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POAS club for the 21st-31st August!

i am really looking forward to poas this month or possibly september. eeeeek.
too early to symptom spot! ooooh citin' xxxxx

my right boob hurts LOTS! like it has been punch or summit! perhaps i slept on it funny!?!?
x x x xx

Me too, weird, well my left one. I said this this morning to OH and he laughed!!!

Have been sicky, nose bleeds, headaches etc and I smelt someone smoking yesterday and it knocked me for 6.... puke. I'm still convinced its the heat here though.

My temp did drop but shot straight back up today (Check my chart and see).

Hoping to get a BFP, going to keep my PMA head if not and keep going forward if Witchy poo gets me.
welcome sandie... good luck!

liking all the pma here :) i can't wait for everyone's testing days to see what happens!! so exciting to be in the tww with others... makes my tww easier to handle :D

wb butterfly! sounds like a fun wkend if you're so tired... or maybe a sign?? man, you have a loooong lp from your last cycle, eh? that's a long wait!

i'm 9dpo today and hoping and praying that my temps stay up... been looking in the chart gallery and it seems that at 9/10 dpo temps start to drop for others if they're not pg? so far mine are still rising overall, and with these owie bb's i am feeling very hopeful... ooooh fx'd!!! the freakish high temp on 6dpo was when my dog jumped on me while temping and started licking the bbt while still in my mouth! haha...
long lp? not really, all my cycles are 28 days average (the odd 29 and 30 day one) and 14 days lp, maybe you're confusing my cycles with cinnamum's, now she has a long wait :p

bahahahaha your 6dpo story!
you didn't temp again after that?

i already regret not temping this weekend, i just forgot my thermometer, if i had taken
it to bed with me my mom would have been worried, silly mom... but cute...

i just went out and bought my possibly last camembert in a while... hmmm with honey
i looked at your last month's chart and your lp was 16 days?
mmm camembert... sounds good :) i thoroughly enjoyed my sushi dinner on sat... stuffed my face and it was great!
6dpo - naw, i just took the temp and was done with it... you should have heard me - MMM! MMMM-MMM! hard to say 'leave it!' with your mouth full :) i just wrestled her off of me and got up.

ACK! i am dying to know if i'm pg!! might have to start using the ic tests tomorrow... hmmm...
^^ ah that, i didn't think that was very long, eventhough i more often have lp's of 12-14 days.
it's probably because i count from period to period and don't pay much attention to lp.
so all in all it was only (in retrospect i can say "only" lol) 2 days later than i anticipated,
looking at lp it's longer torture lol

haha i looked for sushi too but they didn't have any and i'm not in the mood for making it myself today.
and i can totally picture the morning struggle with the dog hahaha!

ps: the bf fixed my computer over the weekend and msn is working properly again, whoot!
Hi can you put me in for a tentative :bfp: I know couldn't resist :wacko: only 7DPO but had a feeling...it's only feint.....AF due next monday so FX'd it's a sticky one!!!!
wow, that is early, your down for the 30th! i'll move you to the 24th then x x x x
wow, that is early, your down for the 30th! i'll move you to the 24th then x x x x

I know.......still a bit worried though......after all M/C's.......Why did I go and test?? :dohh: I don't know I am old enough to know better aren't I?????:blush:

So FX'd that it sticks and I can shout it out properly!!!!!

I am getting so many symptoms and the bubbling/fluttering is so strong!!!

I am going to make sure this one does stay this time...going to be soooo careful!!!! Best get to chemist for baby asprin instead of sitting on this all day!!!!!


I'm joining you!!

I am not quite sure when I got :witch: (I think between the 17th-24th of last month) because I wasn't too interested in tracking (1st :witch: since I gave birth to DD on 3 June). Needless to say, that makes it hard to track my dpo.

Symptoms: Major fatigue, one night of bad cramping, headaches (not typical), daily heavy lotiony CM, facial breakout, moodiness (not typical), uterus twinges on Saturday.

:witch: or :bfp: Something's gotta give!!

:dust: to all!!
keeping fingers crossed Jaccib!!!!!!!!!!!

and for you too jerseyshoregirl, love how it is planned so soon after your daughter Megan!
i always said i want mine not too far apart either, that is, IF i ever have two

camembert...not such a great move after all, pukey sick now
good sign, bad sign or just coincidence, regardless...ew lol
I'm turning 39 in November...that clock is ticking!!!
And I really want Megan to have a little brother or sister to talk "kid speak" with :)

Motherhood is amazing! I loved being pregnantand babies are such a joy!
Let's say I got my period on the 24th, and I regularly *had* a 28-day cycle - that would make my date August 21st. Thanks!!!
welcome jerseyshore girl! good luck to you... i also want to have my kids close together, so can understand you on that one. i plan on timing it so that i go back from my mat. leave pg again, but not so pg that i'm not back for 5 months... that's how long i need to work before i can get all my benefits again for a 2nd mat leave ;) sneaky me!!

jacci... sooo pleased for you :hugs: what kind of test did you use?

butterfly... ooh nausea! i was so excited yesterday feeling poopy, thinking this is a first to be happy i feel like poop!! hopefully a good sign for you :)

i have all these cheap tests, but upon reviewing my new addiction - the pg test gallery - it seems like if i can't wait for a reasonable test time like the weekend, i'd be better off buying a frer or two... hmm... might have to do that bc i'm DYING to test!! looks like there's a $2 off coupon on their site, hopefully it isn't only for us$...
I'm thinking of going to get some sushi rolls and Dollar Tree Store pregnancy tests after the baby wakes up and gets fed! And perhaps some Yago sangria too!

I need to try and get in all of the activities I set-aside when I am pregnant that I can...just in case :)

Anyone else "binging" on their favorite "not good when pregnant" indulgences before testing???
jersey - had my sushi fix on the weekend, i guess the indulgence i'm still allowing myself is smoking... ugh... will quit asap when i get the bfp but its too hard now!
On second thought, maybe I will wait a couple of days... looks like we're getting up to 94 degrees farenheit today! HEAT WAVE! Or I can go when DH gets home from work. I'm not sure I want to take a newborn out in this weather.

Hannah - Quitting will be VERY easy for you when you get that :bfp:. It's amazing how everything changes when you suddenly realize it's not "all about you" anymore! I know I found it to actually be a big relief (although watching my husband drink Mai Tai's in Hawaii on our honeymoon had me a little envious of him!)

It is all so worth it though to have that piece of mind knowing you have done everything you could to ensure a healthy pregnancy. I know I did for me at least and I can't wait to do it all over again :)
jacci... sooo pleased for you :hugs: what kind of test did you use?



I just used IC 10mui and a Superdrug own brand(UK drugstore).

Got a clearblue digital waiting in the wings for AF due day.
thanks jacci... not sure what kind of ic i bought... didn't pay attn... hmm... will try tomorrow and see what it says!

jersey - that's what i'm thinking too... my dad's the worst kind of ex-smoker and aksed me this wkend when i was planning on quitting - that's what i told him too :)

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