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POAS club for the 21st-31st August!

Hi folks

Went to my cousins wedding yesterday and it was lovely except for DS announcing in the church he was bored - talk about embarrassed!!!!!!!!

Anyway had a dip in temps yesterday and its back up to where it was the day before today (if that makes sence) so kind of hoping it may be an implantation dip. I was absolutely roasting yesterday even though my temp was low and today I have slightly sore boobs but that may be from all the dancing last night lol.

good to see all the PMA's around and boy has our club grown :happydance:

Only 6 more days til I can test woo hoo. DS starts school on Wednesday so I will be occupied Monday and Tuesday getting ready for that so hopefully the week will fly past.

Good luck to all and almost time to start ss'ing :dust:
Ive been convinced im pregnant since the day after i did the deed 2 days before 'o' date, in the morning i had to lie down as i felt ill, since then i have felt like im coming on my period every day which i thought was a good sign, but my friend who is also trying had every symptom and got a bfn and came on her period this month. So im not sure if im convincing myself i am now as maybe im not. Oh this 2ww is killing me! I even poas yesterday got a bfn but i was only 6days po so hoping i just tested wayyy to early
curlew... its fantastic ain't it! such a big group now! x x x x
can i join too???????
:witch: is due 21st......trying not to buy a FRER and wait :lol:
its nice knowing im not the only one waiting. xx
welcome e&l's mom and bunnyhop :) good luck!

curlew, glad you had a good weekend and hope i hope that it was an implantation dip!

bunny - i'm almost convinced i'm pg too... fx'd! i keep talking about my sore bb's, but f'reals i am not imagining it!! they litterally just ache while i'm sitting around!
Its getting CLOSE to everyones testing dates! I'm so excited to hear all the results!

I have been SS a little more today. I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't "feel" pregnant at all - and I think I would just KNOW - since I have been before - but whatever... Maybe the first is different from the second... (maybe I'll start a new thread on that?).

Anyways - I noticed some super super mild cramping today - and also my (.)(.) are a little sore - but barely. Well - and for no good reason - I just randomly decided to take my temp. Mid day it was 99.1. I know its not my BBT - but that is HIGH for me - since my normal body temp is like 97/98. I just figured it was cause I was hot and it was hot out. So - later I took a shower and sat down to chill for a while after and took my temp again - this time it was 99.4! I don't feel sick at all - so I don't know why I would have a low-grade fever... Can an up-coming AF cause that? It just has me wondering. Any clue? Could that be an early-preg symptom?? I have read conflicting info on it. Most stuff only talks about BBT, not just normal body temp.

So - thats me. Like I said - I'm not really thinking we conceived this month - but I'm still hanging on to every possible thread I can! I sort-of feel like this is my "only" shot - since after this I think we are gonna WTT. I mean - its not my ONLY shot, but it will be for a while! I DON'T WANT TO WAIT!!
hi all i'm currently 12dpo but AF isn't due until the 20th, i tested this morning on a $tree test and it was BFN... is that normal?
wifenmom - thats probably normal. 12dpo is on the early side to get a bfp. Of course - some can get a + up to 5-6 days before there AF is due, many won't get a + until well after its late.

Hold out a few more days and test again on the 20th!
logansmama... i dont want you to wtt either, i want you to stay here! x x x x
Aww. Thanks! I don't want to WTT at all....

If we do - by the time I get pregnant you girls will all have left me and gone and had your babies already! :( Good for all you - but lonely for me!
heeeey, hopefully your OH will change his mind. or whatever is stopping you will change etc x x x x fingers crossed! x x x x x
as much as we wanna get our bfp's, they all come when the time is right for all of us! x x x
heeeey, hopefully your OH will change his mind. or whatever is stopping you will change etc x x x x

Kind-of Both of us. DH is just nervous about having #2. I know financially and such it would be better to wait a bit (not crucial - but better). Between the 2 things - it will probably be a few months.

BUT - IF I get my BFP this month - none of that will matter!! Hooray!:happydance:
aaah hun you'll be ok! keep up the pma! x x x xx i'm sooo nervous about poas! eeeek, you???
Yes and No. More CURIOUS if I will see 2 lines or not. I will seriously be SHOCKED if I do... but not overly-disappointed if I don't! I will be impatient though!

I hope you get yours! (And everyone here does!). Any new /interesting symptoms??
not really i am peeing more but thats cuz i am drinking more! lol
Funny. I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I feel like I am peeing sooooo much today. But I have been drinking lots today too. I found a new peach tea I LOVE and can't stay away from it!
perhaps an early craving! lol though waaay too soon, but hey wishful thinking never hurt anyone huh? x x x x x

Sandie_Calie... welcome hun. you have been officially added x
yay back!!!
weekend was great... but sunday i was sooo tired!
i got up around 10am and by 2pm i was ready to go to bed again,
i really really had to force myself to stay awake...
got a headache later (probably from being tired and staying up)

now FF changed my O date, wtf? why?
now it looks completely crazy!
eta: it's good, if i have a 36.7 again tomorrow or so it'll change right back

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