Rainbow Makers - WTTAL, NTNPAL, TTCAL & PAL friends

morning- im sooooo tired this moring... i cant believe lilly used to lay in bed till 8.30-9am and now its a struggle to keep her in bed till 7:/ i dont do mornings very well....

hopefully my cup of tea will wake me up....

so how iis everyone????

Morning MM, is it since the mornings have got light earlier? Have you tried a black out blind?

I got woken by a screaming Kaysie, she thought she was going to be sick, think she had just over heated, bless her.

Any plans for today?
itt may be because of lighter mornings... we are in process of doing her room up, so black out blind will be on the cards :)

aww bless her.... not nice feeling the feeling of being sick....

no plaans for today - still sat here in my pjs.....u???

Yea, it usually is the light. No it is horrible, feeling sick. I have no plans yet, need to get card, wrapping paper etc for her birthday on Thursday but I am so tired. oh and I am back in bed :haha:
How old is Lilly? You have said but I have forgotten :dohh:
i would love to be back in bed :0 although i am a little more awake now......

lilly is 2 and half.... she is a beast :) hahahaha

you lucky buggers lazing round in bed :haha: I have been up since 6 to get ready for work :(

I hope Kaysie is feeling better

Off to do a group talk to redundant people this afternoon, which I am dreading. Will catch you laters for a chat xxx
hannah - i cant even be bothered to do my housework... blergh.....

ooo i would hate having to do a group for redundant people... is it to help[ motivate them back into work>????

hannah you need to join my ann summers facebook page :) xxxx
I have had a really sad morning, my friend has just had a baby girl so I think I am a little bit jealous, it all seems so unfair.

On a positive I got to POAS today! Got a Low on the CBFM which is to be expected, in my old cycle I would be high by Thursday or Friday and then peak next Tuesday or Wednesday - keep your fingers crossed that all works out for me.

I know the feeling about housework, have been contemplating doing it for about an hour now and have managed to do nothing so far! (apart from order a nice keyring with Evelyn's feet on it and finally planted her rose)

OK - time to get the hoover out and then work out how to cook Mousakka as Paul put an order in before he left this morning - eeekkkk.
SJ - i have no idea what all that means but i sure hope you get your peaks lol..... :shrug::dohh:

I was only joking with the lazing around comment, hope no one took offence!! I too know what you mean, and I can only be bothered on days I have work, I think I am kind of using work as an escape from everything (bad I know)

SJ sorry your feeling down today, I totally know who you feel, as I am SOOOO jelous of Ieuans Step Sister. Even when she tells me about the sleepless nights and who tired she is etc :(

MM we have the same problem with Els getting up early now its light, we have ended up selotaping black plastic bags around the window so no light comes in around her black out blind... looks like sqatters have moved in :haha: I am kinda not using Facebook atm as everyone is pregnant on there, and I cant bear seeing their constant updates about their pregnancy, or baby gaga app comments :( WHen I pluck up the curage to go back on i will def add u :)

Tasha Hope you have had a good day, and Kaysie is feeling better now. Reily Rae's flowers sound beautiful by the way.

AFM, the redundancy talk when great, and my manager came with me to observe for my NVQ. I got a 2 (1 being the best and 5 being awful!!) so I am v. pleased with that. It was a talk to a group of 15 who are under threat of redundancy, about how we can help them get back into work
hannah - i dont evven know what the word offence means lol... i dont take offence to anything :) i would actually rather be at work than stuck at home all day doing wifey stuff... glad the talk went well :thumbup:

AFM- next 2 weeks at work are a nightmare as we are a cleaner down and we have soo much to do in 2 hours... when i signed up for this job i thought 2 hours doing bit of cleaning easy pocket money, but i end up dripping in sweat :haha:

20 days till my next period is due.. although im not regular anyway..

Glad work went well Hannah, what exactly do you do as sounds really interesting? x

I am not at work still but thinking I will go back next week. I need to move on but I want my consultants appointment before I go back so I know whether there is an explanation for it all before I return. I will go back Thursday on a reduced hours or something if all goes to plan.

My job is going to be tough as I look after 6 locations which all have about 12 staff average so I am going to have to return to work 6 times. After that I will have my first meeting in the regional office and will mean seeing another 100 plus people followed by whenever I go to other branches in the region which I don't manage who all knew I was pregnant so potentially another over 500 people. I am dreading it! I am hoping that someone has told everyone in advance but I'm not holding my breath...

Enough about work, they can cope without me!

My lovely friend called this morning as she has the day off tomorrow and she has booked for me to go for a fishy pedicure with her, followed by a professional bra fitting and then lunch and some shopping how exciting...

I am feeling a lot more positive today after a very tearful day yesterday, I ended up crying myself to sleep and Paul wasn't much better.

I am still low on the monitor so no change there, all looks pretty normal so far YAY!!

Kayleigh - you say you aren't due your period for another 20 days? If that is the case, you may not have ovulated yet as your luteal phase (2nd half of cycle) is usually only around 14 days long. The calculators etc all work on a 28 day cycle but if yours is longer you tend to ovulate around 14 days before your period (so in a 40 day cycle that would be around day 26) If you are due around then, we could be testing at the same time as I am due in around 20 days too xxx
SJ - Dont push yourself only go back when you feel rwady.. what is your job exactly?? sounds scary lol....

and i was being silly i meant i was due on, on the 20th not due in 20 days lmao... i dont know where i got that from lol...

i also set your catalogue this morning.. forgot yesterday :dohh:

let me know when you get it...

AFM im just about to go make a willy cake for my party coming up :thumbup:

:haha::rofl: I want some willy cake!!

Job isn't that scary, I am an area manager for a bank (sounds more impressive than it is) basically I look after a few people who do mortgages, investments, pensions and give financial advice that sort of thing. Most of my job is around talking to people and dashing around branches which is why I am scared to go back as there are so many people. I just had a text from someone who works in Shrewsbury who has obviously heard (that's about 40 miles away and not in my patch so news is spreading!)

AHHHH 20th - makes sense now, are you going to hold out until you are late to test? I used to be dreadful last time for testing early (Evelyn was positive test at 8 or 9DPO) but I am going to try to hold out this time.

Thanks for sending the catalogue, will let you know when it arrives x
ill upload a pic of my willy cake later tonight... its only a swiss roll covered in chocolate, nothing impressive lol....

do you enjoy your job????? news does sound like its spreading :/

i will wait probably for about a week or 2 past my due date, coz im sooo irregular so dont wanna jump to anything, give AF a chance to show her face..... i do struggle to wait that long lol....

not an easy wait hahahaha...but defo not expecting this month as i have literally not had sexy time arounsd the right time and i have been squeezing all the spermys out after coz of the mess hahahahahahahaha xxx
Hi Girlies, Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, had a busy busy few days.

SJ i'll second that work can cope without you, don't push yourself. You will know when u are ready, and take your time. When you do feel ready go in on a phased return or something to ease yourself in gently.

MM cant wait to see the willy cake :) gd luck with your party.

AFM I have decided to arrange a sponsored walk in memory of Harri for Sands awareness month in June, So far I have got 11 friends willing to do it with me, so am busy trying to arrange that atm. Also really busy with work :( I work as a careers advisor working with unemployed adults and people under threat of redundancy. I have a lady who is 7mths preg comming in later... I feel it is going to be an emotional day.

Catch u later lovelies xxxx
Morning girls,

Hannah massive :hugs::hugs::hugs: holding your hand through today. If you would like sponsoring for your walk, count me in :flower:
Hannah - harsh you have to see the pregnant lady is there no one else who can see her\???? seems insensitive to me.....

the walk sounds like a great idea.... i will sponsor you if you let me know details when your ready.....

AFM not much planned for today really.. chilled out and more ann summers work :/


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