Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Hey steph... first of all I recommend getting the FF app on your phone since it directly uploads it to the website when you input on your phone, and I still use the free version and it works. So, concerning your chart- since many of your temps have the open circle, meaning an unsure temp based on the time you took it or whatever, that makes me think the temp on CD 25 may be incorrect and you might have O'd between CD 20-25. It's hard to say since you've never had a cycle this long, but now I see why temping is so useful- sometimes our cycles CAN do wacky things (like delayed ovulation) for no apparent reason and a clear chart would remove the question of whether or not you're actually late for your period. At this point I'd say you should just take a test like every 3 days or so unless AF shows. And keep on temping just in case it shows a drop (impending AF) or steady high temps for the next 10 days (they say 18 days of high temps means pregnant). Good luck!!!

Thanks! I just downloaded the app to my phone! Will make this a lot easier too.. I give up for a couple days I think. I really think af might be showing up now.. even know my temp was still up today. Im cramping and a bit of spotting so hopefully something will happen soon. Thanks for all your help :) Good luck to you :hugs:

this is another sign of implantation (AF cramping/swearing AF is on the way) going to be stalking u lol. I think u oed on CD 25 just because its a very low temp and then on cd 27 or 28 (drawing a blank) its very high so it looks like ur 8-10dpo given the chart info. I wanted to explain the reason I think ur only 8-10dpo. Also, I am experiencing late O right now as we speak. Yesterday should have been O for me but still no sign and I have NEVER oed after cd12 since ttc! (about a yr actively trying) it could be a good thing that we oed later than usual :-) I see alot of bfp charts with late ovulation :-) FX! From the bright red blood u had yesterday I have a awesome feeling for u. Was just that one bit of blood alls u had or have u bled more? When ive seen women with implantation bleeding, they often have "AF type cramps" the day of/day after it..thats what's making me get excited for u. Def keep us updated! :-) good luck hun!!
Woohoo wishing! That's the highest temp ive ever seen u had!!! FX FX, soooo tight!!!!!!
Woohoo wishing! That's the highest temp ive ever seen u had!!! FX FX, soooo tight!!!!!!

Cramps are pretty minor over the night (nightshift) Im not sure how much bleeding theres been, using a tampon atm, (sorry tmi) I seen a small clot and figured for sure af. But will keep you posted on temps after my morning nap ;)

I no this is random, Ive been on tramacet for over a year now due to very painful periods and abdominal cramps. In the begining of Jan doc told me my good cholestoral is a tad low and told me to start taking omeg-3. So I bought some, I feel amazing! My moods have improved hugely. I would have otherwise been a basket case though all this. And the best part is I havent taken pain killers since the week before I started taking them! Probably the coolest thing I wish I woulda known five years ago! I also have pcos.. might make more sense ;)
Woohoo wishing! That's the highest temp ive ever seen u had!!! FX FX, soooo tight!!!!!!

:dance: I even was cold last night lol!! I was like "no way!". It's still really early but it made me happy to see that! I see yours went up a bit as well. Feeling any O symptoms or do you think you still have a day or two?
5dpo today, major lower backache and low down tummy cramps with heavy kind of feeling - good sign or too early?
5dpo today, major lower backache and low down tummy cramps with heavy kind of feeling - good sign or too early?

Could be a good sign! Implantation usually occurs between days 6-12 after ovulation. Most common day being 9 days later. That being said, many women start getting faint positives starting at 8 dpo, so that would mean things would be happening earlier than the average. FX for you!!!
Woohoo wishing! That's the highest temp ive ever seen u had!!! FX FX, soooo tight!!!!!!

:dance: I even was cold last night lol!! I was like "no way!". It's still really early but it made me happy to see that! I see yours went up a bit as well. Feeling any O symptoms or do you think you still have a day or two?

I feel like I may O today from cramps on my left side and my nips are sore but at the same time I'm kinda expecting O to be tomorrow or the next. we will see what my opk says in a minute here :-) ill brb...
this is another sign of implantation (AF cramping/swearing AF is on the way) going to be stalking u lol. I think u oed on CD 25 just because its a very low temp and then on cd 27 or 28 (drawing a blank) its very high so it looks like ur 8-10dpo given the chart info. I wanted to explain the reason I think ur only 8-10dpo. Also, I am experiencing late O right now as we speak. Yesterday should have been O for me but still no sign and I have NEVER oed after cd12 since ttc! (about a yr actively trying) it could be a good thing that we oed later than usual :-) I see alot of bfp charts with late ovulation :-) FX! From the bright red blood u had yesterday I have a awesome feeling for u. Was just that one bit of blood alls u had or have u bled more? When ive seen women with implantation bleeding, they often have "AF type cramps" the day of/day after it..thats what's making me get excited for u. Def keep us updated! :-) good luck hun!!

This is crazy really it is, who are you! Why are you copying me! lol I didn't o yesterday. I have always o'd on cd12! Negative opk yesterday too. I started taking the maca root this cycle so I'm thinking that might be why. So I tested again this morning and got this:

This is my first month using digital OPKs, look at that happy smiling face! So I guess Ill O' today or tomorrow CD13 or 14!
So both clearblue opk and my rite aid brand just gave me a positive so I should be O'ing today or tomorrow :-). I like these clearblue sticks...i didn't even have to wait 30secs to see the test line was darker :-)
this is another sign of implantation (AF cramping/swearing AF is on the way) going to be stalking u lol. I think u oed on CD 25 just because its a very low temp and then on cd 27 or 28 (drawing a blank) its very high so it looks like ur 8-10dpo given the chart info. I wanted to explain the reason I think ur only 8-10dpo. Also, I am experiencing late O right now as we speak. Yesterday should have been O for me but still no sign and I have NEVER oed after cd12 since ttc! (about a yr actively trying) it could be a good thing that we oed later than usual :-) I see alot of bfp charts with late ovulation :-) FX! From the bright red blood u had yesterday I have a awesome feeling for u. Was just that one bit of blood alls u had or have u bled more? When ive seen women with implantation bleeding, they often have "AF type cramps" the day of/day after it..thats what's making me get excited for u. Def keep us updated! :-) good luck hun!!

This is crazy really it is, who are you! Why are you copying me! lol I didn't o yesterday. I have always o'd on cd12! Negative opk yesterday too. I started taking the maca root this cycle so I'm thinking that might be why. So I tested again this morning and got this:

This is my first month using digital OPKs, look at that happy smiling face! So I guess Ill O' today or tomorrow CD13 or 14!

lol I just got my positive opk too! Lol that's too darn funny! We have always had the same cycle, u start maca and I start vitex which caused a later O than ever for us AND we are still going to have the same cycle! Lol hopefully we both get our sticky Easter eggs as well! :-) or at least you can get it for us!! :-D hehe

also w O today or tomorrow, AF will be due exactly on Easter I believe :-) FX for good luck!!!
this is another sign of implantation (AF cramping/swearing AF is on the way) going to be stalking u lol. I think u oed on CD 25 just because its a very low temp and then on cd 27 or 28 (drawing a blank) its very high so it looks like ur 8-10dpo given the chart info. I wanted to explain the reason I think ur only 8-10dpo. Also, I am experiencing late O right now as we speak. Yesterday should have been O for me but still no sign and I have NEVER oed after cd12 since ttc! (about a yr actively trying) it could be a good thing that we oed later than usual :-) I see alot of bfp charts with late ovulation :-) FX! From the bright red blood u had yesterday I have a awesome feeling for u. Was just that one bit of blood alls u had or have u bled more? When ive seen women with implantation bleeding, they often have "AF type cramps" the day of/day after it..thats what's making me get excited for u. Def keep us updated! :-) good luck hun!!

This is crazy really it is, who are you! Why are you copying me! lol I didn't o yesterday. I have always o'd on cd12! Negative opk yesterday too. I started taking the maca root this cycle so I'm thinking that might be why. So I tested again this morning and got this:

This is my first month using digital OPKs, look at that happy smiling face! So I guess Ill O' today or tomorrow CD13 or 14!

lol I just got my positive opk too! Lol that's too darn funny! We have always had the same cycle, u start maca and I start vitex which caused a later O than ever for us AND we are still going to have the same cycle! Lol hopefully we both get our sticky Easter eggs as well! :-) or at least you can get it for us!! :-D hehe

also w O today or tomorrow, AF will be due exactly on Easter I believe :-) FX for good luck!!!

See you are copying me! lol! Too funny! Lets keep our fingers crossed for both of us, I'm not counting you out! Someone as nice as you deserves to get a sticky bean! We definitely need some Easter bfp's in this thread! Come on Easter eggs!
You guys are helarious! I would be oing right about now as well if it weren't for these stupid pills. I did get my package from amazon with a smaller wedding ring for hubby, a book to keep him occupied while I'm in surgery and 50 opk/20 hpt wondfo. Going to give them a go since I have to start with the opk's again after surgery to make sure I ovulate (and at a regular time).

This day is bitter sweet. I just saw a video of a fellow blogger that just had her first beta test after ivf transfer. They like to see numbers in the 80's and hers was 400. So happy for her, but jealous at the same time. And today is my sisters baby shower. I can't help but think that this should be my shower, not hers.
Aww yay on positive OPK!!!!! Get to BD'ing ladies!!!! And that is so funny you two always mimic each other's cycles!
Ibeach, when do you test? And what dpo are u?

Aidensmommy...I think I can probable get ahead with testing, but I am trying not to...I am scared of disappointment. I am 10/11 DPO.:haha:

....since my period was late last time I am not sure when it is gonna show up this time...although I am starting to feel it coming:dohh: One thing I know is that I ovulated on time;) confirmed with pains and OPK's...
I know, its too funny! :-P

Jrepp, that's awesome about ur friend! I hate seeing ivf fail! :-( that's awesome! And I'm jealous too lol but very happy for her! I know ull be joining her soon! FX! :-) I was actually waiting to hear if u posted anything because u had mentioned u had friends on here that are going in for their betas after ivf in your video blog :-) very exciting!
You guys are helarious! I would be oing right about now as well if it weren't for these stupid pills. I did get my package from amazon with a smaller wedding ring for hubby, a book to keep him occupied while I'm in surgery and 50 opk/20 hpt wondfo. Going to give them a go since I have to start with the opk's again after surgery to make sure I ovulate (and at a regular time).

This day is bitter sweet. I just saw a video of a fellow blogger that just had her first beta test after ivf transfer. They like to see numbers in the 80's and hers was 400. So happy for her, but jealous at the same time. And today is my sisters baby shower. I can't help but think that this should be my shower, not hers.

I'm sorry that you are witnessing others joy and not being able to have the same joy. It sucks, and seems so unfair. And, it's not that we don't want others to be happy, just that we want to have the same type of happiness. It will come one day, just don't give up!!!
You guys are helarious! I would be oing right about now as well if it weren't for these stupid pills. I did get my package from amazon with a smaller wedding ring for hubby, a book to keep him occupied while I'm in surgery and 50 opk/20 hpt wondfo. Going to give them a go since I have to start with the opk's again after surgery to make sure I ovulate (and at a regular time).

This day is bitter sweet. I just saw a video of a fellow blogger that just had her first beta test after ivf transfer. They like to see numbers in the 80's and hers was 400. So happy for her, but jealous at the same time. And today is my sisters baby shower. I can't help but think that this should be my shower, not hers.

I'm sorry that you are witnessing others joy and not being able to have the same joy. It sucks, and seems so unfair. And, it's not that we don't want others to be happy, just that we want to have the same type of happiness. It will come one day, just don't give up!!!

well said wishing :-)
I actually think I may not O until CD 15 unless I already Oed this a.m...idk. My clearblue opk def had a darker test line than control but after an hr it faded....have any of u had this happen and it was positive?
Plus I just dont feel O pains and I think ill be feeling them quite strong with vitex just starting and everything. My bbs are sort of hurting tho so who knows! This month I'm not obsessing about O like usual...of course ill b using opks and waiting for a temp rise but I'm not so anxious. Its def not a bad thing :-)
so sweetmelodies, u may actually end up a day ahead of me instead of right with me! Uh oh! Lol hopefully this change in our O date does us some good!! Fx! :-) now I'll be watching ur chart in the a.m too. Idk why I dont anyways since our cycles r the same, I never thought to compare charts with u lol I'm going to now :-P
Ibeach, when do you test? And what dpo are u?

Aidensmommy...I think I can probable get ahead with testing, but I am trying not to...I am scared of disappointment. I am 10/11 DPO.:haha:

....since my period was late last time I am not sure when it is gonna show up this time...although I am starting to feel it coming:dohh: One thing I know is that I ovulated on time;) confirmed with pains and OPK's...

I cant wait til u test! Ur strong for holding out! I decided this cycle I will test on CD 8 just to see if I get a very early positive (lol) and if not, I'm going to wait until AT LEAST 12dpo, or try very hard. After this cycle I will be waiting to see if I miss AF given my tube diagnosis, I don't want to waist all the tests I have in one cycle. Hopefully I get lucky this one! I still have a good feelin for u too! FX! :-) I am extremely excited for all of us to start testing this cycle.

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