Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

Boy if only we could all meet for cheesecake!!!!! You girls are the best and have brightened my morning!
I'm trying not to test to much because I don't want to stress myself. I don't think you had a chemical because you would have had af by now.. When I had mine my I got to + hpt two mornings in a row.. The 3 rd day I had a negative and got the worst most painful heavy af about 2 hours later. I took a part my frer today just out of curiosity Nd there was a line with no colour in it. Where as my chemicals there was definetly colour.

I know after you ovulate the egg stays there for about 24 hrs and there is a small chance that I caught it.. But not hopeful.. So maybe the same for you.

I did get spotting after my soccer tourney but nothing since .. If that was implantation you would think it would show by now

if that was IB hun then that can still take up to a week or so to show, so you maybe just maybe in for a surprise soon. you got a line on your frer test today? did the line show straight away or minutes after? hummm!! i pray that line is a good sign for you xx
Lol poas too bad it costs so much to fly within Canada or I'd come have some cheese cake with you!! :hugs:

Babyd: the line was completely white and I took it a part a few hours after just out of curiosity .. So I don't think it's anything. More or less just curious if evaps are possible :) I would have completely missed the spotting but right before my tournament I had terrible cramps and thought af was on her way.. I put a tampon on just incase because I didn't want to have it come while I was running down the field. When I saw the spotting I thought she was coming.. 2 days later and still not here :shrug:
very strange..but it does sound like IB hun..not getting your hopes up but that what it sounds like!!..?

as for the test i would wait a couple of more days and the retest to see that that line shows again :)
Yeah I plan on it.. I'll probably wait until wed if af isn't here by then.
:cry::cry::cry::cry:totally gutted

Looks like I will be joining you girls again. Ended up spending Saturday night in the ER. Fiance took it REAL hard. I have seen him in tears before but I have never seen/heard him cry the way he did that night.

Ticked at the world right now but we want to try again as soon as we are able.

Noooooo :nope: I'm so sorry

I wish I was there to give you hugs AND cheesecake :hugs::cake:
Hi girls! I'm a newbie and just looking for a bit of help!

My story.. Came off the pill last month after finishing my last packet I had a period as u do on a the 7 day break.. It is now 4 weeks later and no period, would have been due yesterday. I know my periods could be a bit all over the place so I'm taking it with s pinch of salt! I'm not temping as I'm trying not to think too much (haha)!! However iv been checking cm and I think I had ewcm last Sunday and monday so does that mean I potentially ovulated then? I don't want to test now as I don't like seeing - !! I'm thinking if I o'd last week then I'm thinking maybe to test next week if still no period? Sorry if these seem like silly questions but u ladies seem like pros!

Hope you are all well and wishing you all the luck :)

Hey Bex, seems like a cop out answer but everyone is different! When I came off the pill I ovulated 11 days after my 7 day break (so 18 days after taking my last pill) and had AF 14 days after that. 14 Days was my prepill luteal phase so that went back to normal pretty quick. I didn't have any EWCM that cycle- I think its the pill that messed that up because I usually have it. EWCM generally heralds the arrival of ovulation but some people get it just before AF too! Confusing right!?

As for testing- leave it as late as possible. Some of us can't help testing early but if you are managing to be relaxed so far you might as well wait to avoid a chemical. Good Luck xxx
Hey Bex...I'm not too much help because I accidently came off the pill... I missed it a few times then when it was time for af...she never showed...went to the dr who thought I was pregnant and it was neg....over a month later i ended up pregnant with still no af in between.... sorry I'm not much help...good luck and if you did O later in your cycle then af will be a bit later.... Its currently happening to me right now ...I'm almost a week late!!
Thank you for your help! I think I'm going to try and wait and test begining of next week if still no period! Trying to stay relaxed and tell myself it's not the end of the world if I'm not pregnant, sounds stupid as this is our first official month trying and
Aware it can take a while however as I previously mentioned I have no patience and if I want something I want it to happen yesterday haha I put it down to only child syndrome! The waiting game is not a game I like to play haha! Have u been trying long? Any advise? I thought I was pregnant last month purely by accident however after a week of going insane and a fortune spent on tests I was not.. Another good reason to be relaxed is it's cheaper haha! Good luck to you xxxx
Thanks for your comment too skeet! It's always good to hear other peoples stories! I'm sure men don't have all these things to think about haha! This seems like a good forum so I shall keep popping on and I'm sure I'll have more questions! Hope you get some good news soon xxx
Well since my mc at 8 weeks from the the pregnancy right after my pill I'm on my 7th month ttc...I figured it would be easy since I got preg right after the pill..turns out its not ... are you going to temp or use opk? or just not try not prevent?
Just not preventing for now! If it carries on for a few months then i will
Get opks! We are really keen to become parents and I think how disappointed we both were after not being pregnant by accident confirmed how much we both want a baby! Doc said to just enjoy trying haha! Going to carry on as normal for now and just see if my period arrives in the next couple of weeks, I had a bit of cramping yesterday but nothing now so who knows what that was. I did read something on symptoms and I can see it driving me mad haha. So far today I'm just incredibly bloated but that could be anything haha! Sorry to hear about your mc, I'm sure it will happen again very soon :) xxxxxxx
Thank you for your help! I think I'm going to try and wait and test begining of next week if still no period! Trying to stay relaxed and tell myself it's not the end of the world if I'm not pregnant, sounds stupid as this is our first official month trying and
Aware it can take a while however as I previously mentioned I have no patience and if I want something I want it to happen yesterday haha I put it down to only child syndrome! The waiting game is not a game I like to play haha! Have u been trying long? Any advise? I thought I was pregnant last month purely by accident however after a week of going insane and a fortune spent on tests I was not.. Another good reason to be relaxed is it's cheaper haha! Good luck to you xxxx

I haven't been trying that long so I haven't got many pearls of wisdom to share with you! I took my last pill 11th July. I was going to wait til I had one natural period before I started trying.... but I just didn't lol but I didn't get pregnant anyway. Last month I started temping and it was a pretty regular cycle with me O'ing on CD 18. BD'd at all the right times but didn't get pregnant. And now I'm waiting to O again. I have no problems that I'm aware of just can't help feeling a teeny bit anxious because I have no children and have never had any 'accidents' lol I know its just silly but I always have the thought in the back of my head. I try to remain positive anyway :flower: I'll put you on the testing list for 26th but you can test when you want obviously! as long as you keep us updated!!
Scorpio!! i've always wondered the same thing as I have never had a scare..mind you OH never has either so I guess we will see!!
I think it's a fairly common fear, I just hope I'm one of the people that worries needlessly! You have had MCs, not that I envy you that at all but at least you know you can definitely conceive in the first place. I feel like my defences are impenetrable or something!!! My OH has got a child from a previous relationship but that child is now 11 and a lot can happen in 11 years so if I don't get pregnant I'm not taking all the blame!!! lol

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