been :sex: a lot up to Ov but I doubt any sperm had been hanging around cos I didn't have any EWCM (must be side effect coming off pill). We had been using conceive plus but not a lot.

I've been so good, O:)O:) cold turkeyed on the cigarettes about a month ago, have hardly had any alcohol and making sure to get my preconcep vits everyday (as well as shoving them down the OH's throat) It's so hard that there is nothing I can do now but wait!!! :dohh:

I'm not going to test until my period is late which I estimate to be 12th Aug based on when I think I O'd. If doesn't turn up I will test on 15th so please keep FX'd for me!!? [-o<

Is anyone going to be testing around the same time?? Maybe we can wait it out together? :hugs:

Good luck to everyone!!!


Aug BFP's :happydance:




New Month, New testing list!! We will get our BFP's in SEPTEMBER!!!

2nd Sept

7th Sept

9th Sept

12th Sept

13th Sept

14th Sept

15th Sept

16th Sept

17th Sept

18th Sept

30th Sept

hey!! How are you feeling today?? I am due to get a BFP or a dreaded visit from AF on the 15th!! But I don't think I cam wait that long so planning to test on the 13th!! GOOD LUCK AND BABY DUST TO ALL!!! X
Well ladies this will be my last month of ttc for a while.. I don't remember if I mentioned before that oh lost his job over the summer .. Well he is considering making a major career move that will result in a major loss of income for awhile.. He asked me if I minded putting the ttc on hold for a few months because he didn't feel that it was the best timing. He said that if I do get my bfp this month then he will still be happy and we will make it work.. He just doesn't want to bring a new life into a world of stress abd he doesn't think it would be fair to me or the child. I understand his concerns and in the long run this career move will be beneficial for us .. I'm so sad :cry: but I have to support my oh and his decision .. If I don't get my bfp this month I will still pop in to offer all of you wonderful supportive ladies support .. Thank you all so much for being there for me :hugs:
Well ladies this will be my last month of ttc for a while.. I don't remember if I mentioned before that oh lost his job over the summer .. Well he is considering making a major career move that will result in a major loss of income for awhile.. He asked me if I minded putting the ttc on hold for a few months because he didn't feel that it was the best timing. He said that if I do get my bfp this month then he will still be happy and we will make it work.. He just doesn't want to bring a new life into a world of stress abd he doesn't think it would be fair to me or the child. I understand his concerns and in the long run this career move will be beneficial for us .. I'm so sad :cry: but I have to support my oh and his decision .. If I don't get my bfp this month I will still pop in to offer all of you wonderful supportive ladies support .. Thank you all so much for being there for me :hugs:

ohh so sorry hun, that must have been a hard choice for you OH to make, its nice that he has spoken to you about it not just got on with it creating problems even arguments :hugs:

i hope his job works out good for you both and that you can start trying again real soon. wish you the best hun, make sure you keep popping in :hugs:
Thanks babyd.., I'm happy he talked to me about it too.. It is a hard choice but I respect that he's doing this and that he was open with me about what he wants.

I took an hpt this morning and it was neg.. After the + opk on Thursday.. We didn't bd last night as we fell asleep curled up in the couch watching a movie.. We did bd this morning and he didn't seen so concerned about not ttc .. As there was no preventing .. So we will see how it goes maybe if I did ov late I might still have a chance .., who knows though cause I could have missed the window.

He did say something last night though that was really sweet .. I told him about the + opk Thursday night which means I could have a short luteal phase .. He always thinks the reason I haven't been able to conceive is because of him and his medication. I told him it looks like it's not his fault abd maybe I'm broken.. He gave me a big hug and told me that I'm not broken and not to ever say that about myself .

I guess I'll just have to see how it goes.. I might temp and opk for a few months while we are not ttc just so I can see what's going on abd be better prepared .

I will continue to pop in and see how you ladies are doing and continue offering support as you ladies have supported me do much

I wish you all the best of luck and tons of :dust: I hope all you ladies get your :bfp: soon :hugs:
aww stress can indeed play games with our minds hun, dont take it personal..unless the docs say different you just keep beliving in will get there, just like most of us we just miss the window and keep trying each month :hugs:

what med is you OH on? (if you dont mind me asking) has the docs told him the tabs can effect his sperm count? because if sure they can give him a different kind that doesnt effect it!! the reason i ask is because as you know my OH is on meds too, always good to ask the docs if his meds can effect him. as for still doing opks and temping etc, i think thats a great idea, that way soon as you guys are back on track you know when is the best time to catch the eggy. Nice to see even though your OH is under alot of stress and is worried for you all that he still goes out of his way to reasure you :hugs:

dont give up hope hun, everything happens for a reason and with that reason there shall be a purpose to all of this :)

big hugs xx:hugs:
We have tried several medications that don't impact fertility or his sex drive however this one is the only one that has worked for him. The doctor knows we are ttc and has gradually weaned him off of this medication. He is down to a super low dose which the Dr has said that once his body gets used to it then it should not affect anything. I have to admit since the dose has been lowered his sex drive has returned. By the time we ttc again he should be completly clean of all medication..which will also be a bonus.
We have tried several medications that don't impact fertility or his sex drive however this one is the only one that has worked for him. The doctor knows we are ttc and has gradually weaned him off of this medication. He is down to a super low dose which the Dr has said that once his body gets used to it then it should not affect anything. I have to admit since the dose has been lowered his sex drive has returned. By the time we ttc again he should be completly clean of all medication..which will also be a bonus.

Sounds promising then hun, wish you guys good luck :hugs: :hugs:
I think I am cycle comes on either the 10th or 12th of each month and just now I (TMI) wiped down south and saw some black stuff (or dark brown but it looked black odd) and light pink... so either :af: coming on this afternoon or tonight. :growlmad:

Next cycle IUI. Something to look forward too.:happydance:
I think I am cycle comes on either the 10th or 12th of each month and just now I (TMI) wiped down south and saw some black stuff (or dark brown but it looked black odd) and light pink... so either :af: coming on this afternoon or tonight. :growlmad:

Next cycle IUI. Something to look forward too.:happydance:

aww sorry hun, sending you luck for next month xxx:hugs:
Welcome to the thread jenmcn1, Alaronex and Mammywannabe! Lots of :dust: for you all and we will all be waiting excitedly for you to test so we can add more BFP's to the thread. Make sure you keep us updated!!!

Skeet, that must be such a hard decision but like the others I think its great that you and ur OH are such a strong unit and make decisions together. Are you maybe doing the NTNP thing? So many people have said that when they stopped trying it just happened anyway. Obviously you're not going to try and get pregnant on purpose at the mo because of financial implications but if it happens by accident.......:winkwink: lol If not, when you do come to TTC again ur hubbys meds will probs be right out his system and he will be raring to go!!!! :sex: lol. Damn right you staying around tho!! We would miss you way too much if you went!

Smiling, sorry to hear bout AF but great about the IUI!

I know I'm out this month too. Well AF due to start Monday and haven't had any spotting yet but my temp nosedived and I got a negative hpt (very sensitive one) this morning. I know it's coming!!
awww so sorry to hear about the temp dip scorpio...hopefully it bounces back up tomorrow.
As of right now, oh just says its not the right time..I asked him if he wanted to prevent, he said "we will see" I'm guess he probably wont want to prevent. I know he wants this as much as I do, but its just not good timing. I willl stay around and stalk of you in the mean time....I have to live this ttc stuff through someone :haha:
Sorry to hear about your change of circumstance skeet :hugs:

On the positive side, it sounds like you and your husband have a really good and honest relationship, it sounds like you are being really sensible about everything, and I know you will be fine. Just enjoy the good quality time you have just the two of you for a bit longer :winkwink:
Thanks srbjex!! I plan to enjoy the time.. And I am happy to know that we do have such an honest open relationship .. And all though I want to jump scream and cry like a baby .. Lol I know I can't.. That would end the openness in a heartbeat!! I'm so happy I have you ladies.. Thanks so much for listening to me complain!! How is everyone else doing??
wow, just came to see how everyone was doing. Sorry to hear about the BFNs. Skeet I hope your dip in income doesn't last too long and you can get back on the horse, so to speak. Stay strong. I am blowing a whack of baby dust to all you. I want to start seeing a heck of a lot of positives over the next month. Babyd sorry about the evap. I think they are rotten and down right mean, playing with your mind and heart like that.
All well there we go CD3 now and I got word I am not able to get the IUI done until my next cycle. I had some blood work done me and my husband the results are not back from overseas (the joy of living on island; tests gets doen overseas :growlmad:)

Its all good I guess. I am loving these 3 day cycles since they removed two Submucosal fibroids:happydance: (which was located in the muscle beneath the endometrium of the uterus and distort the uterine cavity).

I can wait one more month damnn waited two years for a :bfp: so what the hell right...:dohh::blush:

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Have a wonderful day too!
wow, just came to see how everyone was doing. Sorry to hear about the BFNs. Skeet I hope your dip in income doesn't last too long and you can get back on the horse, so to speak. Stay strong. I am blowing a whack of baby dust to all you. I want to start seeing a heck of a lot of positives over the next month. Babyd sorry about the evap. I think they are rotten and down right mean, playing with your mind and heart like that.

Hey hun, how you feeling? have you got your date from the docs yet?

Tell me about it, i saw the line i was soo excited i phoned me OH up i told him the news and that it also might be a bad one(an evap) because i checked it 15mins after, but it must have been an evap as i havent got a line since :( petes gutted but says we will have to be more like rabbits around o time! all we want is a brother or sister for andreas...very frustrating!! i can feel small cramps at the front so im convinced its af on her way, never mind a :dohh: on to the next month :(


good luck to you 35_smiling xx
Baby - Ive been getting those cramps too!! I figure I'll test once around the initial time af was supposed to be due.. Then I'll wait a week and if she doesn't show her face I'll test again .. I really do hope that you will get you bfp this month!!!

Poas- how you feeling girl!! Happy to see that you are still popping in!! thank you so much for the support .. My luck while we are taking the break is when I'll get my bfp lol

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