Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

Morning ladies :)

How are we doing?

Jen - any news from the docs or signs of bfp/AF?? hope your ok xx

its been 28 degrees here sooo hot now there saying it might be even hotter today..jeeaazzz its hot hot hot...
Doc test was neg and no sign of af.. I've given up on testing for now too..I don't feel pregnant ..
jeaz...still no af, thats so strange. u have to be pregnant surely. well im praying you are xx
I never realized how many people experienced such screwy cycles until being on here. I used to have very unpredictable cycles and that I was a rare bird. It never really bothered me because I was never TTC then. I think if my cyckes were still like that I would lose it. Now that I'm TTC I need to know what's happening at all times with my body. So for you who are experiencing this I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the stress and frustration it causes. I hope some answers come about for you.
I myself have to figure out what my calendar is again. It looks like I will be ovulating soon based on CM and I almost got a +OPK yesterday. This makes me happy becasue I know you can get false negatives after MC but my bloodwork showed my levels going down fast so I figure my body has adjusted fast. Here's the real bugger of it all. If my body is going to schedule the way I think it is AF will be arriving sometime on my wedding day or honeymoon.
What crappy timing.

Jen-it doesn't hurt to at least go elsewhere for a second opinion.
I never realized how many people experienced such screwy cycles until being on here. I used to have very unpredictable cycles and that I was a rare bird. It never really bothered me because I was never TTC then. I think if my cyckes were still like that I would lose it. Now that I'm TTC I need to know what's happening at all times with my body. So for you who are experiencing this I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the stress and frustration it causes. I hope some answers come about for you.
I myself have to figure out what my calendar is again. It looks like I will be ovulating soon based on CM and I almost got a +OPK yesterday. This makes me happy becasue I know you can get false negatives after MC but my bloodwork showed my levels going down fast so I figure my body has adjusted fast. Here's the real bugger of it all. If my body is going to schedule the way I think it is AF will be arriving sometime on my wedding day or honeymoon.
What crappy timing.

Jen-it doesn't hurt to at least go elsewhere for a second opinion.

Hey hun when you getting married? make sure get you get lots of nookie in tonight and tomorrow, fingers crossed you catch eggy :hugs::hugs:

2 weeks today. I got nookie last night and I told OH that it's magic weekend and he had a big smile. Who knows if I'm lucky and catch that egg maybe AF won't show!

I love the pic you have up of your son he is just the cutest.
oh wow 2 weeks how exciting :)

Is everything all sorted? what colour schemes are you going for?

I really hope that in 2weeks you will get the best present ever and get your bfp..really hope this weekend is a good one for you both :thumbup:

thank you ladies!! :flower:

i'm exhausted over waiting...i took a dollar store test on tue (i know, way to early but i was bored) and of course got a BFN.

i don't think i'm going to test on fri...i'm going to wait for AF to tell me what's going on, i really don't like the anticipation of POAS.

my bbs are heavy but they always are around this time, i have been getting hot flashes, and sometimes i feel nauseous but the last 4 cycles i have also felt nauseous around this time and AF arrived right on time.

the only thing that's different is that my left lower back has been sore and i've been bloated (but i always feel bloated!!) and i've been very bitchy lately, with anxiousness and no patience at all but i think that's from the allergy medicine i've been taking. so i guess i really have no symptoms that are different than any other time except for the lower back ache :(

i want to stop this symptom spotting madness, each cycle i discover another one!

good luck to everyone and enjoy BDing for those who are ov'ing :)


If you can just wait to see if AF turns up or not, it really is the best way. I envy your endurance!! :thumbup:

Well I am still clueless! AF was due 12th Sept but here I am on 30th with nothing to show except some light spotting on the 20th!
Initially I was excited, then upset now I'm furious with my body! Went to Docs & they sent a urine test off to the lab, but no surprises it was negative!
Having been given the all clear in Aug to try after 4 regular cycles following a year of none due to high prolactin levels I am back at square one with no clue what is wrong with my stupid body! (My prolactin is now normal apparently & I'm still on cabergoline treatment)
So until I work out what is wrong with me, I can't even continue TTC!
Thanks, goodbye & good luck to everyone else! Xx

You know you are always welcome round here :hugs: I hope everything gets sorted soon and you are back to TTC. Keep us updated :kiss:
oh wow 2 weeks how exciting :)

Is everything all sorted? what colour schemes are you going for?

I really hope that in 2weeks you will get the best present ever and get your bfp..really hope this weekend is a good one for you both :thumbup:


Everything is ready to go. I don't stress about the details cuz after all.....a good time is a good time regardless of the decor. That being said green/blue/brown.

I am jealous of your weather. It was -2 here this morning. All the more reason for OH and I to snuggle up and get heated up!!!:D

I hope one of us catches this month. Or at least I hope everyone gets to figure out what's happening with their cycles. We need some good news.
oh wow 2 weeks how exciting :)

Is everything all sorted? what colour schemes are you going for?

I really hope that in 2weeks you will get the best present ever and get your bfp..really hope this weekend is a good one for you both :thumbup:


Everything is ready to go. I don't stress about the details cuz after all.....a good time is a good time regardless of the decor. That being said green/blue/brown.

I am jealous of your weather. It was -2 here this morning. All the more reason for OH and I to snuggle up and get heated up!!!:D

I hope one of us catches this month. Or at least I hope everyone gets to figure out what's happening with their cycles. We need some good news.

Sounds lovely :)

hope you have a great wedding hun, look forward to seeing the piccys after :winkwink:

and yes i hope we all have a much better month next month :thumbup: x
Thank you for all the support ladies.. Unfortunately unless I sign off with my dr I won't be able to go anywhere else for a second opinion other then the hospital or a walk in clinic :( I am going to test Saturday morning again because we are supposed to be going to Canada wonderland.. I think I'm only going to test on weekends when I could possibly be doing something that is risky if I'm pregnant.. As of tomorrow I completely skipped September for af. I've never had an irregular cycle other then when I came off bcp and I didn't get af all of dec but got a bfp in January ..

Poas- my cycle after my mc was a little longer then the rest.. It was 34 days then my cycle went down to 29 or 30 days.. I hope af holds off until after your honey moon so you and oh can get in lots of nookie :) enjoy your special day!!

Skelleron- feel free to hang out and vent Hun!! We are all here for eachother!!! Hope things get back in line for you!!

Babyd- how's things going?? Are u using opk or temping this month?
ah so sorry your going through this jen, really horrible. trust me i know what your feeling..limbo land is just the worst, the unknown is just horrible. i really hope by monday something would of shown whether that be bfp or af. hope either way you get your answer!!

as for opks, sure am babe. soon as this af stops i shall be right back on the horse!! regardless of this cycle aint no stopping me :)

couple of more days hopfully she will stop..still getting the pains but each days seem to get alittle better so thats something good. soon as shes gone i will be one happy lady lol

what you up too this weekend anything nice?

meant to be 28degrees over here, hottest september in years apparently! so anyways we heading over the the bigpark over here picnic sun playing with my son..what more could i want on a weekend. might even pop down the beach if i can be bovered to drive for over an hour..mind you there is a river 10mins down the road so might take little legs there :)

look at me chatting away to my self lol
lol i feel so out of the loop now that I'm just in limbo..I wont fit into the mid october testers any more lol... well you never know the way my cycle is going I'm almost halfway though what was supposed to be my next cycle so maybe I'll sync back up with you ladies!!

well I am supposed to go to Canada's Wonderland ( amusement park) tomorrow...the weather is going to be a bit chilly tomorrow though..only 10...usually we get weather like you are. ( I"m testing in the morning just to be on the safe side). Then tomorrow night there is a Rodeo in town so we are going to the dance. Sunday my OH plays hockey so I will probably go watch. Its actually going to be a pretty busy weekend so I"m sure it will fly by.

Have fun with Andreas this weekend!!
Hi Ladies,
I'm still WAY out the loop! Thought AF was due on CD26 (like it has been previous cycles of Clomid- and lots of spotting beforehand- TMI) But she's not here yet.:shrug: I know she's on her way due to BFN's (got one this morning at what I think is 15dpo) Can't stand the waiting- meant to phone the hosp and arrange to go on a waiting list for a 'procedure' when she arrives. I'm dreading it. Not getting hopes up :nope:

Lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: for all of you.
BMI, BFN at 15DPO doesn't def mean your out!!

I'm making an October testing list later (just going out for breakfast!) so let me know your predicted testing dates!! You know it doesn't have to be mid October it can be any time!!! I just say mid October because I couldn't handle it if 1000 people joined!!

Be back later!!

Oh ps. FF gave me crosshairs so I am apparently 3DPO :)
Lol just put a whole bunch of question marks around my name lol
gosh is it October 12th yet?? I so want to :test: I hate the TWW period:growlmad:
Hi Ladies,
Finding it hard to concentrate on anything now that AF not here and got another BFN this morning. CD29 now and 16DPO. Since I've been having really short cycles with Clomid (26 days and less) I don't know what to think. :shrug: I have loads of things to organise this weekend but my mind is elsewhere. :help:

How is everyone else? :dust:
Oh wow Smiling, our cycles must be exactly the same!!! I hope our testing date has :bfp: this month!!!

BMI, you can get strange cycles every now and then but it has to be a good sign that the :witch: aint here yet!! Don't give up hope, there is still time for that BFP to turn up!!

OMG guess what I did last night? Went out and got a lil bit tipsy :shhh: I feel really bad but it was an accident!!! Was just sposed to be a dinner party but it turned out to be more party... I didn't drink that much to be honest it's just that I haven't drank a lot lately so it didn't take much to make me feel a bit squiffy!!! Still feel guilty tho and this morning I had a huge gush of brown tinted CM and my temp was much higher. Does drinking the night before make your temp high???

Anyhoooooo come on girls I need your testing dates please :friends:
Hi Ladies

I'm sorry to let you know that I miscarried earlier this week. OH and I are absolutely devastated. :cry: I obviously wont be trying for a bit while me body gets back to normal, but I will be following all of your progress, and hope to see some more BFPs on here soon!

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