Uni- so totally understand..not irrational at all.. it's completely normal. You are doing incredibly great! Yes, so reassuring baby is moving so much. And dr. told me the other week with the tests on baby weekly, years of their research and experience has shown that baby will be healthy and good until the next week. That's why they want me going in every 7 days for another test. I have such incredibly good feelings for you and think that's great you are installing the car seat!
Mack- bet your fluid will be better on Friday. I'll start drinking some stevia drinks. I will never go in again when that other tech is there. Caused such unnecessary worry and hospital rush. I am sure you can just stick with the good tech now too til the end.
Sweety - yes, that is me who friended you! So glad your parents are there and so nice you have so many visitors. Enjoy.
Caz- that was my lucky guess on your name! Did you ever try any labor inducing tips with your son? I'm thinking of trying some soon, as I was told first babies usually go late.
Inviv- all thinking about you and babies and hope you are recovering nicely and getting to spend lots of time with them in hospital.
My visit was good, thank God. Baby grew from 5.7 to 6.2 in a week. Fluid went lower though. 7.2 now and if it goes below 7 it is a concern. So I have to up fluids as sick as they make me.
Strep test was not bad at all.
Going to take a 2nd short babymoon tomorrow to Newport and maybe Boston since I got so sick on other one. Dr. said, as I thought, nothing at all is happening so should be safe.
Take good care and stay cool!