@@@ September 2020: Let's Fall Pregnant Y'all** 12 BFPs **

Hey ladies!
I couldn't help it & tested early, think im around 8dpo. These are the cheapie tests from the $store (around 25 miU).

I see vvfl on the one test, the other was a dye runner & didn't activate so ended up saturated :(. I knew that could happen, usually does with these. Testing again in a few days.

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I really hope in a few days that dark line shows up to be a BFP!! Also getting the urge to test early?!

I'm about 7dpo and tempted but don't have any early strip tests available to me in local chemist. Only clear blue digital and first response, are these tests viable to use at such an early stage, any suggestions please.??

AF due in 7days
This mornings test is lighter. I'm not sure if yesterday was my peak or if its going to keep going up and down like it did the last two cycles :shrug: I've had some ewcm and slightly sore boobs but I've had those symptoms before and not ovulated. I'm going to keep testing every day and just see what happens.

Hoping that you will get the results you want and best of luck, you'll find baby dust again soon fingers crossed
I really hope in a few days that dark line shows up to be a BFP!! Also getting the urge to test early?!

I'm about 7dpo and tempted but don't have any early strip tests available to me in local chemist. Only clear blue digital and first response, are these tests viable to use at such an early stage, any suggestions please.??

AF due in 7days
FRER for sure is the most viable if you want the highest chance of getting an accurate result. The problem with testing early is even on FRER the chance is still very high to get a false negative if testing before AF is due. No test is 99% accurate unless done on the day of AF. It quickly drops in %age the further away from AF day you are. It's why I stick to those cheap tests when testing early. On the website for the test I used in my above post, it says for best results to take a week after your missed AF lol, so not very sensitive at all. It's cheap though and helps with the desire to test for me :haha:.
FRER for sure is the most viable if you want the highest chance of getting an accurate result. The problem with testing early is even on FRER the chance is still very high to get a false negative if testing before AF is due. No test is 99% accurate unless done on the day of AF. It quickly drops in %age the further away from AF day you are. It's why I stick to those cheap tests when testing early. On the website for the test I used in my above post, it says for best results to take a week after your missed AF lol, so not very sensitive at all. It's cheap though and helps with the desire to test for me :haha:.

Thanks for the input. I will try to keep myself occupied for another week I think. Just being on this forum and reading through all the other testers makes me wanna dip my feet in also but getting the negative results is not what I hope for myself so here's to the big 7day wait :af:
What Vitamins are everyone trying this month?, I'm going to give Vitamin B6 a go as I read it can help a short LP and last cycle AF got me at 11dpo!. So crossing my fingers that will help.
I heard the B6 vits do help. Celluar level and boosts energy levels. My prenatal is loaded with so much of everything that I only take 2 and I am suppose to take 6....uh, no.
Oh, gosh, this time I am taking everything under the kitchen sink it seems. And tossing back stuff if I don't like. What I am sticking with for now is Ubiquinol 400mg, Prenatal, EPO for a few days before O, then Omega 3 EPA/DHA, and TRU Niagen 600mg. I also take C=Natrexone for IBS and faster healing (prescibed by RE). This cycle (have a look at my wonky chart) I took Femara two days and Trigger shot. I did both only to boost the quality of the egg or to give it some extra growth power. I O too early and was trying not to but by cd8 I could tell my opks were already doing their get dark before blast off. So hopefully the late Femara and Trigger gave me an extra day or two but I already feel myself heading towards ovulating today. It was all worth a shot though!! :laugh2:

Thank you for starting the thread! I’ll catch up ASAP. I didn’t try this last month so I would have tested early September... darn! But depending how things go I will probably ovulate middle of the month (or maybe the 20-23) so put me down for September 30! I’ll adjust as needed. I may be an October tester but time will tell!

:hugs: You're welcome. Can't wait for you to be ready. I have you down for the 30th....this is gonna be your month..I will stalk you into October just to see you test bfp. Sending loads of positivity your way.

CD27 and AF got me. I can't say I'm surprised tbh, I definitely felt like she was on her way. I'm still in with a chance of an end-of-September :bfp: if we catch this cycle so please can you put me down for testing on 30th?

Good luck to you all :dust:

Awww...:sad1: I'm sorry. Treat yourself to some thing nice while you ready your body for ttcing. I usually get excited about cd6 and can't wait to wee on opks. Some thing to look forward to. HUGS

I’m moving over, currently having a chemical pregnancy so I don’t know when or if I will ovulate but I’m cautiously optimistic that I will.
:hugs: OH nooo, you take all the time you need. Your body will adjust to being ready for ttc again. Our body's know when its time again but till then you treat yourself to things that uplift your spirit. Hugs

Just saw this thread hope you wonderful ladies don't mind me joining. I had another CP last cycle and looks like I ovulated early. Going by PreMom app and opks. Been ttc baby #2 for 2yrs now. No luck yet with a sticky baby bean. I was trying baby aspirin and progesterone but they don't seem to work. So now I've just decided to stop that and just keep taking prenatal vitamins. Were just going with the flow now less stressful for me.

I will start testing Sept 3rd I'll only be 6dpo then. I'm a POAS-aholic :haha: so can't help myself.

Good luck everyone and loads of baby dust
Here's my opks so far ..Think I'm going to stop testing with them now they're not getting any darker.

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WELOME !!! Mega hugs Jessa, cp is so painful. I recon its hard to be ttc again with your lost fresh on your mind but good to see you just going with the flo? hahaha..love it :friends:. So happy to have you join us! POAS aholic....should be a group for us to talk us down but they make those dang tests so cheap!! I will be seriously straining my eyes at 8dpo for a change in my tests as I test the trigger out. FX this is our month!

Hey ladies!
I couldn't help it & tested early, think im around 8dpo. These are the cheapie tests from the $store (around 25 miU).
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I can't see anything just yet but you are a lil bit out from 0dpo so plenty of time to get a faint line. Will you use any other tests to check for darkness? FX
I really hope in a few days that dark line shows up to be a BFP!! Also getting the urge to test early?!

I'm about 7dpo and tempted but don't have any early strip tests available to me in local chemist. Only clear blue digital and first response, are these tests viable to use at such an early stage, any suggestions please.??

AF due in 7days

What tests will you use??? I have osoms, easy at home, one wondfo and the rest are new and I forget what they are called..lol
This mornings test is lighter. I'm not sure if yesterday was my peak or if its going to keep going up and down like it did the last two cycles :shrug: I've had some ewcm and slightly sore boobs but I've had those symptoms before and not ovulated. I'm going to keep testing every day and just see what happens.
Good luck hun!!
@FTale Either that brand or Walmart cheapies. Once I'm close to AF I'll get an FRER. It's ok if you don't see it yet, not everyone can spot a vvfl without tweaking the picture. These tests are a bit rubbish too. Btw, good luck to you too hun :dust:.

@JessaBear36 :hi:
@FTale Either that brand or Walmart cheapies. Once I'm close to AF I'll get an FRER. It's ok if you don't see it yet, not everyone can spot a vvfl without tweaking the picture. These tests are a bit rubbish too. Btw, good luck to you too hun :dust:.

@JessaBear36 :hi:
Good morning my friend :hi:
I'm happy we are both in the same testing group right now.. just found this thread yesterday lol. I'm 3dpo today and feeling kinda yucky this morning:sick:. Think some tea will help ,about to make a cup. :coffee: might have a bisket to try and settle my stomach.

Can't wait to see more of your tests when ya do them!!
ugh!! SO frustrated. CD16- no signs of ovulating. I've had a "high" on my CB monitor for the last 5 days. Cheapies looked like they were gearing up on Saturday...then backed off. Then looked like it was gearing up yesterday...and backed off. I only have 1 left (more coming sometime today) so I won't use it until this afternoon. But I have a 26 day cycle so I feel like if I don't surge and ovulate today then I'm probably already out. If I do ovulate today or tomorrow I'll call my doctor and see if there is anything they can give (progesterone maybe?) to help AF hold off in case we do catch. But my temps are mostly flat so I think it points more to an anovulatory cycle than anything. If/when AF starts, I'm going to call and ask my doctor to get some blood work done. I know we are only on our third cycle but my cycles have changed so much in the last year that I would rather know now if something is going on than waiting. If we hit 6 months I think that I'll ask for more extensive testing. We've never had an issue getting pregnant before but this is the first time we've been trying in our 30s and who knows. I'll let you know if I need to move my test date at all once I know more.
Good morning my friend :hi:
I'm happy we are both in the same testing group right now.. just found this thread yesterday lol. I'm 3dpo today and feeling kinda yucky this morning:sick:. Think some tea will help ,about to make a cup. :coffee: might have a bisket to try and settle my stomach.

Can't wait to see more of your tests when ya do them!!

I can't wait for your trest either, wouldn't it be so neat if we end up prdgnant together :cloud9:. If you're interested try some cola, really helps with nausea.

I've been extra irritated lately, everything IRL seems to be setting me off :hissy:. I wonder if it's a good sign for me.
Good morning ladies - back to work today, blah. This fall is busy and stressful for me at work so I hope that will help distract me from maybe/maybe not TTC and not obsess, no matter what we decide to do. Also have some financial decisions to make with our debt and how best to tackle it. Argh! I know come November we'll feel a lot more settled with a direction but for now things seem heavy. But I do still want to TTC. We shall see :)
ugh!! SO frustrated. CD16- no signs of ovulating. I've had a "high" on my CB monitor for the last 5 days. Cheapies looked like they were gearing up on Saturday...then backed off. Then looked like it was gearing up yesterday...and backed off. I only have 1 left (more coming sometime today) so I won't use it until this afternoon. But I have a 26 day cycle so I feel like if I don't surge and ovulate today then I'm probably already out. If I do ovulate today or tomorrow I'll call my doctor and see if there is anything they can give (progesterone maybe?) to help AF hold off in case we do catch. But my temps are mostly flat so I think it points more to an anovulatory cycle than anything. If/when AF starts, I'm going to call and ask my doctor to get some blood work done. I know we are only on our third cycle but my cycles have changed so much in the last year that I would rather know now if something is going on than waiting. If we hit 6 months I think that I'll ask for more extensive testing. We've never had an issue getting pregnant before but this is the first time we've been trying in our 30s and who knows. I'll let you know if I need to move my test date at all once I know more.
How frustrating ttc can be at times. Hope u get a definite answer soon and ovulate. Good luck
I can't wait for your trest either, wouldn't it be so neat if we end up prdgnant together :cloud9:. If you're interested try some cola, really helps with nausea.

I've been extra irritated lately, everything IRL seems to be setting me off :hissy:. I wonder if it's a good sign for me.
That would be so cool we could be bump buddies. Never had 1 before. Extra moody is a sign for me lol I'm always chill. I can't wait to start testing!! The tea seems to be helping .
@kksy9b good luck hun, hope yo u get some answers soon :hugs:

@Alligator good luck at work today!! Hopefully you're able to figure out the debt situation to elevate some stress. I know most can definitely sympathize. I know I can, I have loads to pay off :cry:.

@JessaBear36 I've never had a bump buddy either!! Would be too cute for sure :).
@kksy9b good luck hun, hope yo u get some answers soon :hugs:

@Alligator good luck at work today!! Hopefully you're able to figure out the debt situation to elevate some stress. I know most can definitely sympathize. I know I can, I have loads to pay off :cry:.

@JessaBear36 I've never had a bump buddy either!! Would be too cute for sure :).
Right? I feel like so many people do, especially these days! Hubby really needs a new job, his is so unpredictable and his workplace is borderline toxic but he's never worked anywhere else, so he is hesitant to leave.
Hello :hi:
I'm only on CD2 of AF but intend to keep trying for our miracle BFP this month so could I please be added for testing around the 24th.
For those who don't know me..I am aged 46 and OH is 54 and we are trying to defy nature and have one last child together. We already have 7 year old twin girls and my two older children. I still ovulate and have regular cycles but do have possible fibroids. This month I am trying COQ10 supplements.
Wishing everyone in this group so much luck!
What tests will you use??? I have osoms, easy at home, one wondfo and the rest are new and I forget what they are called..lol

I will buy a FRER test this day next week if AF hasn't showed by that morning (impatience) lol

Sep. 7th will be the day the witch is due so I'm hoping for an accurate response. Lately I've went 3days past AF predicted date so I don't want to bring the waiting game into next week aswel.

Today I am 7dpo and feeling light menstrual cramps with dull aches in the lower back area with feelings of pressure in my head also, not full blown headaches just a little bit of pressure and sometimes slight dizziness.

Who knows though I've often convinced myself I'm pregnant before. I think this TWW is crazy time for us.

Where are you in your cycle @FTale?

Right? I feel like so many people do, especially these days! Hubby really needs a new job, his is so unpredictable and his workplace is borderline toxic but he's never worked anywhere else, so he is hesitant to leave.
Ugh my OH has similar issues at his job. They pay him peanuts too. It's just so hard to land a better job right now. It really sucks :(.

Hello :hi:
I'm only on CD2 of AF but intend to keep trying for our miracle BFP this month so could I please be added for testing around the 24th.
For those who don't know me..I am aged 46 and OH is 54 and we are trying to defy nature and have one last child together. We already have 7 year old twin girls and my two older children. I still ovulate and have regular cycles but do have possible fibroids. This month I am trying COQ10 supplements.
Wishing everyone in this group so much luck!
Good luck this cycle hun, wishing you the best :hugs:

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