POAS club for the 21st-31st August!

I'll be testing on the 25th too, you can add me to the list!
can u plz add me in for the 27th ;) thanks and good luck ladies :)!
I don't know whats up with OH. He is hard to read, and even more difficult to talk to.

I had told him back in MARCH that I wanted to start TTC. He was like "NO WAY". SO - I begged and pleaded for a while - but he was adamant that we NOT, so I gave up. Come the end of July - I brought it up - just casually - to see what he would say and he was all "OK"... Which I DID NOT EXPECT at ALL. I expected him to be like "maybe in a few months" if anything, but certainly not NOW. Well - he surprised me. That NIGHT we dtd and he was ready to go... We dtd a few times after that and he was all into it, and now the last 2 times he wasn't. I'm not sure.

SO anyhow - we haven't discussed it. I'm just assuming he has changed his mind. I will bring it up eventually - but I'm gonna wait and see what happens this month first. Since I doubt we'll end up preggo - I'll bring it up maybe after AF arrives or something. See what he has to say then.
i think i've caught it!
don't know why but i feel very confident this cycle for ALOT of us ladies.
i know i am going to be sooo scared as thoughts of labour suddenly come flooding back! lol
welcome to all the newbies to our club! x x x x
cinnamum - I hope you're right. :) You just have a "feeling" or what?
i've been reading about your reflexology... i might have to check that out if it works for you! that's so nice that dh does it for you too :)

He is soooo good bless him. Got him good last night!!!! :blush:

So here goes the 2WW again. If We haven't cracked it this month We had FUN!!!!!!!
oooooh excited for you cinn! fx'd!

logans mom - does he know when you ovulate? do you tell him or just pounce?

okaaaaay.... so tww again, eh? i feel like its going to be long too... and i can't even symptom spot for a few more days, eh?

dh is cute, asking lots of q's this cycle like - so what is your body doing today? is there a baby in there yet? haha.. i told him at best there's an eggie trying to find a home in my uterus right now...lol.

so is it testing time yet?? :D
well cm, looks promising. if anything.
obviously i cant symptom spot just yet and i may not have even ovulated just yet!
were arent using opk's or temping till month 6 of TTC.
so when you hear us talking about opk's and emping you know were getting deperate! LOL
i'm babysitting my brother today, he is trying my patience. gggrrrrrrr
logans mom - does he know when you ovulate? do you tell him or just pounce?

Hannah - I don't say a word about O time. But he just assumes whenever I put the moves on HIM it must be O time. (even though I do it when its NOT as well - just to try to mess with him!)
can you please add me for the 30th? This is our second cycle TTCing, when AF arrived last cycle DH said, "really? We may have to get some help." (he thought that BDing without BCP would result in pregnancy instantaneously).
welcome zenn! it seems men have hard time understanding ttc and especially the science bits, eh? good luck you you :)
4dpo... have had some twinges in one side throughout the day, nothing big
and i probably just notice it bc i'm in the 2ww haha

Cinnumum - Loving the PMA fx' for you:happydance:

Jaccib - sounds like you and OH had a great time even though he had to work away the night before. Good luck.

Butterfly - know exactly what you mean. I am 4DPO too and had a few twinges in my stomach - implantation me thinks - nope just wind :blush: How silly am I trying to ss at 4 DPO lol

Fingers crossed for all those still waiting to OV and PMA for those of us in the two week wait - stand clear of those sticks :winkwink:
glad i'm not alone already ss at 4dpo, so silly since rationally I KNOW there's nothing to spot yet hehe

oye, i still have to buy my sticks... i stopped buying them weeks beforehand bc i either
use them all in one go (in retrospect i cannot explain how i did that lol) or test waaay too early and then end up with none on the day i REALLY need one haha
Well - I went back and looked at my chart from when I conceived my son. I had sore boobs at TWO DPO. Yes 2! I remember my sore boobs being the very first thing I noticed. I had thought it was more like 5dpo, but according to my chart it was TWO. I know it had surprised me because I normally got sore boobs before AF, but it was WAY too early for it to be from that. Anyhow - I know I wouldn't have even implanted at 2dpo - but either way - it happened!

So - now that I am guessing to be round 2-3 dpo, and I DONT have sore boobs - I am assuming I am out for sure. Although - I've been saying right along that I don't think we did it this month anyhow - but I can't help but be hopeful anyways... and I know I'll still be disappointed when the witch shows up...

And my crazy hopefulness also has me thinking "Well - maybe because I nursed Logan for 2 years - I won't notice sore boobs this time around...Maybe my boobs are already all stretched out and broken in - so I won't feel the same way this time as the 1st time around". Yes - these are the thoughts of a TTC nutjob.
ack! hurry up time and move faster!! i see some women in the gallery getting bfp's at 9dpo... that's only 5 days away, right! ugh... i don't want to see a bfn though. we'll see...

when are you ladies planning to test?

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