Good luck mdscpa

Did you try a regular 2-line pink dye test yet? These typically show positive before a digital.
Wishing- yep, those are definite lines on the ICs. Did the photo require any tweaking?
Just got back from acupuncture, and she said sometimes she can tell if someone is pregnant... she said she might feel a little "slippery" in the pulse but that since she's looking for it, it might be in her head. Slippery=pregnant. So, inconclusive, I guess a "safe" answer for her to tell me, lol. So really it tells me nothing. She did all the things that are safe for pregnancy just in case. It was a great session. I felt so amazing, and now I'm nauseous. This is day 2 of nausea. I don't think the acupuncture caused it because I got it yesterday too. Probably evil progesterone.