I know what you are going through and I hope that tests goes blazing positive or your temp shoots up. I've had opks that would not stop being positive and temps that did not look impressive at all. So heartbreaking. You are still in a good age range these days for docs to provide assistance that can help faster than with me and my aged eggos. I use to ovulate late around 16 to 18 dpo and have an 11 dayd lp. I had my daughter like that. Now I can't stop ovulating too soon. My eggs are not getting a chance to really mature. I read only mature eggs get released but I don't think mine are mature or maybe just so degenerated that they turn fizz out. Don't know BUT bloods..I would get cd3 bloods and even ask to be put on the clomid challenge test as lowest dose to see how you respond. FX for ovulating and longer lp.
Some women say they just 'knew' they were preggo. Then you find ones who had no clue and everything was hindsight. I am hoping some thing happens that sounds off the alarms in my head that say 'pregant'.lol
7dpo would have you already implanted or days from doing so. Its not impossible that you are feeling the early happenings.
I am supposedly on Ovulation day but I don't feel any extreme pains yet so may not happen until late tonight or tomorrow. Or with my luck I have a non ovulation cycle after getting my hopes all high. We will see. Didn't sleep much last night but I plan to tonight.
FX you test positive..only a few more days really.
Hiya Dee!!! I hope you get multiples again too. Why not? They say when we get to our age multiples are are possible due the body just releasing until it doesn't anymore. Yet, I like you will take however many the good Lord puts in my belly. Just want that take home baby. So happy to have you ttcing with us this month