Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

Hey everyone!!!! Haven't been around for a while so thought I'd check in. Skeet I really hope you've got some great news for us today. So I've had a few doctors appts. I have to laugh because one Dr. asked if I would start trying again I said yes based on the latest evidence I don't see any reason to wait. Then yesterday my regular doctor told me to wait one cycle yada yada. OH said f*** that. So I guess he's really wanting to give this another go. She said it would be better for dating purposes etc. However even if I do wait a month it doesn't mean I will have a regular cycle so dating could still be off and hey, that's what early ultrasound is for. So I don't think we will wait.
ohhhh come on blood test can show more than an theres still a chance sweet :) i know seeing bfn on hpt can knock you but theres still a good chance!! lets hope he rings with some great news eh :)

and as for me know how it is, but thanks for asking!!

this month has been a hard one because ive not been late like this,thinking i had couple of positive test when they were evaps.. bit emotional stressfull!! the witch is very very light as well so my mind keeps thinking humm maybe but im just being silly..come tomorrow she will be here with her guns all ready full flow!! but same time being not pregnant its just alot easier that witch is here so i can get on with things instead of stressing. just looking forward to next month getting jiggy with it around o time :)

It really has been a stressful month!! I don't blame you for your mind still spinning I had a light af and had my brain going..i actually tested a few days after it :haha: TTC really does do strange stuff to us. Hope you gets lots of :sex: in this month!! I hope you get an October :bfp: !! Lots of :dust: !!!

hey hun,any news from the docs? hope there is some great news to tell :hugs: xx
Hey everyone!!!! Haven't been around for a while so thought I'd check in. Skeet I really hope you've got some great news for us today. So I've had a few doctors appts. I have to laugh because one Dr. asked if I would start trying again I said yes based on the latest evidence I don't see any reason to wait. Then yesterday my regular doctor told me to wait one cycle yada yada. OH said f*** that. So I guess he's really wanting to give this another go. She said it would be better for dating purposes etc. However even if I do wait a month it doesn't mean I will have a regular cycle so dating could still be off and hey, that's what early ultrasound is for. So I don't think we will wait.

hey hun, glad your back :hugs: really nice to see that hubby is just a keen to get you pregnant again :)

Hopefully next month will be a good month for us all babe :hugs:xx
Wouldn't that be nice. OCTOBER IS BABY MONTH!!!!!! It's now in writing so it must be true.
ahh man so sorry jen, fingers are still crossed for you sweet xx
Thanks!!! Its so frustrating in just generally feeling like crap.. I still have the sweats, I've also had a stiff neck for 4 days and a headache ...

The dr didn't even address the rest of the stuff I've been feeling cause he was so confident that I was pregnant
I just got a positive OPK! This is the 1st month using clearblue digital ov tests and the smiley face just made me happy :) I have LOVELY EWCM too! :)

I'm now impatiently waiting for OH to get back from work

I hope I get my BFP in October too; nice early birthday pressie!!!
Congrats on your smiley and your slime (EWCM)......TTC girls get excited about things that the rest of society would probably think is gross. I LOVE IT!!!!!!! We are a great bunch. Now that OH knows how good it felt to get a BFP and so wants it again OMG he just can't keep his hands off of me. So funny since I'm the one always pursuing him!!! I LOVE HIM.

SKEET I'm sorry, You def need to keep bugging your doc until you get some answers. Very frustrating I'm sure.
It's good ur OH is now fully on board :) you have been through a horrible experience but maybe you will get your 'rainbow baby' this month and it will be nice to know mum and dad were both trying equally as hard. Well, it will be nice for you to know... your kid will not want to know about you having sex!!:sick:

And I agree- Skeet's doctor needs to pull his finger out his ass!!!
Poas- so glad to here oh is full on board!! It's nice when they are as excited as we are!!

And yes my dr does need to get his finger out of his ass.. I've berm considering trying to switch Drs for awhile now.. I've just had him since I wad born so it's hard to do
Well Skeet, he obviously still thinks he can treat you like a child instead of listening to what you want!
thank you ladies!! :flower:

i'm exhausted over waiting...i took a dollar store test on tue (i know, way to early but i was bored) and of course got a BFN.

i don't think i'm going to test on fri...i'm going to wait for AF to tell me what's going on, i really don't like the anticipation of POAS.

my bbs are heavy but they always are around this time, i have been getting hot flashes, and sometimes i feel nauseous but the last 4 cycles i have also felt nauseous around this time and AF arrived right on time.

the only thing that's different is that my left lower back has been sore and i've been bloated (but i always feel bloated!!) and i've been very bitchy lately, with anxiousness and no patience at all but i think that's from the allergy medicine i've been taking. so i guess i really have no symptoms that are different than any other time except for the lower back ache :(

i want to stop this symptom spotting madness, each cycle i discover another one!

good luck to everyone and enjoy BDing for those who are ov'ing :)

Hi everyone just popping in for an update!

So today I'm cd41.. No period and no signs of it either and just had a negative pregnancy test! Any suggestions? Thought I potentially ovulated 16 days ago but now I'm not so sure. Starting to think it's just my body and the effects of the pill playing tricks on me!! Don't really know what else to do apart from wait another week and see what result I get then if my period hasn't arrived!

Hope you are all ok.
Hey Bex! I'd wait for a bit. If you did ovulate when you thought you did I know you'd think a preg test would show positive by 16DPO but you do hear of people not getting their BFP until 2 weeks after AF missed! I think if you went to the doctors they would probably tell you 'it can take 3 months for your cycle to get back on track after the pill' which doesn't really help! Were your cycles regular before you went on the pill? My cycles went right back to normal after coming off but they were always very regular before going on anyway.
Hey Bex! I'd wait for a bit. If you did ovulate when you thought you did I know you'd think a preg test would show positive by 16DPO but you do hear of people not getting their BFP until 2 weeks after AF missed! I think if you went to the doctors they would probably tell you 'it can take 3 months for your cycle to get back on track after the pill' which doesn't really help! Were your cycles regular before you went on the pill? My cycles went right back to normal after coming off but they were always very regular before going on anyway.

Yea as far as I remember I was pretty regular before going on the pill! I thought I may be a bit late if not pregnant but to me a cycle over 40 days is getting a bit of a joke!

Thanks for the advise, I really appreciate it! I do know someone who didn't get a bfp for 2 weeks as well so you never know, only time will tell! I'll see what happens in the next week!

How's things going with you?
Sorry bex I cant help you.. I'm I'm the late 40s of my cycle.. To be honest I've lost count.. This is my first irregular cycle since I've had my mc in feb.. I'm thinking I maybe just didn't ovulate.. I got the surge on an opk burnside doesn't guarantee anything. My best advice is to wait a week and test again and just keep bding never know :) good luck!!
Well I am still clueless! AF was due 12th Sept but here I am on 30th with nothing to show except some light spotting on the 20th!
Initially I was excited, then upset now I'm furious with my body! Went to Docs & they sent a urine test off to the lab, but no surprises it was negative!
Having been given the all clear in Aug to try after 4 regular cycles following a year of none due to high prolactin levels I am back at square one with no clue what is wrong with my stupid body! (My prolactin is now normal apparently & I'm still on cabergoline treatment)
So until I work out what is wrong with me, I can't even continue TTC!
Thanks, goodbye & good luck to everyone else! Xx

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