I'll be testing in October but not sure when exactly!! Let's just say Oct. 4th for now. May be later than that depending on when ovulation actually happens.
On a side note, I'm having my first actual period w/o birth control and O.M.G. the cramps are unbearable!!! I feel like a 13 year old again lol, my cramps back then were bad. When I was on bc they weren't anywhere near this!!! Take it back, I don't want af
I feel you - for the most part my periods haven't been THAT BAD...but I did have a few that were so horrible I had to go home from work. Reminds me of why I went on BC in the first place!!
Ugh I always get those types of cramps. Never fails lol im 21 but my body swears im 12 when it comes to cramps,
Ladiessss i read the otherday that drinking apple vinegar can dramatically help cyles if this cycle fails i just might try >.< ekkkkk how do u girls feel about it yuckkkkk lol
Beachy are you going to list everyone on page one?
Ya that's probably a good idea...give me a min! Let me know when you are testing (if you haven't mentioned it already) so I can do September testers and October testers.
Iv'e never been on any contraception except for condoms. If I am unsuccessful this cycle my doc plans on putting me on bc and Metformin to see if that enables my ovulation. Any of you ladies have had experience with this type of treatment?
I feel 16 again - I thought bc pills prevented ovulation - ??
What the obgyn explained was that I would be on bc and metformin for about 3 months and by the end of the 3rd month she would take a way the bc pills to see if that kick starts ovulation. lol It is really confusing. I will try to get clarification on my appt today and I will let you ladies know!
What the obgyn explained was that I would be on bc and metformin for about 3 months and by the end of the 3rd month she would take a way the bc pills to see if that kick starts ovulation. lol It is really confusing. I will try to get clarification on my appt today and I will let you ladies know!
ask about the effects of taking it while pregnant, if you can. My doc said no!!! Just curious, reading mixed reviews
Hey ladies! How is everyone doing?
Today I'm CD13, my usual O day. But I just got a positive OPK (on the $$ store ones of course) at 10:30AM. I'm hoping I'll ovulate more around 12 hours from then because we will BD tonight but then we are done. SO burnt out.
Do you think we still have a shot if we don't BD on ovulation day and just the day before? (the the few days before that)