Ahhh I just wrote a ton and it disappeared! Grr.
Will try again, lol.
Wishing, I am so sorry about those damn tests!!!

And I understand wanting to take a break for a while - You are still super young and it will probably do you both good. But I hope you stick around here!!
iBeach, I am sorry AF got you

I haven't read too far back yet, but I hope that you are going to keep trying!!
Jess, I am praying hard for you - I am so glad that what was removed was likely the culprit!!! And your PM made my day, thank you. I also think you should call doctor - And what pain meds are you on? If it isn't percocet or plain oxycodone, ask for it - it is the strongest - and with oxycodone, you can take a higher dose without any risk to your liver as percocet has acetaminophen in it - That pain it the worst ever...After my surgery they kept me in the hospital for a few days, so was able to get IV meds which work 100 times better - but I hope they at least have you set up with decent medications. I was told to wait 3 months as well...of course I didn't...but didn't get pregnant, lol.
Aidensmommy, praying for you as well!
Everyone new - Hi!!


- I'm Amy
Soo I have had a really confusing cycle. Aside from the meltdown I had the other day that I posted about - things have gotten better. I had a spinal injection on Thursday for my foot. Unfortunately, it didn't work. About to call my pain dr about approval for the nerve ablation - and my Mom wants to see what it costs out of pocket. On thursday, I took the day off and around 6 pm started having chest pain - usually this is from anxiety - so I took my ativan and waited - didn't go away (i had a friend who died at 32 from not going to ER with chest pain, so I never take it lightly) Mom took me to ER, and they diagnosed pleurisy and gave me some percocet - it was REALLY bad Friday - jaw started hurting...felt like crap...went back to ER after work - they re diagnosed it as something minor and repeated chest xray and ekg which were fine. Weird. They were super busy and I think the dr wasn't as good as the Thursday one. Anyway. It is a bit better now - although foot hurts.
TTC news - on CD20 - BDed a little differently this cycle, rather than every other day - BD CD7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18 - got a positive digi CBOPK (finally after flashy smilies from day I believe 8 on) We did not BD Thursday or Friday

I had a negative OPK on Friday..CD17...We BDed in the AM on Sat CD18, and took another OPK that afternoon and was positive.?? So FF changed my ovulation date to Sunday, which puts me at 1dpo today. I have no idea what that meant. But the line after I ejected the test was much darker than the positive I had before....I used to ovulate much earlier in my cycle...like...CD12...15 at most. I am so confused. So now of course i am worried we missed BD on Friday (I didn't get home from hospital til 10 and Mike was tired) and we BDed around 11AM Saturday. Not sure if we will today, but like I was telling Jess, I don't have any EWCM and..it is LATE in cycle.
Ovulation cramping started around CD8, and lasted off and on until Saturday. I went to bed at 3am Sat night (technically Sunday AM) and slept until SEVEN AT NIGHT Sunday....I sleep a lot when I get the chance, but that was nuts. 16 hours.
We are going to make an OB appt if not pregnant this cycle - to ease Mike's mind, and mine - and get him referred for SA testing as well. Our sex life has seriously declined over the past couple of months. It is like a chore for him, and since we BD for baby making missionary, every time, it has become boring for him - I told him we should start doing other positions when we aren't baby making...but past few months when it isn't fertile time, that is just the easiest position.
The stress in his life is too much, too. He interviewed a guy on Thursday that he is bringing back for a second interview, and I am praying he can hire him. He has too much stress and work load..
I am hoping I can get in for that nerve ablation this Thursday to get rid of this damn foot pain for good (or for a while) cause it sucks...and stressed him out too.
Lately I feel like our relationship just isn't as good. He was really upset that he didn't get that big tax return he was expecting, and ended up owing...for making as much money as he does - I've never had a SO that was so...worried about money. He has a ton in savings..stocks...etc...but literally stresses like crazy over things as small as dinner, etc. I make a third of what he does, and I have picked up buying all of the ovulation and pregnancy tests, the prenatals, etc. And I often will just offer to buy dinner etc if we are home and order something because I don't want him to worry or stress. I make like a third of what he makes. On one hand, it is great he is so responsible, has great credit etc (mine is HORRIFIC and have a bankruptcy) but...for my birthday, we had a great dinner at a really expensive place (he left the receipt out the other day..not sure why, unless he was like, charting it on his expenses...or if it was for me to see...and it was $300....but he didn't get me flowers or anything else. Yes, 3 days before he found out he didn't get the refund and owed 2 grand...but...I dunno. I was a little hurt.
And then, we were supposed to go look at rings, this was something I asked to do for my birthday - it was Sunday April 6th...Trice is closed on Sundays, so we were going to go on Saturday, then go to dinner - but he asked if it would be OK if we waited until this last weekend because he thought even though we weren't buying anything that he would be a dick about it and possibly embarrass me at the store if they tried to sell us something....So I said of course that was fine..I had pretty much forgotten about it this weekend, and he either forgot or didn't care, he fertilized the grass instead and said nothing about it. Now i don't want to bring it up for next weekend or anything...Just hurts my feelings a bit. We are trying to have a baby but he isn't even interested in buying a ring etc...anyway..work is picking up now...
Thanks for reading my book, lol.
Love you girls, so much!
